Kiss Me Goodbye, Lavender..

"Fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four", Amy counted her pots. If I were to leave this world, I would definitely take them with me— she promised herself. Her plants were her only family. Fifteen years ago, when she started living in this house alone after selling her parents' place, they were the only assets she carried from the old home. They were the wealth of all worlds for her; her dream and her destiny — she constantly told herself this.

She called the movers and asked them to arrive at sharp 5. She had an appointment with one of her clients at 7 — she used to do transcription for the old lady for 4 years and they were quite attached to each other. Mrs. Graham lived alone, like Amy, with only plant companions and a pet cat. Amy was very fond of the cat, Leon. So much so that she promised Mrs. Graham that she'd be his godmother and caretaker after her time.

Amy finished the last bit of numbering and counting boxes when Natalie called her on the phone to inform her that she's at the new apartment and will receive the package in her place. Amy was ever-so thankful to find a colleague who was almost a friend. She never had a friend in life and Natalie was closest to her idea of a friend. The movers arrived on time. The emptying process happened very quickly; they were very efficient and nothing pleased Amy more than people who took work seriously. And she respected those who worked to help others even more. Maybe because she had struggled alone all her life, perhaps, she thought of kindness as the greatest gift a human could ever possess or give.

She started her Camry quietly; she took one last glance at the apartment from her rear-view mirror: "Mom, dad, trust me with this too. I'm doing the right thing".

Leon whirled his furry tail around her legs. How she would love to have him around all the time! Or someone. She sighed quietly. Mrs. Graham slowly walked out of her library will a brown paper covered something. She smiled happily like a child and hugged her. "Amy, my dear, I will miss you. But remember, you're just a couple of hours away. Drive by once in a while to see this old woman."

"Definitely, Mrs. Graham. I will stop by, every weekend, if you don't mind. I have to come to the office once a week at least, even though Natalie is very capable. I know I'm just being whimsical, but this is what I always wanted to do. To be honest, my dream is to live like Gauguin, really, but I'd not stretch it that much."

"Ha Ha Ha!" Mrs. Graham laughed heartily. "This is what I love about you. You make references that I understand, unlike other young kids. My dear, don't be afraid to live your dreams. Look at me, if I had listened to my parents, I'd have missed out on the love of my life. So what if he died five years into our marriage? That was the best five years anybody could ever have. I would have regretted not living that dream. So go on. Go become the writer you always wanted to be. "

" Thank you." Amy's eyes welled with tears. "That's the most caring words I've heard in the past fifteen years, ma'am. I'm sorry. I've been rather emotional lately." She reached out for the box of tissues.

"It's ok, my dear. I don't cry anymore, you know. I think I am incapable of it. So it gives me a sense of release when somebody else does. I might sound selfish here, but it made me calmer. I should give a reward to the person who did this magic unto me, should I not? Here.. Take this." She handed over the brown package. Amy hesitantly took it.

" Come, let's go to the garden, dear." Mrs. Graham took her help to get up from the grand red cushioned chair.

The gardened seemed full of life as ever; but for one difference.

" Mrs. Graham! When did you become a lavender person? I thought you hated it!" There was a patch of lavender in full bloom, making it look as if they walked out into a lavender field. The intoxicating smell evoked a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. She felt a sense of inexplicable exhilaration.

" Well, at my age, you need to do things you never thought you would. I had forever detested this scent that my mother used to wear, but somehow, these days I miss her. It's strange, I feel, to miss someone so dearly, at my age. Maybe it's not, really, but for me it's a new sensation. I decided to go along with this play of life. And look, I've asked Lawrence to pot you few of them, as well. I remember our first meeting so clearly, you know. I thought I'd hate you when you gifted me that lavender perfume as it was my birthday. Things you do to impress a client, I thought! Lassie is acting smart, I thought." She laughed again, with her heart booming as her voice did.

Fifty-five, she thought to herself.

" You seem rather elated today, Mrs. Graham. Aren't you a bit too happy that I'm moving to another city? " Amy joked around, and the old lady humoured her.

As soon as she got into the car, she opened the package. She rarely got any gifts in the past few years. At least, none of them were this personal.

Covered in a deep, wine coloured velvet cloth were two books: The Language of Flowers and a hardbound copy of Thousand and One Nights which was embellished with golden words and intricate artwork. Such a randomly strange combination — Amy thought. She reversed the car and drove towards her new home.

It was just outside the gates of her new home that she noticed him for the first time. She drove in quietly and was sharply startled by the man in raggy overcoats, staring into the well-lit living room. Ignudi. Her mind named him instantly.... If only she knew.