Istanbul, Turkey [1]

The winter air was piercing through my coat that I was wearing, when I walked out of the Ataturk Airport airport building, Istanbul city. The weather at the end of January is so cold accompanied by large gusts of watery wind, I glanced at the big clock on the pillar outside the building, it's already 1640. I accelerated my walking, while pulling the small suitcase behind me with my left hand to a taxi booking booth. Heading towards an apartment that I ordered earlier via Airbnb.

The black Alphard used as a taxi in Istanbul took me to an apartment around the Taksim Square area, Istanbul. The trip took about an hour from the airport to the apartment causing me to fall asleep in the car every now and then.

I felt very tired. Being too long on the plane makes me tired and nauseous. Several times throughout the flight I had to stand in the aisle of the plane because I could not stand the position of the body that was sitting and half lying down.


I pressed the bell in front of the apartment, the intercom beside me startled me and told me to go straight in and go up to the fifth floor of the building.

I knocked on the front door of the apartment which was opened by the apartment owner. He was waiting for me at the door of the fifth floor of the apartment building.

I stared at the man in front of me, his face was very handsome, typical of people from the middle east, clean skin, well-built, sturdy, thick eyebrows with sharp eyes. His eyelids and eyebrows barely touched, his lashes were lush and his smile was enchanting.

"Hello" he said.

"Oh, hi, hello .." I said awkwardly.

"I am Deniz, owner of the apartment. You are named Jade, right?" He said again as he widened the entrance to the apartment.

"Yes, I'm Jade who made the reservations on Airbnb." I replied.

"Come in, I'll explain everything about this apartment for you." Deniz stood at the door, giving me a space to go inside along with my suitcase.

I stepped in while pulling my suitcase by the handle as Deniz grabbed it for me. Deniz accidentally touched the tip of my finger, because I was too late to take my hand from the handle. Reflexively I looked at Deniz, greeted by an apology for the accident by Deniz.

Deniz gives a short tour inside the apartment which wasn't that big. He explained everything in detail room by room. From the problem of the door and how to push it to open it, which I tought was a little strange, heating on every wall, internet network and wifi password, cooking utensils as well as disposal instructions for garbage by simply placing it right in front of the apartment door, I followed every step of the way in the house while occasionally saying yes indicating that I understood.

Not forgetting a stack of books on the 'tourist guide' made it easier for me to get to know Turkey before I left Jakarta.

"Welcome to Istanbul, Jade. If you need my help, feel free to contact me via WhatsApp," he said when the small tour ended on the small balcony of the apartment.

It seemed to me that the atmosphere of the city of Istanbul was slightly saddened by the rain and the night began to greet me. I noticed that the apartment building around the flat was an old European-style building. The apartment that I lived in was very clean and well-maintained, with charming Turkish decorations. Turkish chandeliers made of glass with Turkish mosaics, various Turkish 'Blue eyes' decorations that are believed to be an antidote to evil spirits, and beautifully patterned carpets typical of this country.

The apartment that I rented contained three bedrooms, a living room with a sofa and dining table, a kitchen and a bathroom, actually this apartment was too big for me but I decided to stay in an apartment because the price was much cheaper than having to rent a hotel at daily rates.

"You made an order for a whole month. Really?" Said Deniz who sat across the table from where I sat.

"Right." I answered, looking at the books that were neatly piled on the table infront of me.

"Be careful walking around this area, lots of locals try to trick the tourists." He added again.

"I've been renting a place here for two years, various experiences from tourists who come to stay. Be careful when talking to strangers who invite you to their place." He said with a serious tone in his voice.

"Thank you, I'll always remember the advice," I said.

"Okay miss Jade, I will let you rest. It seems you're tired." Deniz stood up from the bench and prepared to walk towards the door, I did the same, escorting him to the front door.

Suddenly, Deniz turned around and smiled.

"I'll help you for your first full day here. Incidentally, my work isn't busy anymore. I'll take you around tomorrow if you don't mind." He said with a smile and looked at me kindly.

I stared at him again in silence.

"Miss Jade? Do you mind?" He said again.

"Oh, with pleasure, if you accompany me." I said quickly, not wanting him to take back his words.

"Thank God." I said to myself as I leaned against the door after making sure Deniz was really gone.

Happy... The first day I got a friend, socialization improvement in progress.


The sound of the doorbell rang loudly and loudly woke me up, I slowly opened my eyes that were actually still ith to open, my hand felt for the cellphone next to me, 1000 Istanbul time.

Oh God, still tired...

I hurriedly walked towards the front door wondering, how could someone visit in the morning without prior permission and notification and how could someone be visiting this early in the city with no one I know. Someone was standing in front of the door carrying a tray filled with breakfast, while showing off his charming smile. I just froze until I invited him in.

"Good morning, Ms. Jade." said Deniz.

Oh God, Deniz has stood up to wake me this early to find myself messy with my pajamas and matted hair.

"Uh morning, I didn't think that you would come to visit me this early." I said as he continued to stand at the door giving him a look of surprise covering my embarrassment because I looked messy from just waking up.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you didn't starve this morning." May I come in?" Deniz asked, looking at me kindly and smiling, trying not to piss me off.

Without saying anything, I shifted my body and let Deniz enter the apartment, placing the tray of breakfast on the dining table as I closed the door again.

I rushed to the bathroom, to change my clothes and fix my hair as I let Deniz wait and arrange breakfast, I felt my heart beating a little faster than usual when interacting with Deniz. Also a little annoyed that Deniz saw me as I woke up.

I'm not used to dealing with men other than in my professional life, while I was with Hein, I was really limited in my socializing. The lack of socializing made me prone to embarrassment and clumsiness.

Less than 20 minutes since Deniz's arrival, I was sitting looking pretty at the dining table right in front of Deniz, this is my first breakfast since being in Turkey.

Deniz brought me 'Yumurta'. A type of beef eye egg served with pastrami, meat and sauce, along with a few slices of bread, feta cheese and apple tea to drink.

"I hope you like it." He said as he watched me eat.

"It's delicious, really ... you made it?" I asked.

"Yes, I made it for you, I know you missed dinner last night," he said again.

"Hmmm" I was silent, staring at the food.

Deniz continued to tell stories without being asked. I only answered briefly and as needed. In that short time over breakfast, I knew most of his life stories.

Deniz talked about his family who is in Izmir, also about his apartment which is one level below me, about his job , about his dreams for the future and don't miss the silly stories he told.

This creature seems so low profile, is he already like this from being a crook?

And is he this kind to all his guests?

Deniz takes me for a walk outside the apartment which happened to be located in the heart of modern Istanbul, Beyoglu District, the European side of Istanbul. Within a few meters from the apartment we reached Taksim Square, the square with the Monument of Republic in the middle.

"This is a landmark to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, its a major object for foreign tourists and a favorite gathering place for local residents." Said Deniz as we walked around the Taksim Square momument.

In front of me there's the monument, with a crowded atmosphere, there are benches arranged neatly, and there are a number of people sitting chatting while enjoying coffee or just smoking, on the other hand we can see the visitors playing with pigeons flying freely around.

To the left of where I stood, there were many restaurants, coffee shops and small kebab shops that are directly connected to Istiklal Cadessi-pedestrian along one and a half kilometers full of various shops, boutiques, art galleries, restaurants, cafes, pubs, cinemas. I also noticed a cultural opera house not far in the distance.

We walked along Istiklal Cadessi, a street only for pedestrians, except for the traditional red tram which Deniz said has been operating since 1875. The square shape is very old, complementing the classic nuances of the Istiklal street complex. The red tram goes back and forth continuously transporting tourists from the end of Taksim to Tunnel Square free of charge.

There's a special pleasure in enjoying the atmosphere of the street which is full of visitors. They don't care even if the cold biting air hits or maybe they're used to it. I just wore a little tracky feeling the wind blowing through the clothing.

The visitors mostly come here to shop, watch movies, and some just to enjoy the atmosphere, the bustle of people passing by, the smell of chestnuts roasting on the side of the road makes me smile, as well as the waiters and traders who actively offered their wares.

We walked slowly, as if acting as an impromptu tour guide, Deniz explained one by one what was there, this city has so much history, I was amazed to hear story after story. Deniz spoiled me with a variety of typical Turkish snacks such as baklava, kunafe, Turkish Delight, and not forgetting the beautiful warm woolen scarves and hats that are sold along Istiklal Street.

"I feel like a child who's been given lots of sweet food," I said softly.

Deniz chuckled, walking beside me while putting his hands into his warm coat, "This is the first thing that you must try while you're here. And you won't stop tasting the sweetness of Istanbul."

Occasionally he protected me with his body, when I nearly collided with pedestrians heading in the opposite direction. A really busy road.

Its too early to interpret the form of his attention, but I enjoyed it.

Right in the middle of Istiqlal Street on the left is a beautiful church called 'St. Anthony of Padua Church'- a small catholic church with neo-Gothic ornaments. "Let's stop by for a moment." Deniz changed direction, I followed him from behind without asking much.

So many visitors here, all busy capturing and documenting the unique things inside and outside the church.

I read information from a stone stuck to the wall, this building was built in 1906, and is still used as a church on Sundays, and on weekdays it functions as a tourist spot that's open to the public of various circles and religions. Istanbul has made me amazed many times, many unique things that I saw during our search along Istiklal Avenue.

At the end of Istiklal Street, turn to the right and slightly uphill, there's a tall tower known as the Galata Tower. We stepped closer to the tower on the uphill road, I turned towards Deniz asking for more information about it.

"This tower is the oldest and the largest, founded in 528, the area around the Galata Tower is a holy area for Christians, and is known as the tower of Christ." I nodded as he kept talking. "When Istanbul was still known as Constantinople, and ruled by Rome, there was a legend circulating that the prophet Jesus was believed to return to earth where this Tower is located."

"Another legend is that if a couple climbs the stairs of the tower together they will end up in marriage."

"Hmmmm." I muttered to myself, looking back at the surrounding atmosphere, there was a long line of young people getting ready to climb to the top of the tower. Maybe they were couples who still believed in the legend.

Deniz treated me to lunch at a restaurant right in front of the Galata Tower, the cold wind was blowing hard that afternoon, and it seemed like there would be rain or maybe snow, coming later. We hastened our lunch so we could get back to the apartment before it rained. Deniz escorted me to the door, and asked permission to invite me to dinner at night.

Is this a date? Hmmmm....

I couldn't help it, I nodded in agreement before closing the apartment door behind me.

Deniz is too charming to get rejected.

It was 6:30 p.m. when my apartment bell rang, I walked quickly to open the door for Deniz. I was dressed more than I would usually. Wearing a beautiful dress, with a wash of red lipstick that looked 'splendid' on my face, like I didn't want to look inferior to the women in this town, which had the preen and fashionable air about them.

Deniz smiled sweetly at the door while carrying a flower bouquet in his hand, a sharp and seductive gaze. I tried to shift my focus and not stare at him for a long time, worried that my heart would jump from its place.

I quickly grabbed my boots and stepped out of the door, without making Deniz wait too long.

This man is very gentle and caring, opens car doors for me, invites me to walk, buys flowers, snacks, treats me to meals and even asks me out, all of which lead to a feeling of security when I am near him.

Oops ... what am I thinking? I'm just a tourist! There's no way we're going to be together.

I shook my head, to immediately wake up from my thoughts. Deniz looked at me. "Jade, are you okay?" Absolute silence was broken by the sound of his bass sounding voice.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine." I said awkwardly. "By the way, where are you taking me to go?" I asked without daring to turn back at him. "Only to a restaurant where we can enjoy the night atmosphere in Istanbul." Deniz replied briefly, busy driving on a slightly hilly road.

Hmmm... what should I say?

"Can I ask something more personal?"

"Please." I said, swallowing hard and cursing myself with a tone of my voice that sounded stiff. "Why did you visit Istanbul alone? Where is your husband or partner?"

"Hmm... Yes... I'm alone because I don't have a husband or partner."

"Okay" said Deniz quietly, barely audible, nodding his head trying to understand. Deniz then returned to busy paying attention to the road ahead. He started to slow down which meant we were soon to arrive at our destination.

Lulu Hookah Lounge is on the top floor of the Zimmer Hotel Bosphorus, this place is still in the same area as the apartment I live in, still in the Beyoglu district. The place is very cozy and offers a charming view of the Bosphorus sea at night, and of course accompanied by a high quality hookah/shisha with various slices of real fruit in it.

The atmosphere is very comfortable with good quality food. For the first time I laughed out loud when I heard Deniz talk about all the ridiculousness he had in childhood. I have been in this city for twenty-four hours, and this city is capable of providing me with enough energy.

I smile and laugh. As simple as that.
