The Library


"Finally," I say, slapping my hands against the sides of my body. "Took me 30 minutes and having to read ten different people's minds but I've finally found the public library."

A massive stone building, square-shaped and looking to be made completely from white marble, I notice tall glass windows that show me the library's three levels. Focusing my eyes, I look through the windows, hoping to see Alieen.

"Nothing," I say, my eyesight returning to normal. "Okay, as much as I hate to do this."

I suck in a breath and walk toward the front doors. Slowly pushing open one out of the two glass doors, I am hit with something I rarely feel; air conditioning.

"Wow," I say, feeling the refreshing cold air as it hits my face. "I must remember to try and find an air conditioning unit for the gas station.

Walking into the library, I am stunned by the library's very open lobby and desk with a woman standing behind her. Near the desk is a spinning staircase and as I look up, I see thousands upon thousands of books, all neatly and carefully placed on wooden shelves. I see people walking all around, and I do my best not to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. However, a few people look at me as I walk in and I stop.

"Oh no," I think, "What did I do? Why are people looking at me?"

Since the floor is shiny, I use it as a mirror and look at myself. When compare to the others in the library, I guess I do stand out a little. After all, no one is wearing a hoodie with a rip in the right sleeves.

"I will be here for a little bit," I say to myself, "And then I will have. I will not spend any more time here than is needed."

I think about walking up to the woman behind the desk but when she looks at me, I stop and instead, choose to walk up the spinning staircase.

Traveling up to the second floor, I look around. There are a bunch of people sitting around computers and a few sitting at tables with books in front of them, but none of them are Alieen. Having no real option left, I focus my power. I look through the floors and focus my hearing.

"Excuse me," someone says, "But are vending machines out of order again?"

"Yeah," someone else answers. "No snacks, but I got you a root beer."


I ignore that conversation and listen to another.

"And as the young boy pulls the sword from the stone," another person goes on, "He raises it high above his head. The morning sunlight reflects off the sword and everyone slowly bows as they see it."

"Excuse me," a little kid's voice interrupts.

"Yes," the person says.

"Who is that old man back there?"

"That's Merlin," the person answers. "He is one of Arthur's dear friends. He is also the one that sealed Excalibur into the stone so that only a noble person can pull it free."

"What are they talking about? Who is Arthur? Who is Merlin? Why did Merlin seal Excalibur into a stone and make it only so that a noble person can pull it free? Nevermind. I have to find Alieen."

Finding another conversation, this time, the person is talking to themselves.

"What happened," the person says, the sound of a page flipping echoing in my ears. "What happened? How did he do that? You can't turn a street into quicksand."

"Turn a street into quicksand," I repeat, looking around to find where the person is sitting. Sitting one floor above me, alone at a table, in the far corner, is Alieen.

"Yes, I have finally found her."

Running up the stairs to the third floor, I stop behind a bookshelf and peek around it. Alieen is sitting alone at a table, her attention completely on a book laying in front of us.

"Okay," I say, lending back and slamming my head against the bookshelf. "Okay. What to do? What to do? What should I do? What is the correct way to approach this? I imagine walking up to her is a bad option. Maybe I could try and say hello while staying back."

I play in my head how that could go. Staying about ten feet back and saying hello, I see Alieen looking up from her book and then immediately screaming, drawing everyone's attention.

"Yeah, I do not want that to happen. What other option do I have?"

I look around some more. At the current moment, there is no one, so I can use my power. I grab a book from a nearby shelf and rip out a page. I put the book back and search my pockets for something I can write with.

"Yes," I say, finding a pen in one of my pockets. Writing a message on the page, I crumble the page into a small ball and throw it into the air. Catching it with my telekinesis, I sent it floating toward Alieen.


"What in the world," I say, looking up after something hits me on the head. In front of me is a crumpled piece of paper. Looking around, I don't see anyone. Thinking it over for a bit, I uncrumple the paper. As I pull it apart and flatten it, I see a note written on the inside.

"Hey," the note starts, "Please do not be scared. I just want to talk with you."

"What," I say, shooting up from my seat. Looking around again, I see someone hiding behind a bookshelf. As soon as I see him, he ducks behind it.

"I think I'm a little too old to be receiving hand-written notes asking me out," I think, walking over to the person. However, as soon as I reach the end of the bookshelf and peek around, I don't see him.

"Weird. I thought I saw someone here."

Looking at the note again, another note hits my head and I look up. I think I see the same person hiding behind another bookshelf. This time, I pick up some speed and run to the bookshelf. To my surprise, there isn't anyone here.

"Am I losing my mind? I could have sworn I saw someone here, but wait. I can't be hallucinating."

I look at the pieces of paper in my hands. Another crumpled paper in my hands, I pull it apart and read the message on the inside.

"Hello. I come in peace. I do not want to hurt you. I just want to talk."

"So talk," I quietly yell. "Come on. I'm not a big fan of tag. I always hated the game. So either come out now and talk or I'm leaving."

Crossing my arms and tapping my foot, I look around for a few minutes before turning to leave. As I turn around, I cover my mouth and jump back. Standing right before me is the same person from before. The same person who somehow hypnotized Diana. The same who somehow turned the road into quicksand. It's the same person from the abandoned gas station.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't what the person who do. I want to scream but quickly cover my mouth.

"If I scream," I think, "I might be putting someone in danger. I can't do that."

The person sees me, he quickly backs away, holding up his hands the whole time. Backing away, the man, the young man, didn't see the table He bumps into it and when he did, he jumps forward and trips over a chair. Out of instinct, I run to help him up.

"Are you okay," I ask.

"I am fine," the young man answers, back on his feet. As soon as he's back on his feet, I jump back. Meanwhile, the young man holds up his hands again and back away. This time, he checks for tables.

"What do you want," I ask.

"I just want to talk with you," the young man replies. "My name is A."

"A," I repeat. "Like the letter A? It's not something like Alan or Adam."

"No," A says. "It is just A, and I just want to talk with you."


"Because as far as I know, there is something really special about you, and I have to know what it is."


"I will explain everything, I promise but for now, will you please guide me outside? I seem to have forgotten where the exits are."