A Life-changing Start

Anastasia had a dream that night.

That blonde model guy she kept mentioning in her journal - she just recalled that the main reason why she had a diary in the first place was because of him. Then again, it made sense that the very first entry of her diary was the day they met each other.

It just happened that after their meeting during that rainy evening, some things weren't the same for her anymore.

For some reason, Anastasia began having an interest in reading teen magazines, especially those that had Lucien in them. She also became fond of watching TV and surfing the internet - at least those channels and sites that were featuring him.

All in all, Anastasia was starting to develop her obsession on this mysterious boy - without her realizing it, that is.

It's mere curiosity at first, though. Her interest was completely piqued after her whole image of Lucien was altered by that fateful meeting of theirs. Because of that, she began wanting to learn more about him before she knew it.

There was just something about Lucien that drew Anastasia in - more than his handsome face, wealth or fame. He's unlike any boy she had met in the past, and he's definitely someone people can't judge by the cover.

That night when he'd been fetched by his bodyguards in the bakery, she never got to learn why he showed up in their street out of nowhere, causing her curiosity to grow stronger. That was especially when she caught a glimpse of his face at the very moment he slid in his limousine.

Lucien looked extremely drained and sad right then - beating the dark and murky weather that evening.

"Why are you so sad...?" the present Anastasia found herself wondering while still sleeping.

"Please, don't be sad..."

In her slumber, she's floating in this pitch black, empty space that somehow makes her feel like she's drifting to the furthest end of an abyss. That's all until flashes of scenes from her past started passing through her vision, making that barren place appear like a graveyard of buried memories.

One certain recollection stands out to Anastasia the most - not only because she suddenly feels like she still remembers it very well, but also for the reason that it seems to be pulling her in.

A minute into pondering what it can be, she then finally recalls that it's the beginning of something life-changing.


"Everyone, please welcome our new student, Mr. Lucien August. He'll be your classmate starting today."

After their class adviser introduced their newly-arrived classmate, the students erupt in a round of chatters and squeals.

In that classroom pooled by the warm light of the morning sun, ceaseless gushings ensue. Everyone can't really help it, though. After all, a very famous personality is now standing in front of all of them.

Even more so, he happened to have a plan of staying there until the end of this school year.

Anastasia finds her mind floating in cloud nine at that very moment. As she sits at the second row right beside the windows, she just stays silent and wonders if she's only dreaming.

But then, as soon as Lucien meets her starry-like gaze and reacts surprised, she finally snaps out of her trance and realizes that it's no dream at all.