Postdam, Germany [1]

"I want to hear from you." I replied in a loud tone as I slowly opened my white nightgown. Valter who was sitting on the sofa in the room looked sharply at me and he slowly walked over to me.

"Jade, what's wrong with you? Why are you doing this?" Valter said calming me down, holding my face and confronting me in front of his face. I slowly pushed away from him and looked into his eyes. "I want to remove all of Halley's shadows. I want there to be just you and I. There is no room for anyone but me in your life." I replied with a sob.

"I'm tired of feeling bitter every time you both meet," I said again. "Even though it's part of our deal, I'm burning with jealousy." Valter looked at me sharply, there was disappointed there. Valter tried to calm me down again. Valter put my nightgown back on and covered me, cradled me onto the sofa and whispered.

"I love you, you don't need to remove any false shadows, by showing your body. Happiness is in your heart, not in the hands of others. The closeness of the heart doesn't have to be in the form of physical touch, sometimes the absence can bring the heart closer. The me yesterday is not me now. Likewise, when I was with her, it was just a version of me in the past, not my best version. My best version is with you. If you want to be happy with me, then stop competing with the past. I will when you are ready. When you understand the meaning. Not the understanding you are holding right now." Valter then stopped talking and waited for me in silence. "Forgive the shallowness of my thinking," I whispered softly. I was silent and was swept away in a blue wave of consciousness.

We live in a renovated villa of a historic house in the east of Berlin, twenty-four km from the center of Berlin, in a city called Potsdam. Posdam City is part of the Berlin Metropolitan Area. The architecture of the buildings, and the villas in this city give the impression that this part of the city was once home to the upper class, bankers, film stars, and businessmen alike.

The villa we lived in is one of the many properties owned by the Valter family, the dome-shaped roof of the house with a large statue in the middle of the front garden, and the arched windows gave an impression of the past, a historical building restored while maintaining its original shape. It is in a very quiet location, surrounded by pine forests, old trees, a large green yard. The perfect place for restorative treatment for George, I think every corner of the Villa has a positive and calming atmosphere.

We gathered around George's bed in the main villa room, occasionally George opened his eyes, but still had a confused expression on his face. The day passed without any significant development from George's condition, we also shared tasks to take turns looking after George, including Mama Maloree who devoted most of her time to her beloved child.

That day the atmosphere was quiet, there was me, Valter, mama Maloree and father Odolf in George's room. "Ma, Pa. Jade and I will be back in Munich in a few days, I have an important meeting that I have to attend." Said Valter looking at his parents. "Besides, this villa will be cramped if Devon and Jacob come here," he added, holding me tenderly by the corner of the bed.

There are only six large bedrooms and seven bathrooms in this villa, one room for the house staff, two of which are used for overnight doctors and nurses, one special room for George, the other room occupied by Mama Maloree, Papa Odolf and also me and Valter.

"Jaadeee..." Said George slowly which made all of us surprised to hear it.

Mama Maloree was half-hysterical and happy to see that her son could say a word. Valter rushed out to find a nurse or doctor and returned within minutes with a doctor on duty. I, Valter and Papa Odolf left George's room, giving space to the doctors and nurses to check while Mama Malore remained inside accompanying George. Apart from our happiness for George who can already say a word, a big question arises in my mind, why should my name be called first?

The three of us descended the large oak staircase to the large living room in the form of a hall which was at the bottom of the stairs, next to the family room was the library with a gold ornate ceiling. This family room is directly connected to the back terrace with a rose garden, also connected to the formal dining room and large kitchen. It is a strategic place to gather as it connects with access to all places in the Villa. Papa Odolf invited us to enjoy some wine in the family room, I sat on the sofa that led to the back garden of the house, my gaze was thrown far outside the room where there was a beautiful view, cool and filled with beautiful flowers.

"I and Maloree thought to spend some time in Croatia and take the whole family on vacation, before what happened to George," said Odalf's father with wistful eyes. "We can do it after George recovers Pa. We're still lucky enough not to lose him," said Valter, throwing himself on the sofa and sitting beside me who was absorbed in looking at the large chandelier above the room that hung above a neat arrangement of glossy black wood.

Papa Odolf nodded in agreement. The atmosphere was quiet again, we were lost in our own thoughts until the sound of Mama Malore's footsteps entered the room. "Looks like Jade can't come with you, Valter," said Mama Malore with a pleading face. "What's wrong, ma?" Asked Valter, turning toward the door. The three of us looked at him questioningly.

"George has a little amnesic disturbance because of the trauma he suffered. He can only remember you Jade, he doesn't even recognize me. I hope you can help him through this period," said Mama Maloree with teary eyes. I immediately got up from the sofa and hugged Mama Maloree, helping her to release a little tightness in her chest. Mama Maloree was sobbing in my arms, Valter walked over to pat his mother's hand.

"I will do my best to help him, but I will need Valter's permission to stay behind," I whispered as I looked at Valter. "I don't mind Jade, I would be very happy if you could join this family," Valter said hugging us both.

Various questions in my mind burst out when I was with Valter in our room. I actually have a little objection if I have to be away from Valter, but sometimes the choices that are insight are not always on my side. "How long are you going to be in Munich," I said curled up beside Valter who was lying on the bed. "Not long, maybe just a few days and come right back here. What's the matter, Jade? Do you mind being here without me?" Asked Valter as he turned towards me curled up like a baby in a fetus, staring at me.

"Not really, I'm just afraid of not missing you." I said teasingly. To this day I still have the story of the night George kissed me, a mistake I seem to keep to myself. Circumstances didn't allow me to be honest, nor did I have any real reason to avoid George.
