My heart started to cry...

"Aww, my honey!! You know that I can't bear your sulking face at all. So please smile for me." George tried to pacify his wife.

Soon, Ava showed George one of her brightest smile which made George immediately happy.

Hugging her from the left side, he said, "Weren't you just talking about me being happy with the news of Elysia and Ivan's marriage?

Then listen to me darling.. If you and Laura can make both of those enemies agree to this marriage then I'll be the happiest man in the world..

You know how much I adore daughters. When our Natasha was born, I felt the luckiest man on the whole universe.

Years later, our daughter gave birth to our little granddaughter who is a replica of her mother which made me more happier.

When I first hold Elysia after few hours of her birth, wrapped in a pink blanket, sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed, my heart melted in a second.

And when she smiled at me for the first time, happiness rushed through my vessels and butterflies started dancing in my stomach. I already made her my daughter that time.

Like you, I also wanted to make her our daughter-in-law but the rift between them stopped me from propose their marriage. But now I'm very much happy. I'm just now hoping for them to accept the marriage."

Ava rested her head on her husband's shoulder and said with a sweet smile on her face, "I too wish the same, honey.

Once the marriage is done, they will be living together in the same house. And then they will eventually start to fall in love with each other."

George nodded his head and said, "They will be in love with each other soon, honey. Just wait with a little patience."


Davies Mansion…

"Are you done speaking to my princess?" Aaron asked entering their bedroom and saw his wife standing at the balcony.

Laura grinned when Aaron wrapped his hand around her shoulder as both of them looked at the vast sky, filled with beautiful sparkling stars.

"Yes, honey.. I just informed Ely to be present here in the evening. But she being the best daughter, told me that she will come early in the afternoon to help me with the preparations." Laura said smilingly, thinking about her daughter.

Aaron too smiled and said, "Our daughter is really the best indeed.."

"Hmmm… But now that daughter of ours are soon going to be married with someone. Time really passes so fast.." Laura said.

Aaron became quite as soon as he heard his wife. His face had a glum expression which show the unhappiness of him.

"Aaron, what happened to you? Are you not happy with our daughter's marriage with Ivan?" Laura asked confusedly as he pressed her hand on his chest.

Soon tears started to pool in his eyes but he still tried to give his wife a small forced smile.

"No Laura.. It's nothing like this. I'm extremely happy with the marriage. It's just that whenever I think about our little princess going away from us, my heart started to cry..

I know that she's already staying alone in her own apartment from past few years but still it is completely different from her getting married.

Whenever I think of her being someone's wife, I just remember the day when I first knew about the existence of her…when you announced your pregnancy to me..

After months of waiting when I finally heard her first cry in the delivery room, all of my emotions started riling up and when I first took her in my arms, I felt that I gained all the happiness of the world..

Her first giggle, her first word, her first crawl and first walk…every moment I spent with her was so much special that it's indescribable. Whenever I think of the past it just seemed to be like yesterday..

But now our daughter is already twenty seven years old and at the age of getting married. When did our daughter grow up so much Laura?" Aaron expressed his feelings with tears falling from his eyes freely.