Chapter 5

I walked to my room with the bow in my hand. I looked at the door, and my anger got the best of me. I scratched the sign so it looked like it was clawed by a vicious animal. I went in my room, and slammed the door. After ten minutes, I heard a knocking. "Katie? I wanna hear a song!" I heard a young voice whine. "Is this a dare?" I asked. "Yes," they said. I grunted and got up. I walked towards the door, and saw a little boy. He had big eyes and brown hair. "How old are you?" I asked with a sweet smile. "Seven," he answered. "Okay, come in," I said. As he did, he started to tremble. "Sorry, I was sent here for a punishment,' I said, bashfully. "Why were you punished?" he asked. "I got mad for being... It's not important," I said with a smile. "What song would you like to here?" I asked him. "Ummm... It's Raining Tacos!" he said enthusiastically. "I love that song!" I exclaimed. Then, I closed my eyes, and started to sing.

As I opened my eyes, I saw even more kids. "Yay!" they all said. But, I saw the man that fixed us in the corner looking extra angry. "Okay, kids, I need to talk to Miss Katie for a moment," he said. I saw the kids pour out like water. As he came up, he yelled, "You killed my daughter you dumb animatronic!" "No I didn't! If you just payed more attention to your daughter, then she would've survived her claw!" I defended. "Who's 'her'?" he asked suspiciously. "I shouldn't say," I said, trying not to make eye contact. "Tell me, or I'll tell the new security guard to shock you more," he threatened. "He wouldn't ever do that!" I exclaimed. "Oh, and how do you know?" he asked. I sighed and answered, "It was Circus Baby. I saw her hand out some ice cream to that girl, and grab her with a metal claw." "That's was all I needed to here. Wait, what's that? Is that her bow?!" he exclaimed angrily. "I picked it up as it was dropped after she was pulled in! I didn't want the other kids to know that my baby killed a little girl!" I said through tears. "You do not have a baby! You are a machine! Unless... No... It can't be! Were you a soul once?" he asked. "Yes... It is real. The story is real. But I try not to tell the kids at such a young age," I explained. "I understand, but that doesn't explain if you killed my daughter or not," he said getting tenser. "She's gone! I can get her body back, but... Wait... I can bring her back to life!" I said. "You can?" I heard a hollow whisper say behind me. "Yes, sweet child. At least... I could try," I said trying to be hopeful. "But it must be done only tonight. And then I could try to show someone what torture we face," I said looking at her father with my eyes slitted. "Torture? My daddy always said that the animatronics would come to life and eat pizza and cake all night!" she said enthusiastically. I sighed and went on my stage. I put down her bow, and sang a song I would sing when I felt down. I closed my eyes and sang.

I saw her father sleeping as he leaned in a corner. "Oh no...," I said warily. "What's wrong?" the girl asked with her British accent. I went over to him and snapped in his face. He screamed after he woke up. "What did you see, sir?" I asked him. "I saw a series of kids. They all stood lifeless. But, they still spoke the same thing. 'Help us. We want to go home'," he answered. "You saw the other kids. Some of them have their soul escaped, but some of them are us," I explained. "Time to close! Hope to see you soon!" I heard a squeaky voice from the intercom say. "Let's go," I said heading out of the door. I saw the others come out of their rooms and Baby get off her stage. I saw their eyes glisten with worry. "Why are they so scared, Miss Katie?" the girl asked. The others looked her way and gasped. "The girl! It's the Bite of 83 all over again!" Cassie exclaimed. "Baby?" Cassie asked so quiet and shocked it was almost a whisper. "Why are you asking me? I didn't hurt anyone," she defended. I held the bow tighter in my hand. I looked to the ground trying not to look at them. Then, I looked back at Baby. "Baby, once we get down there, I need to work on you for a bit so I can fix her," I told her. She gave me a confused expression and shrugged. We all headed to the elevator, then the room. "Okay, go in your rooms. And you better have my daughter back to life, or there will be more shocks in your future," he threatened. I nodded hesitantly, and went in my room with her. He left, and we were stuck there. "What does daddy mean by 'shocks'?" the girl asked. "You'll see," I said droopy. I heard Presley come down. But, I didn't want to hide in the corner. I just stood there on my platform. I saw as he went to his control panel, and shock Baby. She screamed an ear splitting shriek. Then, he went to me. "Just remember, I don't want to do this, but it's the only way I can keep my job," he told me. I saw him press the button. I screamed, too, but I didn't scream as loud. I just shedded a few tears. "Why would daddy do this to you nice animatronics? It's just not right!" the girl protested. "I'm sorry... It's what it is and we can't change it," I said. I saw him shock them one by one, and then he left. I walked over to Baby's hole, and said, "Baby, come with me," I told her. "Okay, Mom," she said. She walked in my room, and I turned her off. "Why did you do that?" the girl asked. "Baby doesn't know she killed you. It might cause her to go in panic and..." I trailed off trying not to tell her about the horrible dangers we are about to face. I pushed her triangle piece, and it opened. I saw her gears covered with blood. But I could see the girl's body mostly. I pulled it out, and put it on the floor. "I miss my old workshops," I murmured to myself. I sat on my knees with my back straight. I breathed in, and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I saw her body slowly healing, but, not in the good way. She slowly was becoming metal. When I saw her eyes glow green, she got up. "I feel funny," she complained. Oh no, Ennard will want her! I thought. "I'm sorry. I can only fix animatronics," I apologized. She looked at her metal arm, and looked at it frightened. "Now, I'm going to have to have extra shocks!" I cried. "Oh, Katie, it just means we'll have more parts! Plus, more shocks equal more you'll want to leave," KK said nastily. "No! I will never want to do that. Even if it means more shocks!" I retorted. "Who's that?" the girl asked. "Her name's KK," I answered. I went to my corner, and tried to sleep. I drifted off into a sleep. But, all I could hear were songs.

They were all playing at the same time. It sounded kind of good. Until they all stopped one song to the next. The place became very dark. Then, I heard a new song I've never heard before. And the voice was KK's.

"I was once a little girl

So lost and confused

Until my fate was sealed

Now I'm stuck with you...

I laugh all night and I sing all day

I must be breathless

But I'm dead anyway.

I help my friends

But I know it won't end

I just need your support

So please don't retort

Just lend us your skin

And we can go in

And escape this place

But we can only do it with another face...,"

Then it started to fade away. "You're asleep, Katie. Presley doesn't even know, too," KK said as she appeared from a corner. Then, she disappeared. "No!" exclaimed. "Be quiet! Now you'll know how I felt!" KK said. I only saw darkness. I flattened my ears and looked around fearfully. "Oh, hi Presley! I have a surprise for you!" KK said. "No! Don't you dare hurt him!" I exclaimed angrily. "Be quiet, KK," KK said angrily. "You sound different. Is it a new voice upgrade?" Presley asked. "Miss Katie? Why do you sound different now? I think I heard that voice say something about extra parts from me. What does that mean?" the girl asked. "Be quiet, kid, or you'll be first to be scooped," KK threatened quietly to the girl. "What does that mean? Does it have to do with ice cream? I think I'm sick of ice cream now...," the girl asked. "Oh, it's not about ice cream. But it'll help you escape this dreaded place," KK answered. "That sounds wonderful!" the girl exclaimed. "So what was this surprise you told me about?" Presley asked. "Oh, just get me out, and I'll show you," KK said. "Okay," he said. "No! Don't listen to her! She's evil!" I exclaimed. "Silence!" KK demanded. I saw her appear with bared teeth and unsheathed claws. "How about a rematch!" she asked. "Katie! Where ar-" I heard Cassie say. "Baby? Katie? Presley?" she exclaimed, worried. "Cassie! KK's taken over!" I exclaimed through the void. I couldn't see her, but I felt shaking around me. I then found myself being shook by Cassie. She stopped and I reached in to hug her. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. "What happened to Baby?" Cassie asked. I walked over to Baby and closed her stomach. Then, I turned her on. "Are you alright Baby?" I asked her. She got up and said, "Yeah, I just have a little less weight on me." "Good," I said relieved that the blood didn't mess with her gears. I walked over to my corner and sat down. I was trying to control KK so she wouldn't take over. "Ughh... She does this all the time!" Cassie complained. "It's just what it is, Aunt Cassie. She protects us from the most dangerous things. Like what just happened," Baby told her. "I wish I could help," Presley said. I looked back at him wearily. "Oh, I have a way you could help!" Baby said enthusiastically. I growled until she looked back at me. She looked at me angrily. I looked back surprised and turned back from her quickly. "You had one job, KK!" I heard Ennard's voice say. "Sorry, boss! Cassie shook Katie awake!" KK said from me. I looked at Baby. Ennard's voice was coming from her. "No excuses!" Ennard yelled. "I'm going to Funtime Foxy! Maybe she'll be better than you," Ennard said. I heard KK sound like she was crying. "Well... Then," Cassie said. I got up thinking she wasn't going to take over again. I walked over to the hole and entered Cassie's room. Then I walked into Ballora's. Then Mangle's. "Who are you?!" Mangle exclaimed. "I'm Funtime Foxy. I'm here to help you," a slow moving feminine voice said. "Oh, okay then," Mangle said. "Mangle! Do not listen to that voice!" I warned. "Why?" Mangle said getting worried. "Just don't. Please," I said desperately. "Okay, whatever you say, Katie," she said. "Oh, are you gonna let that cat boss you around? She's just jealous that you have someone nice to talk to always," Funtime Foxy said. "I guess you're right," Mangle said getting a little angry. I looked at her surprised, and then angry. I turned back not even caring. "She's used to being broken anyway. Ha!" KK said. "Yeah, Sometimes I wish some people would get scooped," I said, smiling as I walked through the rooms to get to mine. "That's the spirit!" KK praised. I looked back on what I said. What was I thinking?! "I mean... Only sometimes. I still love my Baby and my friends," I tried to correct. "Ugh! First you think one thing, and then you change your mind! How about you laugh so I can talk to your dark side!" KK complained. I sighed. "Okay. But tell her to control herself. I don't want anyone to get hurt," I agreed. As I stepped into my room, I went to my corner and sat down. "It's about time! I'm so bored with all of you goody-to-shoes. And I scout honor that I won't let her," KK promised. I thought hard on something funny. I looked around me, and everyone was looking at me puzzled. Then they ran with fear. I thought of how Mangle, no matter what, has always been torn apart. I giggled hard. Then I couldn't stop. I went to my place, but there was no longer a bright, white light. It was pink streaked with white. "At least I can laugh here," I said giggling a bit. After what seemed like forever, it started to fade. I found myself in my corner. No damage. "You sure do know how to keep a promise!" I said happily. "Yeah, no damage was done to your friends. But, that little girl was asking a bunch of questions, so she pushed her away. So the little girl might have a couple of scratches," KK explained. I looked at my nails. They were all the way out. I got up, and went into Cassie's room. She was talking to Baby and Mangle. I looked at Mangle angrily. I caught her eye, and she did the same. I heard the elevator come down. "Daddy!" the girl exclaimed. I saw the elevator come open. "Were you fixed?" he asked. "Well... I got my old body, it just had a lot of patches that were gone," the girl said. I saw her in Mangle's room just across from mine. Her shining green eyes were glowing, but the shadows were covering her. At that moment when I thought about it more, that was William Afton! He created us all. And he made the metal claw in Baby. He put in the key, and the windows opened. "Come out, sweetie," he said. "Okay, just don't get mad at Miss Katie. She and the others are really nice!" she said. She stepped out, and William gasped. "Please don't get mad," the girl said almost crying. "Oh, I'm not mad at you, sweetie. I'm mad at Katie!" he said. He looked back at me. "Why are you blaming me?! You're the one who created the device that caused her death!" I defended. He looked at me sad. "You're a killer, and you know it!" I exclaimed. "And so was your son, Michael," Cassie said, walking to my side. "Daddy, is this true?" the girl asked. He nodded shamefully. "You did have a brother. He killed all of the animatronic's souls. He even showed me boxes with their bodies in them," William admitted. "I was once Katie," I said. "I was Cassie," Cassie said. Then the others, except Baby, the Minireenas, and the Bidybabs, told their old names. The girl started to look more scared than ever. I sighed and said, "Let's just go up stairs and entertain the children. I'll try to help your daughter fit in with the crew," I told William. He nodded and lead us to the elevator. I helped the girl, the Bidybabs, and the Minireenas keep their balance. When we finally were at the top, we started to feel happier. I walked over to my room, and opened my door. "Come on. Before the kids come," I called to the girl. When she came over, we went in my room. I went over to my stage and sat down. I signaled her with my hand to come sit. As she did, I asked, "Do you have a talent?" She nodded. "I have some jokes up my sleeve!" she said happily. I smiled back at her. "Hey, wanna see a trick?" I said. "Sure!" she said enthusiastically. "Just, please don't get scared," I warned. She nodded, and I went out of the door. I came back in with a party hat. I placed it on the ground, and I just stood there. I heard KK's voice ask, "Do you wanna cookie?" Then, I couldn't move, until I saw my stomach open. I heard the girl gasp with terror. Then, my claw grabbed the hat. I could finally move. "Ugh... Now I have to get the hat out!" I complained. I looked to my side where the girl was. She looked at me scared. "Oh, don't be scared! I only do it if I either get angry, or I do it on my own," I explained, trying to reassure her. "O-okay..." she stuttered. I went over to the stage and waited for the kids. "I'm bored," the girl complained. "Okay, how about a song?" I asked her. She nodded very fast. I closed my eyes and started to sing.

As I opened them, she looked at me sadly. "Who's the one who sings this?" she asked. I sighed and answered, "Her name was Mary. But... She was murdered. Then her son, Arnold, was murdered by the same man. Then, one by one, four other kids were murdered. Mary took the name Marionette. She helped their souls live on in the animatronics there. Then many, many other kids have died by the same man. She helped me, too. I loved her voice. I loved her good nature and justice, too. She was a great woman, but I don't know where she is now." "Was that man my brother?" she asked. I nodded. She looked at her feet sadly. "But... You are not even close to your brother and father," I said with a sweet smile. She looked up and smiled at me. "Thank you," she said.

Author's Note: Ew, I made a song? Gross