Chapter 2

I woke up to shocking. "Oww!" I exclaimed. I looked up, and saw Presley again. I rolled my eyes, and shuffled around so I wouldn't have eye contact with him. I didn't even want to fix my faceplate. I did love him, but he's choosing other things besides my feelings and my pain. I grabbed my ears and closed my eyes tight. I was trying so hard not to cry. I missed having someone to talk to while I was having some trouble. At first I would talk to Presley about things. Then Cassie, and then I gained many friends, but now I'm in a dark room where I'm getting shocked. I saw the lights turning on for a split second. "Katie? Why are you sad?" Presley asked. I didn't answer, but I didn't ever want to speak to him. I felt so many cold presences around me. I heard the clicking of Ballora's skirt, the cold air of the Funtimes, and the sound of Baby's ice cream machine. I hugged my knees tighter, and tried not to look behind me. "Mom... A-are you okay?" Baby asked. I grunted, and stuffed my head deeper into my knees. I felt their presences disappear as I sat there. I drifted off to sleep after a couple of minutes, and I found myself in a pink room. It had a familiar pony bed and a couple of dressers with pictures of me on them. I was in my old room. But, there was a candle and a nice picture of me next to it. There was also some purple flowers in a vase behind them. "Hello," a cold, raspy voice said behind me. It made me jump, and I turned around. It was Ennard, looking right at me. I looked at him with eyes like I was a mouse and he was the cat. I started to quake. "Do not be afraid. I only come with an offer," he said. "I don't want anything from you," I said. "Just hear me out. That security guard has hurt you more than once. And didn't you say he has known you for years? He's betraying you, don't you want revenge?" he asked. "I-i don't know... I am very mad at him, but he's still Presley. He's only doing what he's been told to. If he doesn't, he might get fired, and I don't want him to leave," I said, blushing a bit. Ennard started to laugh hysterically. "You love him! Love is overrated, and I'll get you to join me no matter what! You'll be very useful," he said harshly. "I will never join you! I vowed not to let Presley get hurt, and I won't! Even if I have to get hurt in the process!" I defended. He looked surprised, but then his eyes started to glow. As I looked in them, it was a picture of me getting scooped. My eyes became terrified again. Then, everything became dizzy. Next thing I knew it, I was being shaken by Cassie. I was on the floor, lying down. "What's wrong? You were talking in your sleep. You said something about joining someone, and protecting Presley," she said. I didn't say anything. I was still shocked by what I saw and heard. "Katie? What's wrong?" she asked again. I shook my head, and looked at her. "I-it's nothing. Just a bad dream, that's all," I lied. "You're lying. I've never heard you talk in a dream. Why are you lying? Is there something you're protecting me from?" she asked. I felt my eyes begin to darken. I couldn't move. "There's nothing I'm protecting you from! Just go back to bed! It'll all be over soon!" I heard a tiny voice say. "Okay... You're acting weird," she said. I still couldn't move. I couldn't even control my face expression. I saw Cassie walk away slowly from me. I didn't want her to leave, I wanted to tell her. All I could do was shed a single tear. When she left, I could finally move. I gave whoever was speaking a big snarl. "Who are you?" I muttered. "I'm just an old friend. I would always take over when you were a little kid. But, when you were killed, I went away for a bit. But now that Ennard has embraced your anger, I'm back!" she explained. "I remember you! I would just blank out, but I thought it was just a little prank I wanted to pull," I said. "Mom? Who was that you were talking to?" I heard Baby ask. "Oh, just me, Baby. I was always there when your mother was young. Just call me Auntie KK," KK said. "KK?! I killed you!" I exclaimed in distress. "You did! When I finally got a body, you destroyed me for parts! It was my time to shine! You were so selfish! You wanted the show all for yourself!" she retorted. "Mom? Did you really do that?" Baby asked. "Yes, but I didn't do it for myself! The other animatronics needed parts! I was just being a good friend," I said. "But you rebuilt the others! Why didn't you rebuild me?" she asked. I didn't want to answer. I did want the show for myself. "Why Katie?" she asked again. "Get out of my head!" I demanded. "So you admit that you were taking the show for yourself?" she asked. I didn't want to listen to her. I just banged my head against the hard wall. "Oww! Stop that!" she demanded. I felt her take control of me, and she made me sit down. "Mom? What's happening? 'Cause I have another voice, too," Baby said, scared. I looked up at her in surprise. "I think I do know. What does your voice sound like?" I asked her. "It sounds really low, and raspy," she answered. "I knew it," I said. "Who is it?" she asked desperately. "Do you remember when you had that dream of a 'grey spaghetti' person? His name is Ennard, and that's who your voice is," I explained.

Author's Note: I'm sorry, "grey spaghetti person"? Lol, I mean, go off I guess

Also #JusticeForKK