Club on the High

Anastasia paled a little in one sudden realization once she glanced down at the menu that was waiting to be opened.

She didn't have any money to pay for this. For so long, she had been depending on free food and stuff that she forgot that money was still actually important in today's world. Dismayed, she then bit her lip and placed her elbow on the table, propping her chin over her hand. 

  Zen looks at his girlfriend from above his menu, a bit puzzled by her dampened mood. 

"Don't you want anything?" he asked with his head tilted quizzically.

"I-I thought that things are gonna be free here too. Turned out that people still pay and all..." she said bashfully, her cheeks reddening a little from embarrassment as she evaded his concerned gaze. 

"I-I don't have money for this thing. How do they even earn it?"

"Even if you do have money, I wouldn't let you use it, Sia. What kind of gentleman doesn't pay for his lady's meal?"