Envy on Show

Even Anastasia herself thinks that Lucy is quite a beauty, which is why she can only wonder why Zen has not once shown any sort of emotion during the whole performance. 

"Why is that, Zen?"

A little taken aback by her question, he peeks up at her and blinks his eyes. He then stares at her while a stray lock of hair hangs over his forehead.

"Why what?" he questioned with a bewildered expression.

"You didn't look at Lucy the whole time. Don't you think she's very pretty?" she answered with an arched brow.


"Eh? So?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So, all the guys were staring at her and whistling at her, but you didn't seem to care about her."

"That's because I didn't."

"But, but... She was flirty and talented and beautiful and-"

"The only girl I'll ever be interested in seeing on that stage is you, princess."
