Munich, Germany [3]

The sound of a phone ringing startled me from my long sleep. I looked at the clock on the wall. 1000.


For the umpteenth time I was late. Valter must have left for work, and definitely readied a breakfast for me.

I am indeed a super lousy wife if I have a family in the future or get married. Wake up late, can't cook, can't peel fruit, nor can I clean. I got out of bed with unsteady steps, my cell phone rang again.

"Hello." I say.

"Morning, Jade. It's me Nathan. I hope I don't disturb your morning." he said in a cheerful voice.

"Morning Nathan. I just woke up. How are you?"

"I'm in Munich. Do you have time? Let's meet." Nathan replied.

"All right. Send the location and time. I'll be there. Bye" I said again ending the call.

I found Nathan sitting in an Italian restaurant, which wasn't too far from where I live, I only had to pass 2 train stations to get to there. "Now, does this mean that you treat me lunch for the second time." I joked when I greeted him.

"It's good to see you again, Jade," said Nathan, standing up smiling and greeting me. "Why did you choose an Italian restaurant? Nathan, this is Germany, you should introduce me to typical Bavarian food." I joked again as I sat slowly on the chair opposite Nathan. "You must be tired enough to enjoy Bavarian food with your German boyfriend," he said with a chuckle.

The conversation was stopped by the waiter who delivered our food. I ordered the Mushroom Risotto, Nathan ordered a rocket salad and bruschetta. "By the way, when did you arrive in Munich, how is your, Mother?" I asked as I ate.

"I just arrived this morning, Mother is very happy to have met you, the chemotherapy treatment for this round is successful, maybe the effect of her happiness. Every day she asks when you will visit her again," said Nathan with a serious face.

"Actually, long before we met, my mother fell in love with an Indonesian student who studied in Vienna, Austria. They had to be separated because he had to return to his country. It's a little sad, but she kept that love for so long, until she met my father, "said Nathan with teary eyes as if this story had been told by his mother since he was little.

I was stunned by the story of Nathan's mother, maybe that's why she was happy with me. Her old memory of the Indonesian figure made her excited to be stronger to fight with her illness. Are the memories that strong, so that it can strengthen people who are already on the verge of defeat by illness?

"Actually I don't deserve to ask this from you. This is a tough request, but I have no other choice. I've tried my best, to make you survive, but I have only seen the light of life in my mother's eyes since I met you," Nathan said stammering.

"I understand. This situation is very difficult for Mother as well as for you. Can I know what I can help to alleviate it," I said softly. Nathan looked at me seriously, several times he took a heavy breath.

"Will you pretend to be my fiancé in front of Mother?" he replied pitifully. I looked at him with pity, who knows what answer I should say next. Pretending isn't really my specialty, let alone acting like someone else's fiancé. But this is for a human life. Where is my conscience if I reject it?

"Okay Nathan, I will help you. You just need to show me how," I replied firmly as I looked closely at Nathan. "Really? Once again I thank you for your kindness. May God always bless good people like you. I hope this will not cause problems for your relationship with the German," said Nathan again.

"His name is Valter. I've been in your position before, don't feel guilty, I sincerely wanted to help. Valter's business, let me manage and he will understand later," I replied.

I walked home to the train station, my mind on the deal with Nathan, I was now taking part in an important role as the fake fiancé. On the other hand, I really want to make his mother recover as cancer is not a disease that can be recovered just like that, but nothing is impossible in this world.

I want to feel the warm embrace of a mother again, the hope for the kindness that a mother always shines through her eyes, the prayer that a mother always says silently to her children. Mother is an angel sent by God to every child who is present on earth, may I feel a little comfort behind your angel's wings, mother?

I accelerated my footsteps, entered the Josephsplatz Train Station, there was an online meeting waiting for me at home, the clock was 14:40 Germany time, which meant it was 9.40 Jakarta time, which meant the meeting would start in 20 minutes. I stepped into the train carriage, grabbed the aluminium pole in the train and decided to just stand up and not take a seat, considering that the distance to the station to where my apartment was only 2 stops.

I then looked out the window of the train which had just closed the door and was about to leave for the next station, my eyes met a figure that seemed familiar outside the train, standing still looking at me, I was shocked and a little panicked, but too late to get out and chase the man. the stalker, the carriage door was closed and walked slowly. I can only stare at him with a questioning mind.

I headed for the apartment half-running, a feeling of fear and curiosity mingling into a bewildering unity, I fended off all the bad thoughts that were trying to get me trapped in fear. Quickly I locked the door behind me when I got to the apartment, trying to catch my breath trying to calm myself.

Damn, that man is still stalking me, should I report to the authorities that I am being terrorized by a man from city to city? I really wanted to call and complain to Valter, but this is not the right time to bother him, I have to be able to calm down and tell this when he comes home.

Could it be that he's a psychopath who's chasing me for no good reason and kill me when he gets the right opportunity? Will he follow me to the apartment? What if he suddenly knocked on the apartment door and broke into it to find me here.?Various bad thoughts passed through my mind as if trying to steal my calm.

Ah no way, the security system in this apartment is not easily broken, people will not easily access the elevator if there is no fingerprint record of the apartment residents, I thought in an attempt to fend off all the bad worries that were passing through my mind.

I have to be strong, I can't be afraid and think badly, it's not necessarily what I'm worried about will happen.
