Distancing and Obsessing

The students of Holy Trinity Private Academy are all astonished to find a prestigious individual transferring to their school one day.

News spread like wildfire that morning. Upperclassmen and those from the lower grade alike - they all swarm around the eight grade's classroom as soon as break time arrives.

After all, it's not everyday that a teen supermodel appears in their campus. That's why everyone is very ecstatic to meet and hopefully, make acquaintance with Lucien.

Now that recess came, both Anastasia and Cathleen were greeted by a fully packed cafeteria. It just happened that this huge crowd gathered after learning that Lucien was there.

The blonde is surrounded by a flood of students at the moment. Their other male classmates are sharing the same table with him and keeping him company.

"Well, correction. Rather than a transfer student, he's a new student who's trying school for the very first time after being homeschooled for all his life," Anastasia corrected as she sat before her friend, a tray of snacks in hand.

"Oh, right... Now that you said that, I wonder how he's coping up with this sudden change in environment so far," Cathleen chimed in from the opposite side of the table.

"Well, I think he's doing fine. I saw him talking with Dave and his friends earlier. They kinda clicked - I could tell."

As her friend mused that out loud, she's staring at a specific direction with a somewhat compelled gaze. She blinks at this in puzzlement before deciding to turn her head around and follow her line of vision.

As soon as Cathleen spots what's writing Anastasia's odd expression now, an amused smirk spreads across her face.

"Hey, Anna, I thought you're not into celebrities. Why are you staring at Lucien so intently, then...?" she trailed off teasingly, making her snap out of her daze.

"Not to mention, you knew all that homeschooling stuff and even watched him make friends - or perhaps, you've been watching him this whole time-"

"What are you getting at now, Cathleen?" she deadpanned, shooting her a flat look.

"Oh, nothing~ Just wondering if you have a crush now or something."

"I'm not crushing on Lucien if that's what you're trying to say."

"Well, if you say so~"

Perhaps, Anastasia had been a bit obvious with her fixation on Lucien.

It's not like she sees him romantically or anything, though. She just finds him interesting - perhaps, a little too much that she reacts very delighted when they cross paths once more.

It just turned out that ever since Anastasia met Lucien that night, she'd been wondering if they would ever see each other again. She's not one to meddle in anyone's affairs, but she still wants to see what's beyond that model smile and wealthy life of his.

"That said, I really want to talk with him too and see if he still remembers me, but..." Anastasia thought, glancing at his direction discreetly.

"He's too far, and there's a lot of people around him all the time. I also doubt if he cares about that night as much as I do."

Not wanting to entertain her curiosity any further, she just decided to let destiny do its thing again. She doesn't really want to walk up to him and confess how she's been obsessing over reading every printed and online content about him for a while now.

With that in mind, Anastasia chose to maintain her distance for now and watch Lucien from the sideline.