

Dusting the last of the sand from my clothes, I look toward the sun as it starts to rise. The night sky turns light orange. With the added light, I can search now.

"Where is it," I ask, "Where is it?"

I replay all of last night in my head.

Using my telekinesis power, I had just grabbed the mysterious figure. Trapped within my grip, I flew toward him. He struggled and struggled to get out but my grip was strong. However, the figure managed to pull out one arm. He then reaches into his pocket and threw a bottle of something at me. The something, whatever it is, burn me so badly that I lost my focus. With the focus gone, the figure broke free of my telekinesis grip and flew away. Meanwhile, in order to stop the burning, I had to through sand and rubbed it off.

"He was there," I say, holding out my hand toward the sky. "And I was there. I was then flying toward him, and then he threw the bottle. So the bottle should be around here somehow."

Once more, looking at the desert ground, I wander in circles for a bit before finally finding it. There, laying on the sand, open and spilling is the plastic water bottle. Running over to it, I grab the bottle but the second my fingers touch it, they immediately start to burn and I have to stand back.

Screaming as the fingers burn once more, I jump to the floor and rub my hand through the sand.

"What is that," I say as I shake my hand. The burning feeling fading, I reach for the bottle again but stop.

"I did this once already and I did not end well. Why am I doing it again?"

Pulling back, I use my telekinesis power to levitate the bottle. Still standing away from it, I narrow my eyes and focus. Zooming in on the bottle, I do my best to examine it.

"This does not look like any special," I think, rotating the bottle. "It looks like any other water bottle anyone can buy. But if that is true, how did it burn me?"

While studying the bottle, I notice some sunlight reflecting off of it. Only, it is not reflecting off the bottle but the liquid.

"The water," I say. "It is the water or the liquid. Whatever it is. It is all over the bottle, and that is why it burns me. Well, that is one mystery solved, but there is still the big mystery of what the liquid is. It looks so much like water. It flows like water, but it cannot be water. Water had never hurt me before. Could this be some sort of special water?"

I shake my head.

"Special water? I must be insane. Still."

As I think it over, I look at the remaining water inside. Most of the water is already gone, spilled either during my fight or onto the desert floor. At the very most, there is about one capful of water still inside. Looking down, I see some wet sand.

"I will come back for that," I say, disappearing into a black mist. Teleporting directly into the gas station, I carefully and gently place the bottle in my fridge. Once the bottle is secure, I look around for another container.

"This will work," I say, finding an old paper cup. Teleporting back outside, I use my power to pick up the wet sand and dump it into the paper cut. Picking up the last of the wet sand, I teleport back into my gas station and place the cup on my fridge.

"What are you," I ask, looking at the sand. Wanted to examine it closely but not wanting to get burned again, I have no choice but to pull my hand back.

"I cannot do anything with this now," I think to myself, "So I guess I will just leave it here."

Turning away, I look around my room.

My room is still a mess from last night's fight. My bed and dresser are still turned over, and there is a giant hole in my floor. About to put everything back in order, I stop myself.

"The figure knew where I lived," I told myself. "He knew exactly where I lived. Why? Hardly anyone knows I lived here. Hardly anyone ever come here, so how did that person know about this place? That person. That person is like me. He had power too. He is special. Or she is special. Alieen."

I raise my head.

"Could the person from last night be Alieen? No way. It cannot be, but who else? Who else knows I lived all the way out here? Who else had powers? When I tried to wipe her memory, she resisted me. She is special. She does have power. But why would she try and destroy me? And why would she not use any of her power before? This is too much. I have to see her again."

Shooting my arms down, I walk a few steps before teleporting. Walking out of the black mist, I look up to see Alieen's apartment building.

"I am sorry about this Alieen, but you and I need to have a very serious talk."

Walking up the stair, I am about to knock on the door but someone stops me.

"Hey," Matt quietly yells from behind me. Turning around, I see him running up the stairs down me. While he is still wearing his beanie with the phrase "Have An Awesome Day", he is not wearing his purple and black hoodie. Instead, he is wearing a dark-blue, short-sleeved shirt with a name on it.

"Shooting Star Video," the name read.

"What are you doing here," Matt asks, "So early in the morning. Wow, you are a real morning person."

"Hello Matt," I say, nodding my head. "I am here to see Alieen."

"Ohhh," Matt says, nodding his head. "You're here to see Alieen. I get it."

Matt then winks at me.

"Yes," I say, nodding my head. "I am here to see Alieen."

I wink my own eye.

"That felt weird," I think as I open my eyes. "I am never winking again."

"Well, I'm sorry to say this," Matt starts, "Like, I am really sorry to say this. I'm a big fan of romance. Don't tell anyone this, but I have this app on my phone, it's called Lovestruck."

Matt clears his throat.

"But I'm afraid I can't let you in."

Stepping back, I place my hand behind my back and begin to focus my power. Preparing a telekinesis blast, I wait for it.

"What not," I ask.

"Because it's way, way too early," Matt answers. He points toward the morning sun. "It's barely six in the morning, and minus myself, no one in this apartment gets up until seven. It doesn't matter if there's a fire or an earthquake or it's raining bacon. Nothing will get the others up this early."

I turn my head and look up at the apartment.

"Matt is right," I say, focusing my hearing. I do not hear anything. There are no footsteps or voices anywhere in the building. The only sound I hear is snoring. Well, actually I do hear a voice. I think it is Lafayette.

"Hmm," she moans, "No. Nooo. That's my Krabby Patty. Go away Plankton. Go away."

"What is the world is she dreaming about," I ask, still looking up.

"Hey," Matt says, reaching for me. "What do you have behind me? Let me guess. Is it a big box of chocolates?"

"What," I say. Before I can react, Matt grabs my arm and pulls it forward. As he pulls my arm forward, my telekinesis blast goes on and hits right in his chest. Screaming as he falls down the street and onto the sidewalk, I chase after him.

"Matt," I yell, grabbing his head and raising it. Matt is still breathing but it is not normal. It is quiet and slow. I am no doctor, but even I know this kind of breathing is bad.

"Oh no, no, no," I say, looking around. Because it is early in the morning, no one is around, and hence, no one had seen what I had done. Still, that does not mean I can leave Matt behind. As strange and annoying and weird as he is, he still needs help.

"Hold on," I say, grabbing Matt and throwing him on my back. "Come on. Please work. Please work."

Focusing my thought, I take a very deep breath. Matt and I then disappear into a black mist.