Chapter 1: Blaze

"I know what I am doing. Shut the fuck up or I will come back and shove your earpiece up your ass." Blaze whisper screamed at Blade, her favorite accomplice which normal eighteen year olds would call as bestie with atleast two hearts and five kissing emojis.

Blaze took off her earpiece as Blade's warnings of "Do not shoot him in public," were getting too annoying for her. She needed silence to think. She was on a mission after all. It was simple, atleast for her. This was something she had been doing since she was fourteen.

She had learnt what she was exactly supposed to do.

Step 1: Track an asshole.

Step 2: Steal or snatch whatever they

are running off with.

Step 3: Take them down real quick.

She called Eagle with her assigned phone. Changing your phone was important when you are on a killing spree and when you are a member of one of the most dangerous assassination out there- W. I. P. E. O. U. T

"What the hell are you doing? Can't you even hack the cameras of a subway now? Seriously hurry up!" Blaze was almost about to explode. There was no such thing as thin as her patience.

A train stopped in front of her. She could see her reflection on its windows. She touched her dyed, black, shoulder length hair. She remembered how she had blond waist length hair, they were soft. But now all the texture was gone. Nothing about her was delicate anymore. She was a monster stuck inside the frame of a 5"3, pale girl. She stared at how relaxed her face was. Her oval face with a scar running down from the left corner of her chin to the upper portion of her throat. The scar she got from when a policeman was trying to see her face.

She finally met her own eyes, black totally black. She quickly looked down. Looking at her own eyes was a task she could never bring herself into doing. She was scared of seeing the little Clara who would come on the surface and destroy everything Blaze has achieved.

Her phone rang, yanking her back to her reality which was war, blood and pain and it could never be anything else for her.

"Stop gawking at yourself, you narcissistic bitch! I found him. He is coming towards you. It's time for his train next." Eagle told Blaze with the most irritating voice, they can ever make. It made Blaze roll her eyes and put her phone back into her school uniform's skirt's pocket, which was red with criss-cross black strips. She fixed her white shirt, blue blazer and tie. She signed and remembered how assassins were portrayed in movies, wearing all black, holding a gun in their hand and always working at night. Like only a shitface would work that way. A killers gotta kill silently not yell at the whole world and say Hey! I am here to kill, now let's have a very good action scene!

She laughed at that image but then she realised that she was alone and this was not a good time to be tagged as a psycho. Especially when she was trying to blend in with the crowd. She looked at her watch 1:45 pm, it said. She turned around to take a look at the crowd and there he was. A man in a sunglass and a mask in the subway. Clearly to hide his face.

Blaze summoned her phone again and went through her camera roll, there she found the photo of a man with a nose like shrek, residing hairline and one of his eyes was swollen shut. Since the photo was a day older so there was no doubt what the man was actually hiding behind his glasses but Blaze was a professional. She had to be sure.

She then bumped into the man and very profiently pulled his sunglasses in the process. It fell noiselessly on the busy subway plateform, revealing the purple shelled eye of his. The man hurriedly brought it back to cover his eyes and muttered a quick appology to her.

She smirked at his reaction, if it would have been a 6 ft well built man then he would have been cautious but nobody ever doubts a frail school girl.

The expecting train arrived. Blaze quicky took out her glasses from her school bag. It was actually a thermal camera. It was important to see where was her item hidden with her- soon- to- be-victim. She pulled it on her eyes and activated it with the click of a button. Everything appeared in blue, red and yellow now.

She set her eyes on her victim and followed him into the train. It wasn't too much crowded. But both of them still couldn't occupy any seats. It was a jackpot for Blaze, she could stand closer to the man. Things became easier for her to proceed the next step. She stood just behind the man, without touching obviously. She didn't want a man to accuse her of grabbing his butt.

After a few minutes of creepily staring at the man, she found a small box, well-kept in his office bag. Blaze signed and not in contentment. It was more like "Here we go again."

She took out her phone and texted Blade. Found it, step 2 activated.

On mah way my love. The text Blade recieved back. She rolled her eyes on that. Blaze could imagine Blade saying this to her, extending the 'o' in the word love and batting her eyelashes at her.

She put her phone back. She was keeping track of the time for the next stop where she could get off with her stupid victim. It was almost two minutes from the next stop and that's when she carefully summoned a pre-loaded GHB syringe from her bag. Carrying a bag around was one of the reasons Blaze loved disguising as a school girl. She had two glock 19 guns in her bag and nobody could ever fathom that.

Even before the man could respond, Blaze pushed the syringe pump into his left wrist. She could notice that the man had started to slow down. His grip on the train holder was loosening. But she didn't want him to faint in the train. It would be so chaotic and it would gain unwanted attention.

The train stopped. She grabbed his arm firmly. He tried to shake her off but his recent physical condition was not in a place for a fight. She got off the train with a very wobbling man. She was confused how nobody found it suspicious.

Blaze hurridly put her earpiece in her ear and said, "Eagle! Find me an isolated place now!"

"Stop being like that bitch. I am working on it. Wait a minute." She received a reply from the other side of the phone. "Found it! I am sending you the directions."

"Oh thank you." Blaze said as sarcastically as possible. Then she put on her other glasses which worked more or less like a phone. She received Eagle's directions and half dragged, half carried this man towards it. He was almost unconscious.

She finally reached an abandoned area of the subway station. The type of place which are popular in horror movies, the area where no one goes so the CCTV cameras are either turned off or are disfunctional. She was about to ask something to Eagle, when the other person responded.

"There are two of them, which are broken so have fun."

Good, she thought to herself. The man was laying flat, unmoving on the ground. Blaze didn't even bother to check if he was concious or not. She went straight for the package, retrieved it and put it safely in her bag.

She pulled out her favorite thing from the bag. One of her glock 19. It had a pitch black metallic body with finger spaces on the grip. She smiled at it. For Blaze her guns weren't just something used for killing. For her, they made her feel alive. Gave her a sense of power and security. Made her feel that whatever she was doing is alright and Blaze is her present. Whenever she held one, she felt complete.

"Goodbye sucker." She said and wiggled her fingers at him. She then aimed her glock 19 on his forehead and pulled a trigger without any guilty conscience.

But her luck for today was already over. If only it lasted for five more minutes.

Two station officials just happened to be taking a stroll in an abandoned dark area. Blaze was constantly praying to let her go unnoticed. But all her prayers went in vain. As if God would answer the prayers of an assassin, she thought to herself. She can't get caught.

"Hey! You what are you doing here?One of the officers with brown hair said, more like exclaimed. Then his eyes darted at the dead body and back at her. Both of the officials' eyes bulged out. It didn't even take a second before Blaze was being hold at gunpoint and one of them started to talk on his walkie-talkie.

Fuck, Blaze thought.
