Pillar of her support...

"But now our daughter is already twenty seven years old and at the age of getting married. When did our daughter grow up so much Laura?" Aaron expressed his feelings with tears falling from his eyes freely.

Laura too became emotional hearing her husband as she too couldn't control her tears.

Throwing herself in her husband's arms, Laura cried her heart's out while Aaron too hugged her back tightly and started sobbing..

Laura said sniffling, "I know Aaron. It's really hard for any parents to send their daughter off after their marriage.

But it's the universal truth that daughters are bound to leave their parents once they get married. We can't change the fact."

Aaron caressed his wife's back and mumbled in a shaky voice, "I know Laura. My heart isn't still prepared for it. After all, she is my only princess whom I've loved more than anything."

Laura too nodded her head and said, "Yeah.. you are right about this. But we have to be stronger for our daughter..

Yow know this very clearly that though our daughter acts to be very strong from the outside, but she still has a soft heart. So we have to be the pillar of her support."

Aaron nodded his head and wiped the tears off from both of their faces..

Giving his wife a smile, he kissed her forehead lovingly while Laura closed her eyes to savour the moment.

After that, they decided to stay for a while in the balcony and spend some alone time watching the stars serenity.

Only the parents of a daughter could understand the pain of getting their daughter married off to another family who was once the life of their home..


Sunday evening…

Aaron was busy watching some business news on the tv while the two ladies were in the kitchen, preparing the dinner..

As promised, Elysia had came early in the afternoon to help her mother in cooking different types of cuisines according to everyone's taste..

They were already done with the starter and main course. So only the desert were left..

"Ely darling.. You whip the cream while I check if the cake is baked or not. Ice-cream is already ready so we don't have to worry about that." Laura said.

Elysia who was whipping the cream and adding different kinds of flavours and colours to decorate the cake, nodded her head.

A minute later, Laura brought out a beautifully baked cake out of the oven and let it cool down for few minutes.

She then made some sugar syrup and applied it on the cake..

Elysia too poured the whipping cream in the cones and added it on the upper layer of the cake.

She then decorated with chocolate chips and few chocolate sticks..

Laura looked at the cake and praised her daughter, "Oh My God, Ely! The cake is looking so beautiful and tasty. I'm sure everyone is going to like it a lot.."

Elysia smiled and said, "Thank you Mom. If you hadn't helped in making the batter then it won't be possible."

Laura just smiled at her daughter in response. She really liked the habit of Elysia of thanking every single person who would have helped her in something even if the help was just a minimal one.

"Okay now.. Get ready.. They will arrive here anytime now. I already got ready when you were making the waffles.

But you're looking like a ghost right now with flour and chocolate syrup covering half of your face." Laura joked with her.

Elysia laughed at her mother's funny statement and said, "As your wish Madam. Just give me ten minutes and I'll be back soon."

Laura nodded her head and was about to say something when they heard the horn of two cars along with the screeching sound of the tyres from outside..