Forming Friendship

For some reason, ever since the day Lucien gave Anastasia his jacket, she finds herself having troubles in getting rid of every thought that has something to do with him.

In other words, she can no longer stop thinking about him.

Even more so when he starts paying attention to her even more than before. For some reason, he began asking her to eat lunch together, engage in idle exchanges and hang out from time to time.

"There's really nothing wrong with that, but..." Anastasia trailed off before heaving an exhausted sigh.

"His fans are also getting too caught up in their heads. Some girls kept shooting me envious glares ever since all these things happened."

It just turned out that people easily misunderstood Lucien's friendly approach as some sort of a budding crush. That's why some of his fan girls at school have their eyes on her now.

"They're overreacting... What about all those female teen models that he worked together with? They can see them all close and friendly. Some of them even confessed that they have a crush on him," Anastasia huffed indignantly, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Nevertheless, the entire thing completely baffles and throws her off guard. But she isn't really going to complain about the fact that he's treating her amicably. After all, she will be able to satisfy her persisting curiosity at last.

By getting close enough, she can learn more about this mysterious boy.

"Hey, Anastasia, isn't this cool...?" Lucien chimed in from behind her all of the sudden, making her snap out her train of musings.

"We actually managed to become seatmates too."

As he beams at her ever so delightedly, Anastasia can't help but blush and be dazzled for the nth time.

It just happened that they're having a new seating arrangement today, and the two of them ended up becoming seatmates through a random selection. The process involved picking a number that would serve as their next designated place.

"Yeah, that's great," she simply replied, returning a delighted smile of her own.

"Hey, Dave! That's my seat!"

That's when Cathleen joins in the scene out of nowhere. She's now engaging in a round of banter with their classmate who also happened to be Lucien's close friend.

Dave is a lean-framed guy with amber orbs and spiky brownish orange hair that's usually unkempt. He's that cool guy who's always wearing a headphone around his neck, often seen with his hands shoved inside his pockets, and has a carefree spirit overall.

"Oh, right, my bad. I'm actually on the next seat," Dave eventually came clean, smirking teasingly all the while.

"See?! You just wasted my breath!" Cathleen bolted out once more, scrunching her brows together in annoyance.

With that, the two of them finally settle down. Cathleen sits right next to her friend while Dave is seated beside his, making the four of them neighbors.

"This is great! We managed to get to sit with one another," Lucien chimed in blithely, looking all bubbly as his childish side seeped through again.

"My dude here is really happy, huh...?" Dave tearfully blurted out, pretending to be deeply touched while tousling his hair playfully.

"Can't believe this can make you happy so much. You're really one innocent sunshine~!"

"Isn't this great too, Anna?" Cathleen asked her friend meaningfully, elbowing her from the side.

As she looks at her with a teasing smile, Anastasia only rolls her eyes. She already knows what she means by that. But at this point, she's already getting too obvious that she can't deny it anymore.

It's not like she can tell Cathleen about their meeting in the rain either. That's why she can't properly explain her secret obsession on this teen model.

Though Anastasia is still battling the feelings, she knows for herself that she's starting to develop a crush on Lucien the more she gets to know him.