Chapter 2

"Wake up, Katie!" I heard Cassie yelling at me, and I sat up wearily. "Come on lazy!" she yelled. "I'm getting up, I'm getting up!" I complained. I stood up and tried to adjust my vision. "What's all the rush about?" I asked grumpily. "Presley went to sleep, and he visited last night. When we found you, we didn't want to wake you up. But, now it's time to spy on his life," she explained. I felt a slight brush on my feet and found my cats sleeping on them. I cleaned out my stomach from all the bodies I picked up before the fire. Then, I picked up my cats, and put them in there. I went to his eyesight, and found him filling out a job application. It was for Chuck E. Cheese. "Typical Presley," I said. I heard Cassie giggle a bit. As I saw him, he walked to the front counter and gave it to the employee. The employee said, "This seems good. You're hired." He went in, and patrolled the area. "I guess he's taking morning patrol this time," I suggested. He walked over to the female chicken animatronic, and asked, "Are you alive?" I rolled my eyes. "What a dumb question, it's obvious she isn't al-"I was cut off when I saw her head turn to him, and she blinked. "Of course, but how did you know?" she asked. Cassie and I's mouths dropped open. "What?!" I exclaimed. "Oh, I have some friends who are animatronics that are also alive," he said. "You mean those? They were too old to even exist. I'm glad that the place burnt down," she said nastily. "Well, their souls are still alive, and they're in my head right now!" he defended. "You're a loon!" she said. I felt so mad, so I disappeared right behind her. My eyes were like fire. "How dare you!" I exclaimed. She turned around and looked at me, terrified. I noticed my ribbon wasn't extended anymore, and my fur was dark. I felt sharp teeth come out of my fur. "He is no loon! And I burned down the place to protect the world from that... that dark man!" I exclaimed angrily. "I-I'm so sorry. It just sounds a little crazy what he was saying!" she tried to defend herself, scared. I started to calm down. It did sound a little crazy. I felt the teeth go back in, and my ribbon extend again. I picked up a flower that was at my feet. I made it morph into a little chick. I gave it to her, and she started to smile. I disappeared again, and found myself in the void again. "What was that?" the animatronic asked herself. "That was Katie," Presley answered. "Oh, she's from the other restaurant from 30 years ago. She worked with my daughter," she said. My mouth just dropped. "You mean Chica?" Presley asked. She nodded and explained how Chica was killed and after that, she was killed. I got a little bored, so I opened my stomach, and played with my cats. But, I got bored playing with my cats, so I fell asleep.

"Wake up! Presley's being attacked!" Cassie exclaimed to me as I woke up. I sat up straight away, and looked at the eyesight screen. We were in his room again. He was looking up at Nightmare Bonnie. I disappeared again, and I was in his closet. I took one of my flowers, and morphed it into a knife. I changed my voice, and threw the knife at Nightmare Bonnie. He fell to the ground, so I sent my kittens to retrieve his parts, one by one. "I told you I would protect you!" I said in my anonymous voice. When the last of my kittens came back with my knife, I looked more closely. It had an orange handle, and a purple blade. "Thank you! What's your name?" he asked. I thought of this before and answered, "Daisy, Daisy the dog." I thought of how dumb this idea of being anonymous was. "Oh, then thank you Daisy," he thanked again. I picked up one of my flowers, and morphed it into a camera. I put it on my biggest kitten, and told her to patrol the halls. I disappeared, and found myself in the void again. I morphed another flower into a tablet I could look at from my kitten's camera. I found nothing suspicious, so I disappeared into the closet. I called out, "Here kitty, kitty." I saw the cat run towards me, and I went to the void again. As I looked at Presley's eyesight, he was looking through his closet. "Good night, Cassie," I said to Cassie lying down. As she lied down, I felt a little guilty 'cause she looked a little lonely, so I picked up a flower, and morphed it into a little dachshund puppy with white fur and a little pink bow on its neck. It yapped a bunch, and I put it down to go scamper off to Cassie. As it did, it nudged her, and curled up into a little ball and fell asleep. I lied down, and fell asleep.

Author's Note: Lol he actually got a job. Surprising.

Also, Cassie actually has a personality in this? What? Shocker

Too bad she's becoming a literal tsundere