Spielberg- Styria, Austria

We arrived in Graz, the capital city of Styria, Austria at exactly 8:00 am, and were met in person by George's personal assistant named Mike. Then we continued our journey to the city of Spielberg where the Red Bull Ring circuit is located, which is approximately one hour from the city of Graz.

Spielberg is a city of twenty-nine square kilometres, the highest racing circuit in the world, because of its location in the Styria Mountains.

There was not much we could do, apart from hoping that George would soon wake up from his coma, the atmosphere was so heartbreaking and took all our emotions and energy, we also had a hard time when we got to the hospital because the hospital lobby was so busy with journalists covering the accident.

We were very tired, all night we both did not get enough rest because our plane had to transit and we spent a night in an airport hotel in Budapest, Hungary. We also had to stay up all night to catch the earliest flight to the city of Graz, Austria.

Throughout the day, Valter was busy with telephone calls and coordinating with the hospital to seek the possibility for George to be brought back to Germany and receive more intensive care there. I sat on the sofa in the hospital, for the umpteenth time I yawned, and felt my body full to the brim with fatigue.

"Jade, you go back to rest, there is a hotel that Mike prepared for us. If you want, I'll call the driver to pick you up." Said Valter.

How about you? "I asked, looking at Valter.

"I'll catch up with you, once I have a definite answer about George." Said Valter slowly walking towards the sofa.

"I'll stay here with you, don't ever ask me to leave," I said.

"Hmmm... You look very tired dear," said Valter with a face that looked thoughtful.

"I won't leave," I replied stubbornly.

"Okay then, I'll accompany you to the hotel and rest for a bit as well. "Valter replied, reaching for a cell phone trying to reach Mike.

"The car is ready, we're going to go down the back street to avoid the reporters, if they recognize me as George's younger brother, they'll ask us lots of questions." Said Valter as he took my hand.

It's been five days sine Valter and I arrived in Spielberg. George has not yet come out of his coma, and the hospital has not given permission for George to be brought home, considering his condition is still in critical condition.

Mama Maloree calls almost every hour and urges Valter to take George home to Germany, she has already prepared a private plane to take George home and prepare a house in Berlin for further treatment. If he comes out of his coma, she is so anxious and a little less confident in the care system of this small town, George is Mama Maloree's favorite child.

From the results of the examination George suffered a brain injury due to a hit to the head when he slipped off the circuit track, Valter and I were a little more in a relaxed emotional state, unlike when we first arrived, when everything was full of tension.

There are things that have changed in me since spending most of the time here, I'm not sick of the smell of the hospital, don't feel fluttering in my stomach as I walk around looking through the hospital rooms, the trauma has gone away, without saying goodbye.

I'm used to sitting silently beside George, staring at the hoses and cables and monitor lines running up and down. Sometimes I talk to him, joke as if George can hear me.

Today, I told about my past to George, even though I know he will never be able to hear me, I think this is my therapy to make peace with the past, telling everything to someone, so that the burden on my heart lessens. This also helps me get rid of the boredom of being in a room full of medical machines.

The atmosphere in the ICU was not that bad, it was just quite quiet. From behind the white curtain, there is a glass window that is quite large and I can capture the view of the Styria mountains, 60% of Styria is covered by beautiful forests. This area is often referred to as The Green Heart of Austria, because of its beauty. The air here is also different, unlike the usually tense hospital air.

The circuit is at an altitude of more than six hundred meters above sea level, with a straight track and there are only nine dangerous turns, the first corner of the circuit is famous and has a name called Bend in Hell, which often causes a lot of casualties.

I looked at George while sitting quietly beside him, my eyes caught a small movement in George's fingers, suddenly I was shocked and stood up panicked, I ran out looking for Valter and the nurses.

"Valter, please call the nurse, I saw George's fingers moving. This is probably a good sign," I said with an irregular breath. Valter immediately ran to contact the nurse, who quickly checked George's condition, we were waiting outside the room with a million good wishes racing through my heart.

"Unfortunately, tomorrow we will return to Germany." Said Valter smiling as he opened his arms wide, grabbed me into his arms. 5 days filled with tension and worry, we couldn't sleep well during these days here.

Today is like a bright spot of light greeting us, after having had a hard day. "What did the doctor say?" I asked, looking up at Valter. "The doctor stated that George was in a state of minimal consciousness. He became conscious but could not give much response because his brain was traumatized. George will still respond to light, the movement to the stimulation but may not be able to speak," added Valter explained.

"Isn't that good progress, honey?" I asked again.

"Yes, he will need a lot of treatment for his recovery. He's past his critical period," said Valter. There was a happy glow in his eyes, Valter loved George so much.

We brought George back to Germany, with a private jet type Embraer Lineage 1000E, owned by Mama Maloree. the journey from Graz to Berlin is about an hour and fifteen minutes.

"Honey, why didn't they take him home to Frankfurt? Why did he go to Berlin instead?" I asked, sitting on the sofa in the cabin of the plane that had just taken off a few minutes ago.

"Looks like Mom thinks Berlin is a more comfortable place for George's recovery. Given all the journalists will definitely storm the house in Frankfurt and find out where and condition George," replied Valter who moved to sit next to me on the sofa, looking at me intently.

"I miss touching you dearly, the last six days we were tense, too tense," he said, kissing my cheek and speaking at a very close distance.

"George will be immediately taken to the hospital or to a private house?" I asked again, looking into Valter's eyes, looking at him closely and admiring the figure of the man I love sitting so close to me.

"George will be brought home, mama has prepared a treatment room along with medical equipment, doctors and nurses who will monitor his condition at home," said George quietly and hugged me.

I just opened my mouth and asked the question again, but my lips were frozen together with Valter's lips. Valter kissed me gently and full of longing.
