Chapter 1

I felt a slight brushing. But there wasn't anything or anyone there. "Hello?" I called with an echo. This was the dream Presley was to have of me. I looked around. There was complete darkness. But, I spotted a tiny white dot. I ran closer to it. As I got closer, I realized it was Trash, or Cassie. But, she had teeth poking out of her. She also had loose wires wrapped around her. "Cassie?" I asked. She turned around, and spotted me. She stared at me in awe. "Katie? Y-you're beautiful!" she exclaimed in awe. I tried to look at myself, but all I could see was a bright glow going around me, and my ribbons were much long with flowers planting as I walk. "Hello?" a voice called from a distance. "Over here!" I called. I saw a figure running towards us. As the figure came closer, I realized it was Presley. He was in his pajamas, too. I wanted to chuckle just a bit, but I knew I couldn't. "It was a good idea to do this," I said. "Do what?" they both said. "Well, I knew when I defeated Springtrap, his wires were going to cause a fire. So, I made a little computer chip, and planted it in your ear. Now, I can see you anytime," I explained. "You knew the place was going to be caught on fire!" Cassie exclaimed angrily. "Well, it was the only way to actually defeat him," I defended. She rolled her eyes, and turned away. "What about the kids? Have you ever thought of that!" she mentioned. "Well, they might've survived the fire, and was sold at the auction," I explained, but as I heard myself, I started to feel bad. My flowers were even dying. "Hey, don't feel bad. They might've been sold to good man or woman," Presley reassured. "Yeah, but what about Mangle?" I asked, still feeling down. "She was like a best friend, or at least the nicest animatronic I've ever met," I added. "What about me?" Cassie exclaimed. "Well, you weren't always an animatronic when we met," I explained. "Hey, why are you guys feeling so down? You're still living; I guess you could call it that. And I'm still here and alive," Presley tried to make us happy. But, he only made me smile; he made Cassie have a jealous look. "Now you know how it feels to be hogged by a friend," I muttered in her ear. "What are you talking about? You mean Sierra?" she asked. "Yes," I replied in a temper. She laughed and hugged me. "Well, Sierra's not here, now. And now you have me for yourself," she said cheering up. "I wish I could laugh, but I mustn't. You're lucky. You only tried to kill people once," I said. "I know, but they were so obnoxious!" she complained. "That's only because they didn't know we were real, until I revived them back to life," I explained. Then, I noticed that Presley wasn't speaking. I let go of Cassie and looked back at Presley. He was gone. I looked around for him, but I only found the path of bright flowers. I tried to follow them, and they lead me to two circles. They showed images of a closet, and the end of a bed. "This must be his vision," I thought out loud. I stepped closer, and felt myself fade. I closed my eyes and opened them again. As I opened them, I saw I was in the inside of his closet. I looked around, and found a little Foxy plush. "Awww," I whispered to myself. "Who's there?" I heard Presley call out. I looked through the slits of the door, and saw Presley point a flashlight at the door. I didn't like the light, so I threw the Foxy plush at him. "Oww!" he complained. I looked more, and found even more plushes. I threw each one of them at him. "Ha! Now I have all of them!" he said challengingly. I tried to change my voice so he wouldn't recognize me and said, "Oh yeah? Well I have even more things to throw back here!" I looked around and saw that the flowers were still there. I threw some of them at him. "Ha! You think that'll hurt me?" he said. "I don't want to hurt you. I just wanted the light out of my eyes!" I explained. "Oh, okay. But, I need to watch out for the others," he explained. "Don't worry, I'll protect you!" I said. As I said that, I saw Nightmare Foxy appear. I kicked him with my foot, and tore him apart. I got back to my hiding place, and looked more closely at him. He had his pajamas still on, and he was surrounded by stuffed animals I threw at him. He was also holding one that looked like me. "Are you holding a Katie plush?" I asked him jokingly. "Yeah, it makes me feel safe," he defended. "Awww! That's adorable!" I exclaimed. His face started to get redder. "Wait, aren't you like, 50 something?" I asked him. "No, I'm 40," he answered angrily. My eyes started to bulge. "What's so surprising? Wait; were you one of the animatronics? Well, my family was very poor at the time, and they took 10 year olds there," he explained. I looked down, and noticed more flowers were growing. I picked up one, and it started to turn pink. Then blue, and then it turned to ooze. "Eww!" I exclaimed. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Oh, nothing," I lied, and then I threw it at him. "Hey! Wait, what is this?" he asked. "Don't ask me," I said. "But, it's morphing into something!" he exclaimed, "It's turning into a cat!" I was shocked. I saw the cat leap off from his bed and run towards me. "Aww, hi kitty!" I greeted. It let out a cute meow and licked me. It had gorgeous green eyes, orange fur, and it had purple streaks on it. I picked up another flower, and it turned into another cat. I did the same thing three times more. I let go of all the cats, and they ran towards Presley. "What the? Hey, that's my stuffed animal!" he said. I saw some of the cats snuggle up to him and some play with his stuffed animals. I was holding in my laughs, but it was too hard. I had to go back to that void. "Come on kitties. I need to go somewhere safe," I told them. They came back to me, and I disappeared. I was in the void again. "Cassie?" I called. "I'm over here! Was that you who was talking to him?" she asked. I changed back to my normal voice, and said, "Yeah, look at these precious little bundles of fur!" I spotted her on my right, and she let out a big, "Awww!" she also asked, "wait, what did you mean 'go to a safe place'?" I remembered that I needed to laugh. "Oh, I just needed to laugh a bit, so I thought the void would be safer," I explained. "Oh! Well, then I'm outta here!" she exclaimed. She ran off deeper into the void. I started to chuckle, and the laugh, and once again, I couldn't stop. I blanked out again and waited 'till everything was over. Once the place faded, I woke up, and looked around. My cats were all on top of me. Their fur was a lot darker, but it was becoming lighter. I let out a big sigh and called, "Cassie?" she didn't answer. I walked over to the eyesight and found Presley talking to her. I let out a big sigh, and lied down and closed my eyes.

Author's Note: Get ready for a doozy. I don't even remember what happens in this book. Like at all. I'm pretty sure I took some LSD before making this
