Chapter 6

When they saw me, their eyes were in flames. I ignored them and went looking for my leg part. Then, I went to the 'Parts and Service' room. I molded it in, and went to work on Toy Bonnie and Freddy. When I final did, I turned them on. Toy Bonnie looked more alive than Toy Freddy. Then, I thought of doing something completely insane. But, anyway, I picked up Toy Freddy and told Toy Bonnie to follow me. When we got to the room, I spotted Mangle and Toy Chica still sad, until they saw me. I went over to their stage, and put toy Freddy back where he was supposed to be. I sighed for all the frustration that Toy Freddy wasn't alive. I rubbed off some dirt off of him and went back to the room. Then, I realized that I could fix Mangle! So, I went to 'Kid's Cove', and saw Mangle's old parts. I put them in a box I was carrying, and went to Mangle. "Can you come with me?" I asked her. I noticed she's spotted her parts, and went to me. "Follow," I told her. As she did, I lead her to a room. I pointed to a metal table. "Lie down there," I told her. Then I melded, rewired, and screwed on Mangle's parts. Mangle was fixed. I melted each piece together so Mangle wouldn't fall apart again. Mangle was so overjoyed she hugged me for 5 minutes. I tried to get away so she let me go. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she exclaimed so loud it went through the whole restaurant. I heard footprints come to the door. "Oh no..." I muttered. I peeked in the door window. It was Presley. "Don't hurt this one! He's... Special..." I trailed off. Then, I raced out of the room. Not looking back, I scampered to the original animatronic place. I looked around. I saw a big stage that wasn't being used. Then, I saw a platform. It was quite odd. The place looked very familiar. Then, I saw an unusual door. I had some scraps of blood on it. I went closer to it, and as I looked around, I saw 5 dead kids. I gasped. This was the original place! Then, I felt like something was shaking me. Then, I was somewhere else. And the cause of the shaking was a worried Mangle. Then, I felt my head start to hurt again like last time. But this time I hurt even worse. "Owww...!" I exclaimed. "Unnamed Child! Where are you?" that was Cassie. "Unnamed Child?" Mangle asked. "Don't worry about it..." I told her. I got up, and went out of the room. Then, I spotted Cassie looking for me. "Trash... I mean Cassie! Over here!" I called to her across the hallway. "Ok, just checking, I couldn't find you!" she yelled back. Then, I went to the extra party room. I found the same stage and platform. But no door. "What's happening to me..." I said to myself. Then, I went to the storage room we were all in. I saw boxes and boxes of things. I looked in a box that said 'Foxy'. It had Foxy's curtin and another hook. I put them in the spare parts box, and opened a box named 'Chica'. It had a microphone in it and an extra bib. I put it in the parts box, and opened another box named 'Bonnie'. It had a guitar and a pair of bunny ears. I put it in the parts box, and grabbed a box named 'Freddy'. I opened it and it had a microphone. Then, like the others, I put it in the box. Then, I spotted a pink/white little box. It said 'Katy and Cassie'. I opened it and found a cookie, many, many bows, and Cassie and me's microphone. I turned it on, and tested it. I sang in a c cord. It worked. I put it in the box. But, then, I spotted a box. It was dark brown with streaks of blood. I opened it and it had a little tablet in it. Then, I looked more. It had a pictures of kids. I recognized the kids I saw in the room. I picked up the parts box, and went out of the room. I kept looking at the pictures. Then, I accidentally ran into Toy Chica, talking to Mangle. "Sorry Toy Chica," I apologized. "No problem. Hey, what's this?" she asked and picked up the photos of the children. She started to cry like I did when I saw Trash dead on the ground. "Where did you find these...?" she asked. "I was looking for some extra things, and I found a box of those pictures and a tablet," I answered. She gave me them, except for one. "I'll keep this one," she said. "Ok," I said. Then, I realized it was 5:30. It was almost opening time. Then, I sprinted to the other side of the building. I put Foxy's curtain up in one room, set up the stage in the 2nd room, and got ready on my platform. Then, Presley came in while I was straightening up the curtain. "You really got the hang of this," he commented. "Well, I've been through alot, so I thought I'd get my mind off of things," I said. "Like what?" he asked. I hesitated and finally said,"I found a box of pictures and a tablet. But, before that, I've been having these visions of kids." I looked around the room, and spotted something again. It was a door. So, I went to the door. When i opened it, it had 5 little kids in it. I looked in the corner of it, and I saw the Purple Guy. Then, he said,"Hello..." I felt some shaking, and found Presley shaking me again. "Are you okay? This is the 2nd time tonight," he said. My headache started again. "Oww..." I moaned. Then, I noticed it was 5:58. "It's almost time for you to go," I told him. "Okay, tomorrow's my last night. See you tomorrow night," he said. Then, he walked to the door. I waved to him, and went to my platform.

Author's Note 4 Years Later: Ugh my head hurts. I'm pretty sure I lost brain cells but at least the chapters are getting slightly better. I guess...

I mean, regardless of the poor grammar and word choices, Katie as a character is starting to get slightly less selfish. And she's starting to get less obsessed over Presley (Can't say the same for him) and more focussed on making a life before she finally passes on.

And I mean she's not spiteful unless someone messes with her (except for KK, #JusticeForKK). She's almost has a Cinderella personality. Even if she goes through hard times, she still tries to keep a cheery attitude and help people as best as she can. The only problem is there isn't any logic tied to the way she helps, though. Like seriously where did she get those ninja star skills?

And she should be like how the other animatronics are. She didn't die differently than them. She was killed by the same guy. same way. The difference is that she was willing to die, and because of this, she doesn't have any anger towards security guards, cause she knows that it was her fault she died. Or at least that's what she believes.

Okay, I may be getting a bit too serious here. But it's some good insight to the ways she acts. And I definitely need another perspective if I'm going to survive this awful re-reading.