Chapter 1

I woke up and looked around. "Hello?" I called. I saw a big, dark room. Then, I saw a glass window. I got up from the floor and I saw myself in my reflection of the glass window. I was really dark with burnt marks. I tried to rub it off, but it only went off a little. Then, I looked through the window. I saw other windows that had the other animatronics in the rooms of the window. I heard footsteps. They were coming up this way. "Hello?!" I called even louder this time. The footsteps were coming faster. I saw a figure, but I couldn't make it out. It went to a door I spotted. It was a security guard. I recognized him a little, but I still couldn't get a clear image. The ashes in my eyes were making everything blurry. "Who are you?" I asked, trying to scrape out the ash. "It's me! Presley. Did you forget about me?" he asked. "No, no... I just have some ashes in my eyes..." I said still trying to get all of the ashes off. "I was worried about you. When I heard the pizzeria burnt down... I thought I'd never see you again. Until I saw this job interview. I thought you'd be here," he explained. "Wait, is Cassie here?! I need to be with her! She's my best friend," I asked. He had a confused expression. "Who's Cassie? You mean the white cat?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah, she's down the hallway. You'll see her," he said. I ran straight out of the door, and spotted Cassie across the hallway. When I saw her past the window, she was on the ground crying black tears. I knocked on the window. She looked up looking much happier. She came racing towards the window. "Cassie!" I exclaimed. "Katie!" she said though the dirty window. "Presley! Can you come unlock her door?" I called to Presley. When he came over, I thought of what happens in Fazbear's Fright. When he unlocked the door, Hannah came out and hugged me. I didn't hug her back thinking of what might happen these 5 days. "What's wrong Katie?" Hannah asked noticing I wasn't hugging her. I whispered in her ear,"Springtrap..." She looked at me almost crying. She hugged me again, but tighter. "I know," I whispered. I hugged her back. "We all remember... Him," I said, forgetting to whisper. "Who's 'him'?" Presley asked. I looked into his eyes with a stare that I would make when I was a kid, but I only made the stare to frighten my friends. Presley backed away slowly. "Don't go anywhere! You don't want 'him' to find you," I told Presley. "But who's him?!" Presley asked getting a little annoyed. "The one who killed us," Cassie answered. He had a completely puzzled face. "Is he here?" Presley asked. "No, he's everywhere now. He died in Spring Bonnie's suit. Now his soul haunts the suit, and his name is now Springtrap," I explained. Presley looked even more scared now. But before he could make a reply, I heard footsteps behind me. It sounded heavy and scratchy. I turned around to see a doorway, and the source wasn't Springtrap, it was Phantom Mangle. But, her parts must have fallen apart over time. She looked at me surprised. "Katie!" She exclaimed. She hugged me and asked, "Do you think you can fix me again?" I looked in her eyes; her eyes had pain and sadness in them. "I don't know... The fire might've messed up my heater, but I could always try," I said. I opened my stomach, and I looked in some. My heater was still working. "Ok, it works, I'm going to try to find some place I can work in," I said. "Oh, come with me!" Phantom Mangle said. She lead me to a room with so much parts, paint, fur, and ribbon I could use. "This is perfect!" I exclaimed. "Ok, get on the table, and I'll get to work," I told her. She did, and I fixed her up. Then, I repainted her and cleaned her up. And just for the attraction at Fazbear's Fright, I found the pictures of kids and snuck a picture that looked like Mangle in her arm. She was overjoyed when I was done. "Thank you again!" she exclaimed. When we got out of the room, I heard two screams. Mangle and I ran to the scream's direction. And it was Springtrap about to attack Hannah and Presley.

Author's Note 4 Year's Later: Lol I still can't get over the fact that Presley has signed up and worked at all the Freddy jobs and every single time the place gets destroyed. And, not to mention, survived all of them. Really goes to show what hooking up with a robot furry cat girl can do for you.

Lol I just realized he's at least 40 or 50 by now and he's still chasing after his robot waifu