Spread happiness...

Kissing her on the cheek, he gulped down the water from the glass which she handed him over and said, "You did really good. I always tell you to not wait for me but you never listened to me..

Today I'm very much happy that you had your dinner at the correct time."

Taking the suit jacket from Ivan, she said, "You go and change upstairs. I'll bring your milk soon."

Nodding his head, he requested her or rather like, made an exchange offer with her when he said, "You too need to drink milk with me. Otherwise, I'm not going to have mine.."

The lady playfully slapped on his cheek and scolded him, "You are now blackmailing your Aunty, huh? Very bad!"

Ivan chuckled at her and said, "Come on Aunty! I'm just stating the fact only."

"Fine...fine. Now go and get fresh." She said while Ivan just ran upstairs to his bedroom immediately.


It was not Ivan's girlfriend or any young girl who Ivan was being so sweet with but it was a beautiful middle aged woman.

But she was neither blood related to Ivan nor any close relatives of him.

She was just a simple caretaker whom his mother had appointed for him when he decided to leave separately from his parents to become independent.

Her name was Julie who was a sweet fifty five years old woman. She had no family of hers as her husband died few years ago in a car accident.

The couple had a son who had lung cancer. Because of not having enough money, they couldn't afford his treatment and he too died at the age of twenty.

After that, she was completely alone and worked at a NGO as a cook to live a life.

Mrs. Moore went for some charity there and when she came to know about her, she immediately asked to be a caretaker of Ivan.

After she started working here, she started to grow a motherly love towards Ivan as he was an extremely good boy with polite behavior and almost of the same age of her dead son.

Ivan too became close to her and he started to treat her more like her mother's sister than a simple housekeeper.

From then onwards, Julie was Ivan's aunt and he was her nephew who she treated more like her own son...


Next day morning…

Mystic World & Entertainment..

Natasha walked inside the huge building with a big smile on her face. She greeted everyone including the employees back with a 'Good Morning'.

Today, Natasha had her script reading for her next film with other actors and actresses which would be held in the company itself.

Smiling brightly, she entered the elevator. The door was about to close when someone rushed inside and stopped the door from getting shut.

After getting in, she heaved a sigh of relief and breathed heavily because of the running she had done from the parking lot...

Natasha looked at the person who had just barged inside hurriedly in a lightning speed and an instant smile bloomed on her lips seeing the face of the girl.

"Hi, baby sis.." She greeted the person happily.

Hearing the very much familiar voice, Elysia looked up only to notice Natasha present there with a wide grin and her lips too automatically rose up to show a very cute smile of hers.

She was genuinely happy seeing Natasha there and without giving her a chance to talk, she pounced on Natasha and hugged her tightly.

"Big sisso.. I missed you so much." Elysia squealed in excitement.

Natasha laughed at her antics and detached herself from Elysia as they had already reached their floor.

Getting out of it, Natasha held Elysia's hand and dragged her towards her personal green room.

Elysia also followed her like an obedient student and they soon settled themselves on the couch, sitting cross legged after freeing their legs from those irritating high heels.

"So tell me, how is my Ely darling doing nowadays?" Natasha asked after telling her assistant to bring two cup of cold coffee for them.

Leaning on the backrest of the couch to sit more comfortably, Elysia said in a full energetic tone, "I am super duper good, Nats. You tell me how are you and my little cutie pie Emma?"

"Emma is absolutely fine. She is learning new things everyday and started blabbering so much recently that sometimes I need to scold her from speaking more...

Whereas, I'm as usual cool and healthy. Now my everyday spends on having my shoots and handling Emma who has now become my life." Natasha spoke with her eyes twinkling in joy.

"Awww!! You're so lucky to get a family like this. Adam bro takes so much care of you...

While Emma is the cute princess who knows how to spread happiness in everyone's life." Elysia expressed her emotions dreamily.

Natasha chuckled at her before teasing her slightly, "You too can get a lovely family like me. Just find the right person for yourself and get married soon..."