Chapter 2: W.I.P.E.O.U.T


    "Hey! You what are you doing here? One of the officers with brown hair said, more like exclaimed. Then his eyes darted at the dead body and back at her. Both of the officials' eyes bulged out. It didn't even take a second before Blaze was being hold at gunpoint and one of them started to talk on his walkie-talkie.

Fuck, Blaze thought.


       "We need immediate assistance in plateform number 12. I repeat we need immediate assistance in plateform number 12." The brown head said in the walkie-talkie, his voice full of concern.

     "You! Do not dare to move and keep your hands behind your head or I swear to God I will kill you!" The other officer said, more like screamed.

      Blaze's right hand was on the cable, very discreetly tied on her waist and while pretending to put her hands behind her head, she attached it's hook end to the foot of the guy holding the gun and yanked him hard causing him to fall on his back. But the guy with brown hair was quick on his reflexes. He brought out his gun but a knife landed on his arm which was holding the gun and he shrieked in pain.

      Blaze took that opportunity to shoot him straight on his forehead. Funny how a person worrying about a stranger's death just a while ago was dead himself.

     "Cool," said a woman's voice as she landed on her feet beside the guy who was thrown by Blaze and shot him point blank on his head.

     "Cooler," she said, pulled off her glasses and winked at blaze with her honey coloured eyes.

      "First of all, thanks Blade. Second of all, you are late and third of all, are you wearing two hoodies by yourself?" Blaze asked to this woman who saved her life right now.

       Blade took off her black mask and sunglasses to reveal her chocolate coloured skin. The type of skin which would radiate the perfect glow when sun kisses her cheeks. She had angular shaped face with sharp jawline, unlike Blaze, Blade's face and 5"8 body screamed powerful from all sides.

       "First of all, you are welcome. Second of all, I am not late. I just made a heroic entry here. Third of all, yes, I am wearing two black hoodies on top of a black T-shirt and I am wearing my sexy black latex leggins and my favorite black boots and I am looking awesome." Blade replied with her regular overflow of self-confidence.

       Blaze rolled her eyes and said, "Now, give me one of your hoodies so I can cover my disguise." Blaze said while putting on a blue tracksuite pant and her own black mask.

      "Woah! You really shot that dude on his forehead from this distance" Blade said while pulling of one of her hoodie and pointing at the station official whom Blaze just killed.

     "Then again, you literally shoot people who stand floors below you. Blaze is one of our best shooters." Blade said, mimiking the last sentence like Floyd, one of their seniors. That made Blaze laugh.

     "I think you should put it on fast, your nipples are perky. Not that I am complaining." Blade said while handing Blaze her hoodie.

     "Shut the fuck up!" Blaze said putting on her hoodie and zipping it up as if her life depended on it. Not to mention her face was the colour of a ripe tomato. It made Blade burst into laughter. Teasing her accomplice was her favorite thing to do after knife throwing.

     "Let's leave now alright. Before some other fuck up land up on my face." Blaze said and wished she didn't say anything. She was really questioning her luck right now.

      A bunch of station officials could be heard talking. Blaze and Blade could tell there was more than three of them. They looked at each other with distress.

      "That is the way out. Fuck." Blade told Blaze who was calcullating how fast she can kill all of them. Both of them took out their guns and looked at each other. Their eyes signing a silent agreement.

       "We can't kill so many people you know that right? W.I.P.E.O.U.T will be in trouble. We need to escape but without killing." Blade said with thoughtful eyes. Blaze could only nod at her. She didn't want another front page news about her. W.I.P.E.O.U.T was already going through a lot of shit with the government trying to track them and all.

       "Do you have the gas bombs?" Blaze asked.

        "Yes, good idea. Wear this gas mask." Blade said while handing out a mask to Blaze after putting on hers first.

        "But we still are going to be in the news tomorrow." Blaze sighed. They had to go undercover for a few days again. Making small deliveries.

       "We can't help it. This is the best option we are left with." Blade said and reached out her hand towards Blaze.


      "You guys did what?! No seriously, I leave you unsupervised and both eighteen year olds kill two station officials and make twelve of them faint!" Eagle screamed at Blade and Blaze who were nicely sitting on the brown leather couch of the headquaters of W.I.P.E.O.U.T.

      Blaze started laughing. She had a very bad habbit of laughing during serious moments. Blade joined her too. While, Eagle was looking furious. They ran their hands through their hair, which had a left undercut and dyed red, long hair on the other side which reached a bit below their shoulder. Blaze was absolutely in awe with their hairstyle and had tried doing it when she was sixteen but failed. Not everyone can slay in an undercut after all.

      "Listen you kids-" Eagle started only to be interrupted by Blade.

      "Don't call us kids, you're not that old yourself." Blade said while rolling her eyes.

      "First of all you little shit, I am twenty-four. But that's something we'll talk about later. Now, tell me why did you girls do that?" Eagle said, scratching their stubble and then changing their tone to dead serious in the last sentence which made Blaze and Blade gulp.

      "Okay, Easy. Calm down. We had no other option. Well the other option was to kill them all but we did not consider it. So... We are sorry." Blaze said, while pretending to be cute. Eagle was considering forgiving them. It was clear in their grey eyes. But Blade was cringing in the background.

      "Alright, fine." Eagle rolled their eyes and continued, "Anyways, back to business." That grabbed both Blaze's and Blade's attention.


   "You girls need to do a very important delivery. You don't need to kill anyone. Just do a simple delivery."

     "Who the fuck told you that we are interested in making "important deliveries?" Blaze said, double quoting the "important deliveries," with her fingers.


      "It's from the government, you idiot!" Eagle said. But even they were confused as to what they were saying. After all

W.I.P.E.O.U.T worked against the government not for the government.

      Blaze and Blade looked at each other, bewildered.

       "Fuck." Blaze said.

       "Don't you know any appropriate word!" Scolded Eagle. While Blade's lower jaw was touching the floor.
