These women are really jealous...

Hugging her from side, she tried to pacify Laura, "Ohh come on, aunty. Don't be a drama queen like my mom right now. You know how much we love you, right!"

Laura's pouted lips immediately turned into a big smile as she embraced Natasha tightly in her arms.

"Woah! All the love for Nats.. What about me then? You parents all are same. You prioritize the daughters more than sons." Came a manly voice.

Laura immediately moved her eyes towards the source of voice which was very much familiar to her and found an upset Ivan looking at her accusingly.

It brought a smile on her lips and she said, "Aww! Are you now upset Ivan? Don't be.. Because you'll always be my best son.

So now come quickly to me and give me an heartwarming hug. And not to forget, I have made your favourite dinner today with the help of Elysia."

Ivan immediately ran towards Laura and hugged her tightly saying, "Thank you so much aunty. You're the best.

Otherwise no one cares about me except you. And you making my favourite dinner is the best gift for me."

Laura chuckled and kissed his forehead lightly, making Adam pout.

"This is not fair at all, Aunty. You made only Ivan's favourite dinner? What about us then?" Adam complained.

"Yes.. Yes.. I too want to eat my favorite food, specially made by you?" Natasha too joined her husband.

Ava glared at her children and scolded them, "Will you guys now stop behaving like kids? You couldn't even able to sit properly and already demanding for your favourite foods?"

Laura laughed at these three grown up children and said, "Don't scold them like this Ava. They are also my children and they have full right to demand whatever they want from me."

Turning towards Adam and Natasha, she said, "I made all of yours favourite foods and even our Emma's too."

Everyone squealed in joy and Emma too smiled brightly understanding what her grandmother had said.

George who was talking with his best friend Aaron till now, asked, "Where is my princess by the way? I can't see her from the time I've arrived here."

"Yes.. Where is our Ely? You just mentioned that she had helped you in cooking. So where is she?" Ava too asked.

Laura was about to say something when they heard an angelic voice from behind.

"I'm here..."

As soon as they looked at the direction, they saw a beautifully dressed Elysia descending the stairs with a bright smile playing on her lips.

She walked towards them and immediately latched on Ava who hugged her tightly.

"Oh auntie! I miss you so much." Elysia said.

Ava laughed softly at her and said, "I missed you too my child."

"I thought that I'd be the first one to get hug from you." George said sadly.

Elysia laughed seeing him like that and engulfed him in a hug before saying, "Oh, Uncle.. I would have obviously hugged you first but you know these women are really jealous.."

"Yeah right.. These women are really petty.." George too agreed with her which made both of them burst out in laughter.

After greeting Adam and Natasha, Elysia quickly walked towards the little angel who was smiling widely with her big doe like eyes.

When Emma saw her beautiful aunty coming towards her, she immediately stretched her hands towards her as if asking her to pick her up.

And how could Elysia ignore this cute gesture?

Picking her up in her arms, Elysia peppered Emma's small face with butterfly kisses and Emma to returned it by kissing her cheeks.

"Aww, my cutie pie!! Auntie missed you so much." Elysia cooed squashing her cheeks.

Emma too hugged her from her neck and said, "Emma loves aunty a lot. I told mommy to take me to aunty. But mommy said she was busy."

Hearing the little one complaining like this, Elysia fell in awe with her and again kissed her nose.

"It's okay. Aunty made your favourite waffles and cookies for you. Doesn't Emma like to eat that?" Elysia said bringing one waffle near her mouth.

Emma jumped in excitement and started eating the waffles happily..

Elysia smiled but it didn't stay for too long when suddenly Aaron asked, "Princess, won't you greet Ivan here?"