Chapter 7

"Hello there! Can I help you?" I asked a little kid that walked up to me. "I heard from my little sister that you were really soft," he told me. "I am, but your sister was a little mean to me, and pulled off my fur," I said. He looked a little angry. It was either at his sister or me. "Don't call my sister mean!" he exclaimed. Then, he tried to rip off my arm. When he did, the animatronics all looked at him. He looked terrified. I got off of my platform and went to the work room. I fixed my arm, and went back to the platform. He looked even more angry when he saw me fixed again. "No fair! Why won't you break!" he yelled. I could tell he was 6, so i wouldn't blame him for throwing a fit. But, I couldn't stand him. But, I wish I hadn't got so angry. I said,"Hey, maybe a cookie will help you be calm." He nodded really fast. "But first, tell me, did you take apart an animatronic like me before?" I asked. When he nodded, he said,"Yeah, it was was that girly Foxy, but somehow she was fixed." "Well, I fixed her, as well as the rest of the animatronics," I told him. "You did?! Why? Those other ones are so boring!" he complained. Then, I went stiff again. My stomach opened again, and holded a cookie. When he grabbed the cookie, he was grabbed by the metal object. Then, everyone paused and looked at me. When, I became more loose, Cassie ran towards me. "What did you do?! He was just a kid!" she exclaimed. I was to stunned to talk. Then, I realized something. Toy Freddy doesn't have a spirit. I grinned a little. I ran to the workroom, and released him from my stomach. I examined him. I heard if he was breathing. He wasn't. I went out of the room, leaving the body on the metal table. I saw a crying woman. She was being comforted by Cassie. I walked up to the entrance of the room. I kinda wished I could hide. The woman and Cassie spotted me. They both looked mad at me. Cassie walked over to me. "How could you?! He was just a kid!" she yelled. "He destroyed Mangle and almost me! How could I not get mad!" I tried to defend myself. "That doesn't mean you kill him! You're just as bad as Purple Guy!" she yelled. I went from mad to sad. I went to the women and said,"Come back tomorrow, then you'll be happy again." She hesitated, then nodded. I smiled a warm smile. "I'm so sorry I killed your son, but he was harming many animatronics. And my anger got the better of me," I told her. Then, I went to the other part of the restaurant. I walked over to Toy Freddy, turned him off, and picked him up. I heard some kid's yell angrily. I ignored the Toy animatronic's faces. So, I took Toy Freddy to the workroom, and put him down next to the body. I wondered how the Marionette did it. Then, I felt a slight chill. I thought it was just the air conditioner. But, I saw Toy Freddy's eyes light a blue glow like the others. I was overjoyed. "You're alive! You're alive!" I exclaimed. I grabbed his hand, and lead him to the party room. His mother was still there, crying. I made him go to the room. She looked up. She looked puzzled. I went to Cassie and said,"I finally got Toy Freddy a soul!" She looked puzzled and asked,"How? Did you get the Marionette to help?" I answered,"no! That's the thing! I reanimated him!" She looked at me in awe. I looked back at the mother. She was hugging Toy Freddy, crying still. I tapped Toy Freddy's shoulder and said,"I think some kids over there want Toy Freddy." He looked a bit sad. "I know it's hard, but, every animatronic here has gone threw this... Except... An animatronic killed you, unlike being killed by Purple Guy..." He looked in me in realization that I was alive. "Hmmm... How old were you when you died?" I asked. "Four," he said in Toy Freddy's voice. "You're the youngest child who died," I said,"Oh, and I'll teach you everyone's names." He looked at me angrily. "I already knew all of their names," he said. "Ok, name the 'girly Foxy', then," I tested him. "Umm..." he said. He let out a moan and said,"I don't know." "Her name is Mangle, well, because of you," I said with a smirk. Then, I realized some kids were staring at us. "Come with me," I told him. He nodded, and I lead him to the work room. I grabbed my tablet, and looked up some Toy Freddy songs. "Hey, where'd you get that?" he asked me. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked. He formed his hands to cross his heart. I moved the box that was covering my body. He gasped. "I had it in my pocket when I died. I took it with me when I was taken apart and placed here," I said. Then, when i got the songs loaded in his hard drive, I let him go out of the room. I waved goodbye, and went back to my platform. I realized it's been almost an hour, so I did what I used to do. I sang a song of the audience's choice. I saw a little girl with red hair and glasses. She gave me a strange feeling when I got around her. She, as the others, rows her hand to pick a song. "Would you like to pick a song little girl?" I asked her. She nodded really fast. "Can you play the song "Crumbling Dreams"? It always makes me happy," she requested. I always played that song when I was a kid.

I looked around and saw everyone really dazed. I even saw some kids asleep on the floor. But it didn't look like they were having good dreams. Some of them were crying, even. I got off the stage, and let the animatronics get back on. But, they didn't.

Author's Note 4 Years Later: I still hate when she sings FNAF songs that don't even belong to her but mjjskwvnafqewfo whatever.

Can I just tell you this has been the most satisfying chapter so far for me? Seeing Cassie finally snap at Katie is just so great to me because Katie really did do a horrible thing and deserves as much hate for it. I just hate Cassie and the mom were instantly happy again when they realized he was haunting Toy Freddy. Like, what?

If I was told my kid was haunting a robot, I- well... I don't know. I'd be upset, but that's kinda cool ngl. Except I would be very angry cause I'd have to pay to actually see "him" when it was really just him being trapped in that body for the day before he can let loose at night.

Anyway, that mom probably wanted him gone anyway, lol. I mean one awful kid down, another to go, right? She's probably some kind of Karen who lets her kids do whatever they want and then complains about them misbehaving on Facebook.

Okay, another thing, why is she suddenly the new Marionette? Is she like the daytime Marionette and the actual one is the night time one, like what?

Lol and she's new at it, so it's like really hard for her to comfort kids and be all "motherly".