An Endearing Gesture

A couple of days after Lucien arrived at the academy as a new student, Anastasia was still not able to engage in a conversation with him.

In fact, all they really did was meet each other's eyes from time to time, but she's always the one who would avert her gaze first since she couldn't stand how dazzling his handsome face could get. Perhaps, she'll blame this one on the fact that there isn't a day when she doesn't look at his photographs.

"I got so used to seeing them that I'm afraid I might make the same obsessive expression once I stare at the real deal too much," Anastasia grimaced, not wanting to look like some sort of a stalker or weirdo in front of him.

She's now standing beside the school gates, waiting for the rain to let up. It's been pouring quite heavily for some time now, causing a number students to stay stranded at school.

Since the weather forecast is not always right, she fails to bring her umbrella. That's why she's now stalling around there - all alone and a bit cold.

"You should've waited back at the classroom, you know."

Then, she paused.

At someone's uncalled-for arrival, Anastasia swerves her head around in surprise. That's when Lucien comes into view out of nowhere, wearing an impassive front all the while - an expression he never displays when he's around other people.

"Oh, umm... I'm good," she managed to reply despite how caught off guard she was by his sudden appearance.

"How coincidental, isn't it? It was also raining when we first met," he mused out loud, taking her aback.

"You recall?"

"Of course I do. You saved me back there, after all."

"T-That's... too much. I just did what anyone would do."

For some reason, Anastasia feels flattered by how Lucien claimed her to be some kind of a savior. She doesn't usually gets appreciated like this, much less recognized for her petty attempt of heroism.

More than anything, though, she can't believe that the two of them are finally talking, and he's even the one who initiates it.

"By the way, are you avoiding me?" Lucien asked out of nowhere, catching her off guard once more.

"No, I'm not. Why?" Anastasia answered with her head tilted a little.

"You won't look at me in the eye."


Perhaps, she's really bad at hiding her innermost thoughts. Even Cathleen pointed out something like this two days ago. She wasn't really able to veil them as much as she wanted to.

"It's a misunderstanding, alright? I'm just... not into looking at others too much," she lied, feigning innocence.

"Then, you're actually not that bothered by what happened that night?" he questioned with a somewhat surprised reaction.

"You mean during our meeting? What is there to be bothered about?"

"I... I-I just thought that you..."

"I thought what?"


Now, Lucien's back to that reserved boy she came to know.

Anastasia couldn't help but be baffled, though. She never heard him stutter nor saw him get flustered in front of their classmates or anyone else for that matter.

"Say, you don't appear like you're having trouble with talking with other people. Why do you seem to sound and act differently when it's me?" Anastasia brought up with a brow lifted, her curiosity speaking again.

"W-Well, that's... I'm not sure myself. Perhaps, it's because you saw a side of me that most people weren't aware of," Lucien confessed with a downcast gaze.

She comes to a standstill for a second there, suddenly falling silent. His answer was definitely unexpected, but even then, it still made sense to her.

After all, he's always smiling in front of everyone - almost as if he doesn't have a single problem to worry about. While most others would see it that way, she couldn't find it in herself to have the same perception - considering that she witnessed him in a state that's completely far from what everyone kept seeing.

"By the way, here you go - as thanks for saving me back then," Lucien suddenly started again after a brief pause, taking off his red hoodie jacket and draping it over her shoulders.

Anastasia only remains quiet the entire time, blushing a little at such a gentlemanly gesture. She can't even form a single thanks with how speechless he struck him with that action.

Now, as soon as the two lock eye contact once more, Anastasia can no longer keep her heart from beating too rapidly, especially when Lucien spreads his trademark sunshine smile that practically lights up the dull and gloomy weather.