Chapter 2

My eyes were like green fire. I unsheathed my sharp, metal nails all the way to where they can kill a cow in a second. I watched until Springtrap at least tried to hurt them. When he was about to jump on them, I went behind him, and clawed my nails down his back. His dark laugh turned into a scream. My fiery eyes got dimmer as I went down his metal spine. When I thought he wasn't alive anymore, I put him in my new workroom. I closed the door, and heard a little tune. I knew that meant Presley had to leave. So, I looked through the hallways, trying to find my room. Since this was Fazbears Fright, I can finally let out all my deepest, darkest feelings. So, when a group of teenagers looked by, I saw them put a 20 dollar bill in a small compartment. I thought a little, and then I knew what to do that made everyone I met creeped out. "Hello. I'm Katie! I was the 6th child to be... Well... Murdered. My name was Unnamed Child. I would always love to sing! Do you wanna hear a song?" I said. They nodded, but they didn't look scared. "Wait... How come you're not scared?" I asked them. "You're boring, plus you're not even real," one of them said. That's when I got mad. I went to the door, and opened it. "Do you wanna see something scary? Like... My murderer?" I asked them. One of them rolled their eyes. "Sure," another one said. I lead them to the room I put Springtrap in. When I looked in, I saw nothing. "No... No! I thought I killed him!" I exclaimed. I looked behind me and saw the teens looking as bored as ever. "You're despicable! You won't be scared even if we're all in danger! You know what?! I don't even care if you get killed by-" I was interrupted when I heard heavy footsteps somewhere. "It's just Mangle, Katie. It's Just Mangle," I tried to assure myself, but my hopes were destroyed when Springtrap walked out of the shadows. I looked back at the teens, and they were texting on their phones. I grunted a big "UGH!!" Then, I walked back to my room. And as I walked, I moaned, "Why won't anyone just recognize how much pain we go through!" Instead of going to my room, I went to Hannah. She was in a dark corner looking really down. "Cassie?" I asked. She looked up, and went to the window. "How did you get out?" she asked through the window. "The door is unlocked. Remember? From last night," I told her. "Ohh," she said. I walked over to her door, and opened it. She ran out, and ran down the hallway I came back from. "Cassie?! What are you doing?!" I called to her as she ran. She didn't answer, so I ran after her. But, before I could do anything, I heard screams. When I finally met the room Hannah was in, I saw her stomach open with many wires and metal everywhere. She looked like a spider. In 3 of her wires, there was a teenager in each. "Cassie!" I screamed, trying to talk over the noises from the wires. She let go of them, and put her wires and metal back in. The teenagers were limp. Trash, my best friend Trash, just killed 3 innocent teenagers. I went to them, and tried to do what I did when I killed the 4 year old. I saw 3 tall white figures. "Hello," I said in a calming voice. They looked scared, and one of them cried. "Don't worry young children... I'll guide you," I assured them. They still looked sad. "Come with me," I said. I lead them to my work room. "What are your names? And who are your parents' names?" I asked them. The girl answered, "I'm Sasha, and these are my friends, Brad and Chris." Then, Brad spoke up and said, "My parents are named *REDACTED* Thompson and David Thompson." I gasped and asked, "what's your mother's maiden name?" He looked puzzled and said, "*Redacted*." I started to tear up a little, and then I asked him, "Do you know where she is?" He nodded. "Can you take me to her?" he nodded again, and lead me to a room where I saw an older *REDACTED*. She was with a man. "*REDACTED*!" I exclaimed. I went up to her, and hugged her. "Oh, I missed you so!" I exclaimed. She pushed me away, trying to brush off ash I rubbed on her. "Dumb animatronic... Wait, how do you know my name?" she asked. "It's me. Unnamed Child..." I told her. Her eyes widened. "No... You can't be her; she died when I was 12. And so did Trash," she said, starting to tear up. "That's kinda what I wanted you to know about... Your son Brad... He... Well... Trash killed him," I said forcing myself to say it. She looked past me, and saw the tall white figures. "Brad?" she asked. He nodded. "Am I to not love anyone?!" she cried and fell to the ground. I heard Hannah come in. "Carly, who's this?" she asked. "*REDACTED*. You killed her son," I said. She looked puzzled. "I didn't kill anyone. All I did was stay in my room, waiting on you to open the door, but then everything became white, and I saw a nice lady," she explained. "Sasha, Chris, what are your parents' names?" I asked. Sasha said, "*REDACTED* and Josh Aaron, and his is *REDACTED*, but she's a widow." I was amazed that each one of their mothers were my old friends. I heard a voice on the intercom say, "Fazbear Fright is closing in 5 minutes." I was a little scared. With the new souls and Springtrap on the loose, I didn't have a chance. "Come with me children," I said. "Ok," they all said at the same time. I lead them to my workroom and said, "Stay here, and if you see a greenish, broken bunny, scream. But don't worry about the others, they're actually really nice. Oh, and if one of the animatronics ask who you are, say you're waiting on Katy." They nodded. As I went out of the room, I looked around the place and saw empty animatronic suits. I picked up Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Freddy. I went to the room again, and I put the suits on the table. I saw that they were interested in what I was going to do. "Lie down next to the animatronics," I told them. When they did, I felt a soft wind. I could feel the cold hand of the Marionette. I saw the three ghosts disappear; the animatronic's eyes were lightening up. "Well done, Katie," the Marionette said.

Author's Note 4 Years Later: Lol, so, I added like 3 more of my "friends" (2 were pretty toxic, the other one is chill af and is still a great friend of mine) so I had the redact their names (I used their full names, big no-no).

Also, the story is starting to call Katie "Katy" which may have been the cause of me forgetting how to spell the original version. I also call Cassie Cathy now so there might be a chance it'll change too. Memory is weird

Another thing, apparently Katie is literally the new Marionette? Or at least the Marionette in the theories were back before the 6th game and all that. Or, she's like, not the marionette? But another thing like... the "sOul guiDer". And all she does is kill people with her twin and make them haunt animatronics cause she lonely. Oh, wait that's actually really clever. I gotta write that down.