

"What, what happened," I say, opening my eyes to see the blue sky. As I open my eyes, I immediately get a headache. Moaning as I push myself up, I look around. "What in the world?"

Shaking my head, to be sure I'm not going crazy, I look around again.

"Am I," I say, pushing myself to my feet. "Am I on our roof? Why am I on our roof? How did I even get here?"

Thinking back to the last thing I remember, I was talking with A. We were down on the staircases, and when I reached for something behind him, something hit me.

"Oh my god," I scream, looking down. I didn't see anything examining my chest, legs, and then my arms. I'm not bleeding, and I don't see any holes. A didn't shoot me. He didn't shoot me, but did he hit me? Is that why I'm blacked out?

"Why would A punch me," I ask. "I mean, yeah, I tried to take a peek at whatever gift you got for Alieen but that doesn't mean you have to punch and knock me out?"

"I did not punch you," someone says from behind.

Screaming and jumping, I look to see A standing right before me, with crossed arms.

"Hello Matt," he says, nodding his head.

My survival instinct kicking me, I bring up my fists and start to bounce away.


"Okay," Matt yells, jumping up and down. "I don't know what you did, but know this. You made a big mistake just now!"

"I know," I think, looking at Matt moving his hands up and down. "I know I made a big mistake."

Still jumping up and down, Matt looks ready to punch me. He shields his face with his hands and jumps toward me.

"I should know, I have seen so many action films and kung-fu films, and have copied some of their moves! You don't stand a chance!"

I shake my head.

"Matt, for what it is worth, I am sorry about this."

Walking up to Matt, he jumps to the side and punches me but I block and grab his fist. Letting out some sort of strange battle cry I guess, Matt screams and flattens his hand before hitting me on the neck. Matt screams again but this time, it is not a battle cry. Instead, it is a cry of pain.

"Ouch," he yells, shaking his hand. "Ouch. What, what is your neck made from? Iron?"

Still shaking his hand, I shake my head again and grab Matt's hand. My hand wraps around his wrist, I breathe through my nose and make my hand glow. The glow travels to Matt's hand, it heals his hand, and the purple bruise vanishes seconds later.

Matt's jaw drops open, he looks right at me with wide eyes. He stutters over and over again until finally he practically throws up his words.

"Wow," he yells, louder than anything he previously yelled so far. "Oh my god. Oh my god."

Rubbing his hands against the sides of his head, Matt starts to walk in a small circle.

"Matt," I say, holding out my hand. "I can examine."

Stopping, Matt then looks right at me with the same wide eyes.

"Well, actually I cannot examine. You see, I have no memory of who I am or how I got these powers."

"These powers," Matt repeats, "Wait, you have more superpowers? More than super healing? Oh my god, oh my god."

"Matt," I say, taking a step forward. As Matt keeps on saying oh my god, he places his hand over his heart. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay," Matt repeats, pulling back his head. "A, I am beyond okay. This, this right here, this is beautiful. It is so beautiful."

"Beautiful," I repeat. "Okay. I am lost."

"A," Matt says, putting his hands on my shoulders and I immediately slap them away.

"A," Matt repeats, stepping back. "Answer me honestly. Are you a superhero?"

"No," I answer. "No, I am not a superhero."

"You're not a superhero, but you have superpowers. Wait, are you, a supervillain?"

"No Matt, I am not a supervillain. I am not a superhero or a villain. I am just someone with a lot of different powers."

"Like what? Like what? Like what? Tell me. Tell me. Tell me."

"Uhh," I say, stepping back. "Uhh, I have the power of telekinesis."

"Telekinesis," Matt repeats, "Like you can move things with your mind. That's awesome. What's else? What else?"

A little scared now, I take another step back.

"Uhh, I can also teleport. In fact, that is how we got up here."

"Teleportation. The power to quickly move from one spot to another. What's else?"

"I can shoot ice and fire from my hands. I can fly. I can read and erase minds. Wait."

Slapping myself in the face as I lower and shake it, I look back up at Matt. About to enter Matt's mind, something happens and forces me back. It feels like I had just run into a brick wall and now, that brick wall is pushing me back. Despite my best effort, I cannot enter Matt's mind.

Dropping to my knee, I start to feel a headache coming on.

"Hey," Matt yells, "Were you trying to read my mind? You know, reading other people's minds is very rude. It's up there with saying please and thank you, and not eating with your mouth open, and, and, and how are you okay?"

Matt runs toward me, he helps me to my feet. My head stays aching as I stand, I stumble a bit but Matt catches me.

"Okay," Matt says, "I'll ask. What happened? What's going on? I mean, did I miss something important? Why can't you stand all of a sudden?"

"It is your fault," I answer. Steadying myself, I can finally stand on my own two feet.

"My fault? What did I do? I don't have any superpowers. At least, not yet. I have my fingers crossed, but until then, I don't have any superpowers."

"If you do not have any superpowers," I start, "Then why can I not enter your mind?"

"Because the mind is a private place," Matt answers, tapping his head. "And people, and superheroes, should not enter a person's mind. At least, not without permission."

"I am not a superhero," I correct.

"And I didn't give you permission to enter my mind," Matt says, crossing his arms. "But for now, let's put those aside. What do you mean, you can't enter my mind?"

"I mean what I said. For some strange reasons, I cannot enter your or Alieen's mind."

"Wait, wait, wait," Matt says, shaking his hands. "You tried to enter Alieen's mind? Wow, that sounds bad."

"I only did it because she learned where I am living and of my powers. When I tried to enter her mind, I suddenly got a headache. The same thing happened when I tried to enter your mind. It was not as powerful as the one I received when trying to enter Alieen's mind, but it was still strong enough to knock me off balance."

As I finish talking with Matt, I realize something.

"Matt," I say, "When I tried to enter your mind, I got a headache. I got a headache."

"Uhh, do you want a Tylenol?"

"No, that is not what I am talking about. When I tried to enter either your or Alieen's mind, I got headaches. What is that? Matt, please tell me. What is special about you?"