Not a statement but a warning...

However, before she could scold them, all of them heard a comparatively heavy voice, "Is it really something new? Doesn't she always bully others?"

The moment they heard this, their faces turned dark as pitch coal. They didn't need to guess about the person who had such a foul mouth.

They just completely ignored her as she was always like this, behaving like a drama queen.

Kiara entered into the practice room with her high heels clicking on the floor making an irritating sound.

She was wearing a short skirt and a tight blouse which was glued on her body like her second skin.

She threw her sling bag on the nearby couch and walked towards them sassily before mocking again, "The main visual of this group, the so called Elysia Davies is always rude to everyone..

She is always the attitude queen of our group who like to bully people. Tell me if I'm wrong."

"I think you should mind your tongue before speaking. It moves too fiercely nowadays." Riva snapped, glaring at her.

Kiara just rolled her eyes and mocked, "I don't know why you guys always support her no matter what. As if you guys are blind by her...

Why are you bootlicking her? Is that because of her family reputation and money? Well let me remind you then, she only knows to live on her parents' name and she doesn't have any talent of her."

"What the fuck are you saying? Let me.."

Abigail was about to scold her when Elysia stopped her by pulling on her wrist.

Elysia then looked towards Kiara expressionlessly and said sarcastically, "Well, what can I do if I have a reputed family who loves me a lot! But you're wrong in one thing Ms. Kiara Watson..

I have never in my life wasted my parents' money like water. They taught me right value of money and I respect it...

And one more thing I must remind you, that it's only my talent which brought me till here. I might be a rich heiress but I never bully others till they try to step on my feet.."

Kiara was completely silent when Elysia said this but suddenly her facial expression changed from an angry to a taunting one.

She pointed her finger towards Elysia and said, "Whatever you may say, but the truth is that, you can't even guess when I steal something or more like someone away from you..

Then you can just pretend to be all rich heiress, mourning over the precious thing that had slipped out from your hand."

As Kiara spoke those nonsense, it was not at all difficult for Elysia or Abigail to understand, who was that particular someone she was talking about.

Whereas Riva and Caitlin were just standing there, furrowing their eyebrows, being extremely confused.

Kiara expected Elysia to be getting a little scared with her threat as it was not easy for a person to let go of someone close to her heart..

But she didn't know that, the person who was none other than Liam, was not even close to being a special one who could enter her heart.

So contrary to her imagination, Kiara found a smiling Elysia looking at her with a mocking gaze..

"Aye aye Kiara! You really underestimated me this time. Actually you always do even after getting so many face-slaps from me everytime..

It's okay. I'll not upset you this time. Because I've more special things to do with you if you try to cross me wrongly."

Kiara was a little bit agitated with what Elysia had just said.

It felt not like a statement but a warning to her!

She internally shivered just by the thought of Elysia's revenge plan when she would come to know about their relationship.

But Liam had clearly told her that he would make sure to make Elysia the target of the netizens so all the hatred comments would be thrown on her, not them.

She should trust her boyfriend, Liam!!

Yes.. She should.!

Getting the confidence back, she stared into Elysia's eyes and stated haughtily, "Your little threats will not work on me Elysia.

Because your most precious thing is already on my side. You don't need to know what or who it is but you're at the loss this time."

Elysia just scoffed at her because Kiara's words seemed really funny to her which made not only her, but also the other three girls chuckle..

Rolling her hair strands with her index finger, Elysia impatiently tapped her feet on the floor and said, "Oh! You really think so Kiara? I thought you only had garbage in your mouth but now I got to know that you had lots of cow dunk in your head too?"