Chapter 4

I woke up. I was on a table, focused on by a light. I got up, and saw Cassie, Presley, Mangle, and the kids. "Are you okay?" asked Cassie. I didn't answer; I was still shocked over what I saw. Then, I got a good look of my surroundings. I was in my workroom. I got scared of what happened last night. I started to quake again. "What time is it?" I asked. "Almost time for me to leave," Presley answered. Good, that means Springtrap won't come anytime soon I thought. I heard the chime, and I was really relieved. I got up from the table, and went to my room. I waited in a corner until someone puts some money in the deposit. When I got bored after a couple of hours, I got up and started to look around again. I visited 5 new hallways. I saw Phantom Chica, Freddy, Foxy, and Bonnie. When I reached the last hallway, I saw one door. That door said 'Employees Only'. I walked over to it, and tried to open it. It was locked, so I kicked it down. The room was full of boxes. The boxes had names on them. One said Bobby. When I opened it, I saw a dead kid with a purple shirt, and black hair. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. When I could finally pull away my eyes, I looked at the other boxes. I read them one by one. Chelsea, Frederick, Finn, Arnold, Tosha, Toby, Matilda, Frank, BB, JJ, KK, Carly, Hannah, Sasha, Brad, Chris, and Mary. I looked in each one of them. Every box was as terrible as the last. I looked in my box, and found my tablet again. I left the room and then the hallway. I was looking at my tablet as I went to my room. When I passed a wire, I let it touch my tablet so it would charge. When I turned it on, I looked through my gallery, or my photos. I looked at the saved pictures. I wanted to cry badly. As I reached my room, I was looking at my tablet. I let out a big sigh as I sat down. I looked through the pictures I've drawn. But, that's when I got scared. The pictures were pictures of an orange cat holding a microphone, a picture of a white one, and two pictures of a girl with red hair on a table spilling blood. And the other one was a girl with blond hair next to the other girl. Was I predicting the future? Then, I remembered that I died on purpose. Only because I wanted some adventure. I was planning this future. "Katie?" a voice came from the window. It was Sasha. I got up, and put down my tablet. "Yes?" I called. "What were you doing? First, I saw you looking at a glowing light. Then I saw your face become terrified," she said. "Oh, don't worry about that," I said looking back at my tablet. She went to my door, and opened it. She went into my room, and picked up my tablet. She saw the pictures I was looking at. Then, went to my gallery and saw my pictures I've taken when I was a kid. "Where did you find this?" she asked. "I... Well, I found this room, and. You know what? I'll just show you," I said. I lead her to the hallway, then the room. When I opened the door, she looked puzzled. I sighed and said, "look in one of them." As she did, she gasped. She picked Tochia, or Toy Chica's, box. "Who is this?" she asked. "Well, she's the last one to use your suit. She must have escaped somehow. Lucky," I said. She looked around, and saw the one that said her name. She went closer and looked in. As she looked in, she grabbed something in it. It was her phone that she was texting on. She turned it on, and started typing on it. I looked on it and said this:

Sasha: Hey, Christy! It's me! Sasha!

Christy: Sasha!? But you died!

Sasha: I know... But I was helped by the animatronics here!

Christy: You mean like FNAF?

Sasha: Yeah! Except there's one that's really nice! She's the one that got me my body! Plus, she's friends with a security guard! LOL

Christy: Does she do anything creepy?

Sasha: Well... The security caught her on the floor, laughing. He said she couldn't stop until she woke up.

Christy: Sounds exciting! I'm kinda jealous! Have you grown any crushes there?

Sasha: Well... Chris is a little cuter now, but I don't like him like that

Christy: Sure... Show me a picture!


Christy:I don't know... He looks a little creepy...

Sasha: Oh yeah? Well look at me!

Christy:Well, you look cute. But, Chris doesn't.

Sasha:*rolls eyes* whatever, I gotta go. I think it's time for the place to open.

As I looked at it, she grabbed it away from my view. I chuckled a little. "Time to go scare! Hey, can you scare people?" I asked. She nodded. "Ok, but remember, first tell them about your story. That'll scare them. Oh, and tell them to beware of Cassie," I told her. When she nodded, we went on to our rooms. I only scared a few people, but I had some trouble scaring most. After I failed again, I just waited in the corner for everyone to go. I waited for a while, until I heard a knocking. I saw who it was, and stared at her in awe. It was Booger PooPoo Head, my sister.

Author's Note 4 Years Later: *Sign says "Employees only"*

Katie: That sign can't stop me because I can't read

Wait its been 30 years now, these bodies should be decomposed by now, not iN a sTorage rOom. No logic in the world of imagination I guess

Lol and I like how she's basically the teens' mother now. Or at least the "cool" aunt. Like an npc or something.

Also, why is everyone so used to death? Like "oh no my friend died. Oh well :P" and "Oh, dead bodies in a bunch of boxes. Oh well :P"

Is this what the future will look like. I mean honestly though... Yeah, I can see that.