

"Why are you holding your breath," Alieen asks as the two of us walk up the sidewalk toward her apartment building. Holding onto a street sign before I collapse, I finally open my mouth and let out a big breath.

"So many people," I pant, thinking back to how crowded the bus was. Despite sitting next to Alieen, I still felt very uncomfortable on the bus. There were just so many people. There was someone directly behind me who kept on breathing on my neck. Near the end of the bus ride, he started to cough loudly, and fearing for the worst, I started to hold my breath.

"I miss my powers," I think as I push myself up. "I could teleport, and I had no need to take the bus."

Rubbing my back, Alieen then guides me up the stairs to her front door. She pushes open the door and steps to the side.

"Welcome to my home," Alieen says, waving her arm.

Hesitate to enter, I take in a deep breath before stepping in.


"So what do you think," I ask as I close the front door. "Not bad for four part-timers uh?"

The apartment building is small but it still comes with a second floor. On the first floor are the restroom, our kitchen, and the living room. There are some stairs that lead to the second floor and on the second floor are the bathroom and the two bedrooms; Alfred's and Matt's bedroom, and Lafayette's and my room.

"This is wonderful," he says.

"Thank you," I say. I open my mouth to say something but stop.

"Hey, it's you," Matt says, greeting us as he walks into the narrow hallway with us. "Hey, Alieen. Hey A. Glad to see you again."

Matt then rises his hand. I think Matt is waiting for A to high-five him, but A just stands still. He looks at me before turning back to Matt.

Matt says, rising his hands. I think Matt is waiting for A to high-five him, but A just stand still. He looks at me before turning to Matt.

"Uhh, glad to see you too."

A's hands stay at his sides, and eventually, Matt lowers his hands.

"Yeah," Matt says, clearing his throat. "Anyway, congratulations on finding Alieen."

"Wait," I say, "You knew he was trying to find me? You know A?"

"Uhhh," Matt starts, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah. I may or may not have told A where to find you."

"You morons," Lafayette says, walking in behind. The second she can, she slaps Matt on the back of his head.

"Ouch," Matt moans, rubbing the back of his head once more.

"Matt, what did I say about giving information to complete stranger. Come on, get this guy out of here."

Walking right up to A, Leia starts to push him out but I stop her.

"Leia," I say, "What are you doing? Knock off it."

"Alieen," Leia says, "This is all sort of bad news. Inviting complete strangers into our apartment. Especially considering that complete stranger's name is A."

"I am not a complete stranger," A says. "Leia."

"My friends called me Leia," Leia interrupts. "You are not my friend, so you have to call me by my full name. Lafayette."

"Lafayette," A repeats. "Well, Ms. Lafayette, know that I do understand your reasons for concern. For what it is worth, I promise I am not here to do any harm. In fact, it was not even my intention to come here. Alieen invited me. For lunch."

"Alieen," Leia says. "Why?"

"Because it had been a long time since A had a hot meal," I answer. "And I wanted to help him."

"Ahhh," Leia moans, rising her head while her arms fall to her sides. "Ahh, fine. A can join us for lunch, but afterward, I want him out of the building. Deal?"

"I understand," A says, nodding his head.

I bump A in his arm after Leia turns away.

"You don't have to leave right away," I say, "You can stay if you want."

"No," A says, "I am okay. What is for lunch?"

"Hmm," I start, thinking it over. "If I remember correctly, I think today's lunch is supposed to be big. It's one of the rare occasions where we all have the day off so we decided to cook something fancy."

"Hmm, about that," Matt chuckles as the four of us walk through the living room and into the kitchen. From the living room, I can see Alfred standing by the kitchen counter. On the kitchen counter are four plates with sandwiches and potato chips on them.

"Oh hey Alieen," Alfred says, putting down his sandwiches to wave at me. "And hey you. A, right?"

"Hello Alfred," A says, waving back at him. "Uhh, how are you doing today?"

"I'm fine," Alfred replies. Looking at the counter, he nods his head and walks over to a cabinet. In only a few seconds, he pulls out another plate and places it on the counter before throwing some potato chips on the plate.

"Give me a few minutes," he says, now running over to another cabinet. Pulling out half a loaf of bread, he grabs two slices and put them into our toaster. "For the record, next time we have guests, I would appreciate a head-up. Believe me, when I say this, it's uncomfortable to eat ahead of people. And that goes for both parties."

"It is okay," A says, "I do not mind waiting. Thank you for including me."

"Don't mention it," Alfred says, returning to his seat.

"Hey," I say, taking my seat next to Alfred and Leia. "What happened to the big and fancy lunch we were planning?"

"Yeah," Matt says, chuckling. "About that. As I was about to tell you before, III.."

"Matt accidentally spilled the soup," Leia answers, tossing a chip into her mouth.

"What," I laugh, turning to Matt as his face turns red and he looks away.

"It was an accident," Matt yells. "I was stirring the soup when I heard someone knocking. I went to answer it, and well, that was when it happened."

"I know," Leia says, smiling. "I was there. I had to clean up most of the spilled soup, you clumsy bastard."

"Okay," I say, gripping my sandwiches with both my hands. "I know what happened to our fancy soup, but what happened to that pizza we all worked to make."

"That," Matt says, smiling, "I am glad to say is not my fault."

Matts swings his hands around in circles before pointing at Leia. Leia rolls her eyes before throwing a potato chip at Matt.

"Thanks," Matt says, smiling and eating the chip.

"I lost track of time and accidentally left the pizza in the oven for a bit too long. By the time I remember, it was, well, it was..."

"Basically charcoal," Alfred finishes. "No, not basically charcoal. It was indeed charcoal. In fact, I think if we had a grill, we could actually use it to have a barbecue."

"That would be awesome," I say, smiling and laughing. "Hey, you guys want some barbecue tonight? Come on, where's that charcoal pizza?"

"It's in the trash," Leia yells, "And it is staying there."


While I listened to Alieen, Alfred, Matt, and Lafayette laugh, talk, and eat, I cannot help but feel uncomfortable. Not as uncomfortable as when I was sitting on the bus, but still very uncomfortable.

"This look like," I start but stop. I am having a hard time trying to find the right word. "This looks like fun. Is that right? I have never been a part of anything like this before. It is very noisy, and very crowded, and yet, as I look around, I see people smiling and talking with one another. It seems a bit odd, and yet, still a little fun."

"Oh hey," Alieen says, getting up from her seat. "Your toasts are ready."

"I can get it," I say, but Alieen stops me.

"No, no, I got it," Alieen says, putting up her hands. "Let me do it."

I watch as Alieen runs to grab the toasts and put them on another plate. Opening a fridge, she then grabs a bunch of stuff and prepares me a large sandwich.

"Enjoy," Alieen says, sitting down again.

"Thank you," I say, grabbing the sandwich. As I hold it in my hands, I can feel the hot toast.

"It had been a while since I had something hot to eat," I think. "In fact, I cannot remember the last time I had hot food."

I turn to look at Alieen.

"Thank you."