Life Story


"Thank you for helping me find my way out," I say, embracing the sunlight as I exit the public library. "This is a very big building."

"You never been here," Alieen says. "Really? It's not exactly the Golden Gate Bridge but the library is still kind of famous. How long have you lived here?"

"I do not live in the city. I lived in that gas station you and your friend stumbled upon."

"You lived there?"

"Yes. That gas station is my home. I have lived there for a little over two years."

"Uhh, well, I lived in San Francisco for most of my life. I know the city very well."

"I am glad. As I stated before, I do not live here so I do not know the city very well. Nor do I want to. I prefer to keep to myself."

"If you prefer to keep to yourself," Alieen starts, leaning ahead of me while we walk. "Then why did you seek me out?"

"Because as I stated before, there is something really special about you."

"And you want to know why," Alieen says, finishing my sentence. "Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't know what is it you're after. I mean, as far as I know, there isn't really anything too special about me. I grew up in San Francisco, California. I'm an only child. Currently, I'm living with three of my closest friends. We all work part-time jobs to pay for the rent and food."

"That is it," I ask. "That is all. Nothing special you might have forgotten."

"No," Alieen says, "I'm afraid not. Like I said before, there isn't really anything too special about me."

"If there is nothing special about you, then why could I not read your mind?"

"Read my mind, wait, what? You tried to read my mind?"

"Yes. As you may have figured out, I am bad at social interaction. Hence, why I prefer to read people's minds instead of talking to them."

"So when you were reading my mind, what did you learn?"

"Nothing. For some unknown reason, I could not read your mind. In fact, the reason I fell onto the front of your friend's car is solely because I tried to read your mind."

"What are you talking about?"

"When I tried to read your mind, I received a headache."

"When you tried to read my mind, you received a headache?"

"Yes. In the past two years since I woke up, I--"

"Wait, what do you by since you woke up? What are you talking about?"

"Well, I guess I might as well tell you."

I look around for a little bit and see a nearby bench under a tree. Nudging my head toward the bench, Alieen nods her head and follows after me. The two of us sitting down, I start to tell Alieen my story.

"Do you remember what I told you about the gas station?"

"Yeah. You told me less than a minute ago. You told me you've been living in the gas station for a little over two years."

"Well, shortly that, I had just woken up in an alleyway."

I slowly explain to Alieen everything that happened to me over the last two years. I talked about waking up in the alleyway and the headache. I mentioned how Peter and Chris tried to rob me and how I fought back.

"Oh my god," Alieen says, holding her hands over her mouth.

"Do not worry," I say, shaking my hand. "I did not end them. I simply knocked them out. I did, however, picked their pockets and got away with seven dollars and 86 cents.

I ignore the fact that Alieen is shaking her head and go on with my life story.

"Afterward, I tried to find out who I am. I searched and searched and searched, but so far, I have always come up empty. In my search, I stumbled upon the gas station and realizing I would need a place to stay, chose to live in it. I do enjoy it. It is quiet and peaceful. Most of the time."

"Yeah," Alieen chuckles. "Sorry about that. We didn't mean to disturb you. We just got lost. Really, really lost."

As Alieen chuckles, she also smiles, and when I see it, I feel something in my chest. It feels fine.

"No," I say, "It is okay. As odd as it may seem, I am a little glad to have been disturbed by both you and Diana."

I let out a sigh when upon realizing that is the end of my story.

"So that's it," Alieen asks. "That's everything?"

"Yes. My whole life. The two years I can remember. Everything before that is nothing. I cannot remember my name, or where I come from, or anyone I care about. Assuming there was someone I cared about."

My hands close in on each other, the fingers brushing against one another, my thumbs then start to battle.

"That is why I sought you out. I figured since your mind seems immune to my power, there had to be a reason why, but if it is true what you said that there is nothing special about you, then this whole thing had been nothing more than a waste of our time. And for that, I am truly sorry."

I look at Alieen and nod my head. Her smile disappears when I nodded my head, and I now know it is time for me to go.

"Thank you for everything," I say, getting up and walking about. About to teleport away, I am startled when Alieen grabs my hand. Immediately, I feel her soft hand, and strangely, I feel my face gets hot.

"Wait," she says, "You said you've been living in that gas station for two years, right?"


"Well, this may be assuming a little too much," Alieen starts, "But am I right in assuming that your little gas station had no power?"

"Yes, you would be correct."

"So can I ask you something?"

"Uhh, sure. What is it?"

"How was the last time you had something hot to eat?"

"Excuse me?"

Alieen lets out a sigh.

"Before you return to your dusty gas station, come back to my and my friend's apartment and enjoy and a hot meal with us."

"No," I say, shaking my head, and pulling free of Alieen's hand. "No. I cannot do that. That, that would be wrong."

"Why not? What's wrong with that?"

"Well, for one, I am very uncomfortable around people. In fact, I am very uncomfortable around a person."

"It will just be me and three of my friends. I'm sure you'll survive one afternoon with four people."

"Also, I am a stranger, and while I am not entirely sure what it means, I have heard the phrase stranger danger."

"If you really were a danger, I mean, an actual danger, then you would have done something by now. I don't think you're a danger. I think you're just lost and confused. And one of the best remedies for when you are lost and confused is a hot meal with some decent people."

"Are you sure? That does not sound right."

"Believe me, it helps. It will give your mind some time to rest and gives your stomach something to work on. Come on, we have to hurry before the bus leaves without us."

"Wait," I say, "Did you not hear what I said? I feel uncomfortable around people. Take my hand and I will show you a shorter way to your apartment building."

"You know my apartment building," Alieen says, taking my hand.

"Uhh. No. Please tell me which way to go. Also, please hold on."

Looking around, I see that we are alone. In this one second, before anyone can see us, I teleport Alieen and me back to her apartment building. At least, I try to. For some reason, I could not teleport Alieen and me back to her apartment building.

"What are you doing," Alieen asks, looking around.

"I was trying to get us back to your apartment," I answer. "I guess that is something else I cannot use."

Having to bite my tongue, I look at Alieen.

"I guess I am taking the bus. Oh, I cannot wait."