Kind of weird...

An evil smirk replaced the tired expression of Elysia as she muttered in a devilish tone, "Now just wait and watch my so called dear boyfriend Liam and the main rapper of my group Kiara what I exactly do with you both..."

Mia too smirked with Elysia as they imagined the consequences of those two little pricks who tried to play with the queen Elysia who had many hidden talents inside her..

"Hmm.. They are going to fall hard on the ground this time and the moral of the story is…

There will be no one to help them to stand up on their feet again this time.." Mia said smiling evilly.

Elysia looked at her and teased her, "Now that I'm noticing carefully, you too are becoming more evil day by day, staying in touch with me. Good progress! I'm proud of you."

Mia rolled her eyes at her but still joked, "After all, I got a really great teacher who teaches me so well with very much patience.."

"Aye!! I too got an intelligent student who is good at learning." Elysia too joked back and soon both of them brust out into laughter.


Liam's Apartment...

Both Liam and Kiara were sitting in the living room enjoying some romantic movie when Liam tightened his hold around her..

Kiara didn't say anything but just kept sitting there idly, looking at the television screen.

Getting the lack of response from her, Liam turned his head towards him and noticed her daydreaming..

Kiara was present there physically but her mind was wandering to another place as if she was thinking too hard about something.

Liam shook her lightly and asked, "Babe.. Where are you lost? Did something happen?"

It broke Kiara's trance and she looked at Liam with a confused expression.

Furrowing her eyebrows together, she asked, "Did you just say something?"

"No.. Nothing. I just asked you if something happened to you or not as you seemed to be lost somewhere." Liam said to her, finding her behavior a little bit abnormal.

Sighing deeply, Kiara stated with a soft smile, "No.. I'm absolutely okay. It's just that I'm having some queries in my mind."

"What kind of queries?" Liam asked with a frown on his face.

"Today we had a group practice. So when I tried to mock Elysia about losing something precious, she rebuked at me saying that she would never let anyone to snatch something or someone dearest from her..

And if she gives, then it's a garbage for her which she won't need anymore. Her words make me feel like that she is taunting me on this matter somehow." Kiara told him about her thoughts.

"Huh? It's kind of weird. Why would she say something like this?" Liam asked confusedly.

Kiara too pondered over a while and when something unobvious stuck on her mind, she widened her eyes in shock and asked back, "What if she is already aware of our relationship?"

Liam sat their silently for a few minutes and then started to laugh out loudly...

Controlling his laughter, he then said between his heavy breathing, "Do you think, she would be so clever to know about us? Trust me, Kiara, she is not...

She was just baffling in front of you to satisfy her so called egoistic attitude. But she doesn't have even an ounce of brain in her. So stop worrying about that bitch now."

Kiara too thought over it for a while and said after inhaling a deep breath, "Yeah.. You're right. I must be overthinking. She can't catch us red-handed ever."

Grinning at her, Liam said, "So.. Should we celebrate our upcoming success with a hot and steamy sex?"

Hearing him inviting her for such an amazing session, Kiara came closer to him and sat on his lap.

Straddling him, she seductively whispered in his ears, "Why not?"

Like this, they started having a hot and rough sex which was not even close to making love, but more like satisfying each other's desire and needs...


Ivan raced his car trough the large black gates and parked the car at the entrance of his big villa..

Stepping out of the car, he handed the key to one of the security guards and rang the doorbell.

Soon a lady opened the door for him with a big smile on her face, "You are back!"

Ivan smiled at her and said, "Yes, I'm finally back. Have you eaten your dinner?"

The lady locked the door after Ivan entered and replied, "Yes, Ivan! I'm already done with my dinner. I knew you'd be late today as you had gone to meet your parents after a really long time, so didn't wait for your return."

Kissing her on the cheek, he gulped down the water from the glass which she handed him over and said, "You did really good. I always tell you to not wait for me but you never listened to me.."