Frankfurt, Germany [4]

"I was looking for you dear." Said Valter while taking my arm.

"Hey, George. When did you arrive, why didn't you tell me." He stared at George.

"I just arrived, and didn't get to watch the ceremony. However, I found this beautiful woman alone, so I just accompanied her." Said George, smiling.

"This is Jade, my girlfriend," Valter replied.

From a distance, Carl waved at Valter, looks like he needed something. Valter went back to the crowd of guests.

"Bro, I'll leave Jade alone for a while." He turned away.

"Hi George, long time no see." Said the woman who danced with Valter, without realizing she was beside me.

"Hello, Halley. I just saw you dancing with your ex. As a little reunion, remembering the past between the both of you," said George in a half-whisper, but it didn't escape my sharp ears.

My face flushed with jealousy when I heard that this German woman named Halley was Valter's ex-girlfriend.

"Hey, do you guys know each other?" George added.

"I just met her, George. I will never believe that Valter will turn away from me. It's been 3 years since we've broken up, and he'll just always come back to me, he'll never be able to forget my voice." Halley said with a proud face and sneered in my direction.

My face flushed, my stomach suddenly felt sick, I felt dizzy, and I was burning with jealousy. I stared at Halley's face with restrained anger. "Are you sure Valter loves you? Are you sure you can satisfy him? I'll bet he can't even think of you because there's my shadow there. He's never slept with any other woman except for me." Halley whispered facing my increasingly red face.

Halley walked away with steps that were made as if they echoed the sensual side of her body. I was unable to contain the jealousy and anger, I struggled to hold back the tears from spilling, my feelings were completely chaotic. I walked slowly towards the part of the building which is quite far from the party guests, George helped hold my hand. I didn't want to ruin the party, with my emotions and swollen face.

George helped me calm down. "Do you have any plans after the wedding?" I replied languidly. George shook his head. "Do you need or want anything?"

"Take me around, I need some fresh air and to put me in a good mood," I replied again.

George took me on a brief walk through the city of Frankfurt. The city is also the birthplace of the famous writer Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe whose former home is known as the Goethe House Museum. Like most cities in Europe, this city was damaged during World War II and rebuilt. Frankfurt has some of the tallest buildings in Europe, making it look very metropolitan compared to other cities in Germany.

"Where are you going, Jade?" Asked Valter.

"While in Frankfurt I haven't had time to travel. Usually, I like museums that are rich in history." I replied glancing at George, who had been caught several times stealing the opportunity to steal my attention. "Its okay brother, I know where to go," he said smiling.

George took me to a place where the dark history of the German people was inscribed, we went to a Jewish cemetery that was founded in the mid-century 1272, next to which is the Judengassi Museum.

Every visitor who enters the area is given a typical Jewish hat as a sign of respect for the residing spirits. The cemetery is surrounded by the Holocaust memorial walls, where the massacre of more than 12,000 Jews killed in Frankfurt. I stepped into the quiet burial area with the company of George, the green grass, surrounded by tall trees, making a gloomy and sad impression fall on me.

"In 1828 almost the entire chamber in the cemetery was full of approximately 7000 graves so that the cemetery was closed. But in 1942 the national socialists led by Adolf Hitler destroyed around 4666 old tombstones and piled them with more than 12,000 new bodies from the massacre. " said George, breaking the silence. I stared at George with a feeling of disarray, shivered by the atmosphere and pity for the plight of those lying in the burial grounds.

This place is really sad, there are tombstones with Hebrew writing that have eroded a lot, and are shapeless, some are still standing, covered in moss, and plants, some are left with only rocks, and are only a few cms apart from one another.

The sound of birds chirping cheerfully, amid the silence of the graves. I could not hold back the sad tears to stay longer in this place, I imagined the terrible events resulting from human outrage against humans, they suffered, were slaughtered with their bodies just thrown away. The cemetery is surrounded by a long wall, known as the Holocaust memorial wall, along the walls are arranged in a small metal box shaped like a small box, on each box the name, date of birth, date of death of the Jewish citizens who were killed.

On top of each metal box, there are small stones, sometimes small flower petals left by relatives who come for pilgrimages, expressions of prayer and love are conveyed by placing stones. This wall is a memorial that has an important value for most of the citizens of Germany, whether they have Jewish blood or not. Its construction is intended to commemorate the Nazi extermination of Jews.

The massacre in Germany is a bitter piece of history that will never be forgotten, but Germany can pay its last respects through the construction of a solemn memorial. This memorial proves to the world that the historical wounds of the German people are treated and healed. The tribute to the victims is still well preserved as historical evidence. So that the next generation will understand very well that Germany, is not free from its own historical mistakes.

Holocaust matters are kept and well documented to prevent this racial killing from happening again.

Holocaust volunteers, whether they come from victims' families or from independent institutions including the state, fight the forgetting of the Holocaust by preserving memories of the incident through audio documentation, recording visual testimonials, documenting documents, and keeping all memorabilia objects related to the Holocaust because by remembering it we are able to respect humans and life regardless of race, ethnicity or religion. "You're so touched and cry easily, Jade," said George, looking at me.

I only responded with a smile, a little embarrassed, because today I was too emotional in front of George. I could also momentarily forget about my jealousy for Halley. "Are you feeling better?" Asked George, as he put on the seat belt for me.

I nodded firmly with a smile.

"Jade, can I be blunt?" He said again. I just nodded my head, hinted George to continue the conversation. "I think I like you, you look attractive in my eyes." Said George staring into my eyes closed. "Just because I cried?" I said searchingly. George laughed at her, "Not just about that Jade."
