Tasteless diet...

Elysia just clicked her tongue before saying, "Why are you getting so much worried darlz? You are already aware of the actual reason for which I agreed to date him...

I just wanted to get out of my mom's continuous begging for my marriage. She was literally forcing me to go on blind dates so that I could get tied with a man and give her some beautiful grandchildren to play with..

I mean, come on Dude! What's the rush to get me married to someone whom I don't even know. So I just accepted Liam's proposal that moment as I thought it would be the best for me at that moment, especially if I wanted to avoid my mom's attempts of settling me in an arrange marriage." Elysia said while shaking her head in contempt.

"Yeah.. I know right! At first I thought that, though you're not dating Liam because of love but still you'll get the experience of having a boyfriend..

But I didn't have any idea then that Liam would be a cheater like this. Humph! You just prepare for his demise day because I'll be the one to break his bones first." Abigail said puffing and huffing.

"Fine, fine, darling.. You can do whatever you want to do with him. But for now, we need to practice.. So where are other members?" Elysia asked with a frown on her face.

"Did you just ask for me?" A cute voice popped up from just behind the door.

Both Abigail and Elysia turned their faces towards the source of the voice and automatically their lips curved up in a smile.

Riva Carter, the 28 years old main dancer of the famous girl group 'Spicy Sugars', was peeking through the door while smiling cutely at them.

"Finally, you are here! We were waiting for you eagerly. Where is Cait by the way?" Elysia asked with a frown.

Riva moved towards them and sitting beside Abigail, she shrugged her shoulder before saying, "I don't know. When I called her before leaving my home, she told me that she's going to be a little late today as Jeremy was creating a big fuss today."

"Awwe!! Our cute little Jeru baby must have done something mischievous again. Otherwise Caitlin sis would never be late." Abigail said with a smile.

"Yup! You are right. Hey girls, can you see any kind of changes in me?" Riva asked them excitedly, standing up in a lightning speed.

Abigail and Elysia shared a glance to each other and looked at Riva with their furrowed eyebrows which was showing their confusion clearly to her..

They again checked Riva from top to bottom in a scrutinizing way and finally noticed the little change in her.

Riva was wearing a black full sleeved crop top with a belted cargo khaki pants.

It was clearly showing the perfect toned tummy of hers which helped the two girls to guess about the certain changes in Riva.

"So you are finally able to loss the little bit of tummy fat which you had gained past month because of your oily diet.." Abigail teased Riva purposefully, making fun of her love towards the street foods.

Riva pouted cutely which made Elysia chuckled at her and she faked a glare towards her best friend to show her displeasure..

She then focused her eyes on Riva's perfect figure again and said, "Sis.. Don't listen to her. She's just jealous of you that you can eat those tasty fast foods but she can't."

Abigail threw a glare to her and said, "Yeah.. yeah.. You'll obviously say this now. After all, God has gifted you with a huge blessing. You sure are lucky to eat whatever you want but still don't gain your weight..

Gosh!! And here I'm getting tired of eating those yellow and green boiled veggies which are nothing but a torture for me. Fuck, my tasteless diet!!"

Abigail made a yuck face when she showed her hatred and dissatisfaction towards her regular foods which made the girls burst into laughter.

"Aww, my baby! Don't get jealous now because of me being god-gifted over foods." Elysia added fuel on the fire and did a high five with Riva.

Abigail scowled at both of them but before she could retort them back, a sweet voice interrupted them, "Sorry guys, for being late."

Caitlin entered the room, breathing heavily while her forehead was covered with perspiration which proved that she had literally reached there running from the entrance..

But still in her sweat filled look, she was looking absolutely beautiful.

No one could be able to predict by her appearance that she was the mother of a two year old boy, Jeremy White.

Although she had no husband but she still was a great mother along with being a successful leader of the most famous girl group of California.

"Sis, you're finally here. Look these two are bullying me." Abigail complained pointing her index finger towards Riva and Elysia who just gave a sheepish smile in return.

However, before she could scold them, all of them heard a comparatively heavier voice, "Is it really something new? Doesn't she always bully others?"