Chapter 1

I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room. I looked around and saw a window. It must have been the window to the control panel. I tried to see through it, but the window and room were just too dark. "Hello?" I asked. I smushed my face against the window to see more clearly. I saw a dark shadow come up to me. I heard HandUnit's voice say something about getting me out of the shadows with a controlled shock. I ran back to my platform, scared. I saw the shadow push a button, and I felt the most awful thing in the world. All I could do was scream. I could also see my faceplate come off a bit. "Dumb faceplate!" I complained. "Katie?" I heard a muffled man's voice exclaim. "Who are you, and why did you hurt me. I can't help that I'm in the shadows. I'm in a very dark room!" I cried. "I'm sorry! But, he told me to!" he tried to defend. "Typical human! They always think us animatronics aren't even alive!" I complained. "But, I do know you are alive. I know it's you, Unnamed Child," he explained. I pricked up my ears, and ran back to the window. "Presley?" I exclaimed. The shadow nodded. "Could you please turn on the light?" I asked him. He did, and I only found Presley and the other animatronics with their faceplates coming off for one second. Their eyes were full of sadness and distress. I tried to look for a place for me to get out. "Do you think you could get me out?" I asked. But before he could answer, Handunit said, "Don't mind Katie. She's more 'alive' than the other animatronics. She is considered sassy and dangerous." My eyes turned to flames. "You attack a scientist, five police officers, and a couple of kids, and you're haunted for life!" I retorted. I grunted, and went to a wall. I took my fist, and punched a hole in the wall. I stepped through it and found myself in Cassie's room. She was standing on a platform, smiling with one faceplate sliding off. "Cassie?! What happened?" I exclaimed, distressed. I went up to her, and turned her on. She looked at me with saddened eyes, and then screamed with pain. "Get used to it, Cassie. This'll be your life for now on," I said. I heard a shocking sound again, and I heard a scream from Circus Baby. "Baby?" I exclaimed in distress. "Mama! It hurts!" she said. "I wish I could help you," I said. "My friends are being hurt, I'm being hurt, and my daughter's being hurt. Soon Presley will be hurt," I said to Cassie, saddened. I walked back to my room through the hole. I noticed that her screams were coming from the side of my room. I punched the wall, and went through the hole. I ran up to Baby, and hugged her. "I really, really want to help you. But I don't want to hurt anyone to get out. If only there was a way, but if we try, we'll be sent down here forever," I told her. "Are you sure there isn't a way?" she asked. I looked her with eyes of pure anger. Her eyes became darker until they were completely black. I became terrified. Was my daughter going against me and my wishes? I stepped away, and ran to my room. I sat down in a corner, and just sat there, looking around. I could see Presley looking at me through the window. I made my eyes glow for him to see my anger for hurting my friends and daughter. I bared my teeth, and my pupils were red. He walked away slowly, and went to Funtime Auditorium as the HandUnit told him. I grunted, disgusted, and rested my head on my cold, metal knees. I closed my eyes, and tried to drift in a soft sleep.

Author's Note: Okay for this entire time I've been trying to pinpoint her personality, and I finally got it. And yes, she is very sassy and dangerous. Like legit she says she's not that dangerous and then goes on punching walls in. Like wth...

Also, I like how CB is "going against her mother's wishes". I don't know why I guess I just like it when someone goes against what Katie says