Come To Bed With Me


Charles woke me up by pulling on my arm. "Aaron, Aaron, it's time to eat dinner."

"Don't call me Aaron for now, okay? Call me Zachary, or Zach for short." I stood up and stretched. I noticed that Katherine and Christina were already gone.

"Why? Kath said to call her Reyna. Why are you guys changing your names?" Charles tilted his head, looking at me with a confused expression.

"Because there are bad people who are looking for us," I explained patiently. "We don't want them to find us, do we?" Charles shook his head. "Changing our names makes sure that people don't know who we are, so it's harder for the bad people to find us. So, make sure to call me Zach and Katherine Reyna, okay?"

"Okay, Zach." Charles said happily. "Let's go eat."

Josephine prepared a delicious dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, creamy mushroom pasta, and vegetable soup. The children ate as if they had been starving for a week, often remarking how tasty the food was. Josephine beamed and put more roast beef into their plates, while Katherine smiled softly and told them to eat their vegetables.

Josephine asked us a few questions, such as where we were from, where we're going, and who we were. Katherine, still distrustful of Josephine, gave her short, curt answers. The atmosphere was quickly strained, which I tried to soften by answering Josephine in longer sentences and a nicer way. 'I really don't understand why girls have to act like they're enemies, especially around a guy…'

After dinner, Josephine brought out some cake that she had baked earlier, along with some ginger ale. She handed a glass to me. "Whenever there are guests we bring out the good wine, but Reyna said neither of you drink alcoholic beverages. So, I thought we'd substitute with ginger ale instead."

I accepted the glass of bubbly liquid and took a sip. Katherine accepted her glass as well but didn't drink any, claiming that she would always feel sick after drinking such beverages. Charles reached out for Katherine's drink, but Josephine snatched it away.

"No, darling, these are for grown-ups. You'll still too young." Seeing his disappointment, she quickly added, "But I have some lemonade if you want it."

Charles and Christina finished their desserts quickly and ran off to play in the guest room. Katherine and I stayed at the table, drinking ginger ale and chatting with Josephine. Well, I did, while Katherine watched Josephine with a wary gaze and supplied short answers to questions.

Once the drinks were emptied—save for Katherine's untouched glass—Katherine excused herself to get the children ready for bed, while I remained behind to help with the dishes. Josephine and I got along well, and soon we were chatting away like old friends. Even when the dishes were done, we stood around to talk. Josephine poured us a couple glasses more of the ginger ale, and I found myself telling her about my life in the Academy.

I stood with my back against the counter, and as I talked, Josephine patted my shoulder if it was a sad part and gripped my arm if the story got scary. She reacted at all the right times and commented at all the right places. Her reactions excited the storyteller in me. Of course, I didn't tell her about the quest, but everything else I described as if my life was one great adventure.

I don't know how many glasses of that ale I downed, but my glass was never empty. Every so often Josephine would reach past me for the pitcher to pour more into my glass. Her bosom would press against my side, or my arm. Ginger ale shouldn't be alcoholic, yet I found myself swaying a little as my story came to a close.

Josephine said something about holding on to me steadying me and I nodded, not comprehending what she said entirely. Then I felt her hand rubbing the small of my back softly while her other hand held onto my arm. She started talking and telling me how nice I was to her and how handsome and gentlemanly I was.

"Too bad I'm married to that pig Rex," she lamented, looking at me with pitiful eyes. "He's always gone on his business trips, and even when he's back home he's so lazy and demanding. I don't love him at all. If I wasn't married to him, I'd run away with you, Zach. I'd very much prefer to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I…um…" I blinked, trying to clear my fuzzy brain. A small part of my brain screamed that something was wrong, but the alarm bells were faint. The majority of my brain pointed out how pretty Josephine was, how nice she was, and how good it felt as she held my hand.

"Do you want to spend your life with me, Zach?" Her luscious lips brushed against my earlobes, her breath tickling my ear. I felt her pressing against my side. A tingle went down my spine. "Zach, I'd do anything for you, anything. Won't you come with me, Zach?"

A memory flashed through my muddled brain. 'A sky full of twinkling stars. Lying on the grass, feeling the autumn chill. "I would do anything to be able to live the rest of life out here…with you." Kath. Kath said that to me.'

"Sorry, but…" I tried to push Josephine away, but my arms were weak and my tongue was numb. My words came out as mumbles. What's happening to me? I felt so sleepy, and Josephine's words were like lullabies, soothing and soft.

"Zach, sweetie, are you tired? Why don't you come with me to bed; I'll make sure you're comfy." Josephine's sweet voice drifted into my ear as her gentle hand wrapped around my waist. I could smell her perfume, its fumes intoxicating me. She began to guide me away from the sink, and I stumbled. Every step felt like I was stepping on cotton.

"Wait…" I tried to get my bearings. Josephine looked up at me with concern.

"What's wrong, Zach? Don't worry, my bed isn't far. We'll be there soon."