Chapter 3

"Presley?" I called through the hallways. "Who's Presley?" Sasha asked. "He's an old Security guard. I met him when I died. We've grown quite close ever since then," I explained. "Oh, okay," Sasha said. We were all walking through the hallway, trying to find a room for all of them. When we did, I told them, "Stay here, but if you find a man in a uniform, tell him that I'm looking for him." They all nodded. I looked happy leaving, but I was still thinking about Springtrap. I went to my room, still thinking of Presley, Cassie, and the kids. Then, I realized since they're in those suits, the other souls must be gone. With all the stress and thoughts whirling in my head, I went out of my room trying to get my mind off of everything. When I passed Cassie's room, she tried to get my attention, but I just drooped my tail and ears down, and past the window. I went to Sasha's room, and knocked on her glass window. She was looking at a picture. I went in her room, and looked at the picture she was looking at. It was the picture Toy Chica wanted to keep. She must have hid it in her suit. "What is this?" Sasha asked as I came into the room. "It's the last soul's picture before she died. I have the rest of the pictures," I explained. "Can you show me?" she asked. I nodded and tried to find the pictures I hid. When I did, I saw something in it really strange. I saw me, and the other children. "When was this taken? I don't remember taking this," I asked out loud, distressed. I gave her the pictures, and she had the same expression. "I don't remember taking this either," she said. I grabbed them from her, and got up from the floor we were sitting on. I got out of the room to go to my workroom I put the bodies. When I did, they weren't there anymore. I heard heavy steps again. I looked faster for them so whatever was causing the footsteps wouldn't find me. But it was too late. I felt a cold finger tap on my shoulder. I didn't want to look behind me. But, I needed to look; it might just be Mangle or the others. But it wasn't. It was Springtrap. My eyes were glowing bright. Springtrap took another step closer. But, I was too scared to move. I started to quake. My claws didn't even extend. But, then I thought of the others. How this man killed innocent kids for no absolute reason. My eyes turned to fire, and got even brighter. So bright I lit up the hallway that was behind him. My nails extended. I felt a cold presence again. "You can do it. I believe in you," a sweet, soft whisper said to me. I looked around, as Springtrap got closer. I saw many white figures. They were all cheering for me. But they were mute. I tried to think of happy thoughts. So, I realized how pathetic Springtrap was. I chuckled a little, but I couldn't stop. It was like I was being forced to laugh. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. Springtrap started to laugh himself. What is happening?! I thought. I tried to run from him and get back to my room. But, that wouldn't help me. "H-ha-e-ha-l-ha-p-ha!" I tried to say. I heard fast footsteps. I collapsed to the floor, still laughing. Then I saw Presley come towards me. Everything went black for second. Then, I saw a woman. She gave a warm presence towards me. "Hello, Unnamed Child," she spoke. Her voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my tongue on it. "Look at your hands, maybe that will explain some," she instructed. As I obeyed, I saw that my hands were the same peach and pinkish color I used to have. I was Unnamed Child again. "Where am I? And who are you?" I asked. "I don't know, myself, but I've been here with every soul. Oh, and my name is Mary, it's me, Marionette," she explained. "But, why am I here?" I asked. She answered, "I don't know, but you'll wake up soon." As she said that, everything started to fade.

Author's Note 4 Years Later: What. What just happened, I'm so confused. It's like ADHD and cocaine mixed together and made this. Like everything just happened at once and now my head hurts and my eyes are bleeding