Chapter 4

I started to quake, too scared to unsheathe my claws again and bare my teeth again. I got up, and ran through the hole leading to Cassie's room. I heard Ennard call as I came out, "Ha! Coward!" I ran further into Ballora's room. I stopped when I was grabbed by a wiry hand. I froze. "Caught ya," Ennard said. "Mom?! Wake up!" I heard Baby yell. I woke up in my corner. I was quivering fast. "Eh-eh-eh," I stuttered. "Katie? What happened?" Cassie asked as she was looking at me. Before I had time to answer, KK said, "Nothing happened. Katie just had a nightmare, didn't you?" I snarled at her, and looked at them. I gave up and lied warily, "Yeah, it was just a nightmare." Cassie and Baby looked at each other with worried looks. "Okay, Katie. Whatever you say," Cassie said. "I only have one question. Why did you bare your teeth at me, Mom?" Baby asked. "I-it's nothing," I said looking at the wall. I spotted a glimpse of blue as I looked at the ceiling. I tried hard not to get mad and bare my teeth. I knew that was Ennard's eye. "Cassie, can I speak to you in private?" I asked Cassie. "Sure," she replied. We walked to her room, and stopped in a dark corner. "Please help me!" I whispered desperately. "What's happened?" she asked. "He's coming for me. Me and everyone else. I don't want him to make my baby hurt anymore!" I explained almost crying. "You should really stop talking, Katie, or we'll get her first," KK threatened. "How can I help?" Cassie asked, not hearing her. "It's no use. They're going to get us anyway," I said, giving up. "Why are you always giving up?" she asked, angrily. "I don't want my Baby to get hurt! Just listen to me, don't do anything!" I said through tears. "Good choice, Katie," KK said evilly. I heard the elevator go up. "How much do you love Baby?" Cassie asked. "I'd kill Presley for her," I replied. "But what about your oath?" she asked surprised. "Oaths are just words. You can break them," I answered calmly. "I guess that makes sense... But I thought you loved him," she asked. "I love Baby more, and I will do absolutely anything for her. She's my child," I said. "But... She isn't. You made her from a flower, but I don't think that's how it works. She's probably a lost soul," she said. My heart froze and broke into pieces. She was right; I'm not her real mother. "That's it! I'm tired of you crying and moping! I might be your enemy, but I'm tired of this. Just laugh already and get it over with! It would be a lot easier for the others and Ennard!" KK exclaimed angrily. "You know you just revealed your plan, right?" I said. "Go to sleep, Katie. I'll maybe give you some good dreams!" KK demanded. "No, I don't take orders from you," I said grouchily. "Today's the day, animatronics! Time for you to entertain!" I heard a man's voice. I saw him come in and look terrified. "Why aren't you in your rooms?! Oh, did you guys miss your friends? Well too bad! You're going to be separated in the restaurant!" he said demandingly. "You can't tell me what to do! I'm not just your little toy!" I retorted. "Agghhh! The dangerous one! I'm putting you in a separate room from the others for punishment!" he yelled angrily. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around. "Just come on! Don't you want to be around the kids?" he asked. "Well... Okay," I said warily. He pushed a button and turned a key. The windows started to open, and I ran out. "Free! I hated those controlled shocks!" I exclaimed happily. "Just get in the elevator animatronic!" he said. I walked in the elevator, and the others followed me. He went in with us, and pushed some buttons. I felt the elevator shake as it came up. I had to help the Bidybabs and Minireenas keep balance. When we finally went up, I saw a big room with boxes. He lead us to a door, and opened it. It lead to a bright, colorful room with tables, a stage, paper plates, birthday hats, and a few other doors leading to other rooms. "Circus Baby will be over there at that stage," he said as he pointed to a stage. "Katie, I gave you a room in the corner over there. And the other animatronics will be in that room. Oh, and Ballora will be over there," he said, pointing to a the doors. I walked to my room droopily. "Katie doesn't deserve that! She's the sweetest animatronic I've ever met!" Mangle, or Funtime Foxy, protested. "Yeah!" Funtime Freddy joined. "Sorry, my mind is made up!" he said angrily. I walked over to the door. I read the sign on it. It said 'Katie's corner!'. It had a picture of me holding a microphone. I walked in, and I found a trashy room with the lights turned off. I flattened my ears, and slammed the door. I picked up some wrappers and paper. I started to wipe off the dust, too. I even straightened my curtains. I sat at the edge of the stage, until I heard some children come in. I got up, and opened my door. Some kids looked at me. "Welcome!" I said happily. They looked at me happy, and ran in my room. I got up my stage, and asked, "Hey kids! How ya doin'?" They all exclaimed, "Good!" "Do you wanna hear a song?" I asked them. "No! I wanna hear a joke!" one kid said. "I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to laugh," I said, still trying to keep happy. "Awww!" they all whined. "I'll just take a song request!" I said. I saw a little girl raise her hand up. She had blonde hair, a pink shirt, and a blue skirt. "I have a request!" she said in a British accent. "Okay, what song would you like?" I asked her trying to keep calm. "Baby's Lullaby! I would hear Circus Baby sing that sometimes!" she said enthusiastically. "Okay!" I said, still trying to act as happy as possible.

"How was that?" I asked with a sad expression. "Great! But it's creepy," one kid said, scared. "Ugh... I'll take care of that," I said angrily. I walked over to the door, and opened it. I went to the side of Baby's stage. I heard her singing the lullaby. Some kids were scared, but some liked her music. I knew I shouldn't ruin the fun for the other kids, so I went back to my room. None of the kids were in there. I saw them all with their parents, except with the one girl with blonde hair. She was looking at Baby so happy. Then, the sound of Baby's singing had stopped. I saw a glimpse of an ice cream cone being handed out. The little girl grabbed the ice cream. I tried to rescue her, but it was too late. Baby's metal claw grabbed her, and stuffed her in her stomach. All that was left from the girl was a little, pink bow and some blood drops. I grabbed the bow before the kids came racing towards her for more.