Drugged and (Almost) Seduced


Josephine's gaze was so captivating; her cheeks were so rosy, her lips so red and full…As her hands once again caressed mine, I noted how soft and smooth her skin was, without the callouses of a swordsperson.

"The only person he'll be going to bed with is me," a voice said coldly, awakening me somewhat from my dizzy state. Katherine stood at the kitchen doorway, her eyes ablaze and her sword halfway out of its sheath. If looks could kill, Josephine would be dead a hundred times over and burnt into ashes.

Josephine stopped in her tracks and stepped slightly away from me, but her hand was still on my hand and her arm was still around my waist. "Oh, I'm sorry, dear. Your brother and I were merely having an, ah, intimate conversation. I'll send him along to bed shortly."

"Brother?!" Katherine was fuming. Her sword slid further out of its sheath, the blade shining coldly. The rosestone glowed a menacing red. "Zach is my boyfriend. So let go of him. Now." Every word was forced out through gritted teeth.

"Boyfriend?" Josephine looked at me in surprise. I blinked slowly back at her, my brain still foggy. "But I thought—the children, they're not—" I knew she was going to say that the children weren't ours, but Katherine's sword was fully out before Josephine could finish talking.

"I said, let go." Even I was intimidated by Katherine's cold glare. I had never seen her so angry. Josephine retracted her hand and backed away from Katherine.

"I'm sorry, Reyna, it's all a misunderstanding, really—"

"If I see you lay another finger on him, I won't be as nice." Katherine slammed her sword back into its sheath with a loud clang! Then she pulled me to her side with one hard yank. I stumbled, and Katherine's arm wrapped around my waist to steady me. "Goodnight, Josephine."

I saw Josephine scurry into her own bedroom. Then Katherine pulled me back into the guest room and slammed the door shut. She stood in front of me with her arms crossed as I leaned against the dresser and tried not to fall over. My vision blurred and the room spun a little. Charles and Christina lay sleeping on one side of the bed, curled up against each other.

"Aaron, what was that all about?" Katherine asked me angrily. She had never raised her voice at me before. Her gray eyes blazed. "Aaron, I'm talking to you!"

I shrugged and rubbed my eyes. "I dunno. Ugh, Kath, my head hurts. Can I go to bed? We can talk about this in the morning."

Katherine's eyes narrowed. "No, Aaron, you cannot go to bed. We have to talk about this now. Did you see what Josephine was doing? She was seducing you! And she would have succeeded if I didn't intervene! You said I was just jealous when I was wary of her, but I was right. That woman cannot be trusted!"

Katherine was really mad. She kept shouting at me—not too loudly, so as to not wake the children—but I found myself staring at her lips. I've never taken such a close examination of Katherine, I realized. Her lips were red, just like Josephine's, though less vibrantly so. My gaze traveled to her face. Katherine had pretty, stormy gray eyes with dark, arched eyebrows. She wasn't "gorgeous", as Josephine was, but she was beautiful. Katherine was not less attractive than any girl I've met. How did I not notice this before?

"Why are you standing so close to me?" I felt a push on my chest. Looking down, I realized I was standing directly in front of Katherine and slowly leaning in. Katherine's eyes flashed, clearly irritated. "Why are you staring at me? Did you even listen to what I was saying?"

"You're pretty," I blurted out. "I like your eyes. And your hair. And your lips. Your lips are red, did you know that?"

Katherine looked at me like I was stupid. Her angry expression did not soften. "Aaron, what nonsense are you sprouting? Are—are you drunk? What did you drink?"

"Just the ginger ale. Josephine and I had a few more glasses while we were talking." I closed my eyes as I swayed again. Katherine's arms shot out to steady me. I felt her hands on my arms, like what Josephine did just moments ago. While Josephine's hands were soft and smooth, Katherine's palms had the callouses from long years of swordsmanship and the tight grip of a warrior. Katherine's hands were strong.

"How many glasses did you drink?" She demanded.

"I don't know. Probably, like, five or six glasses? Maybe more, maybe less. My brain is really fuzzy right now, Kath." I rubbed my temples, and then opened my eyes. Katherine was no longer angry, but concerned.

"Five or six glasses?! But even so, you shouldn't be drunk, because ginger ale isn't alcoholic." Her eyes looked away in thought, and then snapped back to meet mine. "You've been drugged, Aaron. Josephine spiked your drink. You're lucky I didn't drink mine, because I didn't trust her. Otherwise—"

"Drugged?" Even in my muddled state, I registered the importance of the word. "Kath, I—"

I toppled forward as the drug's effects fully hit me. My brain was emptied of whatever important thing I was going to tell Katherine. She stumbled back, and her back hit the door as she tried to support my weight. "Aaron! Stand up! You're too heavy!"

I struggled to get a grip on myself. My hands were on either side of her shoulders, pressed against the door to support my weight. Our faces were only inches apart. Katherine's face was flushed, her eyes were wide, and her chest heaved as her breathing increased in rate. 'Wow, she is really beautiful.'

Dreamily, I smiled at her. "Kath, you're beautiful." And before she could say anything, I closed my eyes and leaned forward, brushing my lips against hers. Katherine froze.

I pulled back after a few seconds. The last things I saw were Katherine's shocked expression and pink cheeks like cherry blossoms in spring, before everything faded to black.