Chapter 1 Kruger the Killer

Kruger sliced open the head of a monster causing it to fall to the floor with the axe still stuck in. Kruger pulled and stumbled back with the head of the axe still stuck in the head of the monster. Kruger let out a long sigh as he threw the stick to the ground "I should head back to the forest...I've gathered a good amount of things" Kruger Tried to walk but stumbled and groaned a bit "ouch...m-my legs..." he rubbed his knees and sat on the wall outside of a house to try rest his legs when suddenly he was attacked by someone jumping at him! He got pinned to the floor as the crazy man waved his knife around but Kruger noticed a weakness! He rolled over to push the old man off as he ran over to grab the haft which was once the axe to smash it across the guys face and stab the broken piece of wood into his chest but to be sure he plunged hit into his head to see the man turn into a monster "he was an apocalyptic...lucky me then" Kruger exited the small flats of Tokyo into the big city which was mainly empty with all the big buildings filled with people and apocalyptic's. Kruger slid along the wall and entered an apartment building where he entered the room 13.

Kruger was considered a dangerous man in the world now. Once upon a time he was a normal man with a job and a cat but the cat ran away from home before the apocalypse and his job building was swarmed with apocalyptic's. Kruger dusted off his map to reveal the small island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean which didn't have a name but Kruger named it Adise after his kitten. Kruger's arm began to violently twitch as he grabbed it and breathed slowly "not now...I'm starving and damn tired!" His arm slowly stopped as he began to empty out all the stuff from his bags and he grabbed a Twinkie to unwrap it and take a bite. It was soggy but the fact that Twinkie's never expired was true.

Kruger set up his TV to watch any compilation of videos on YouTube to help him drift off to sleep. The time was only 6pm but for Kruger it was a long day. Just as he was about to drift off he remembered to block his doors up! He quickly got up to block up the door and lock it just in case as well as the windows which was then he noticed the water rising in the horizon "I'll have to move city tomorrow...I think today was all I had" he rubbed his head and kicked the desk "Fuck! If I had some more damn time I'd have grabbed some more supplies!...I've got no choice but to steal from the neighbours while using little supplies...If I could transform that'd really help." He rubbed his head and got on his knees "I'll just...leave it up to tomorrow"

Kruger woke up and got up with his whole body aching but he didn't mind and quickly grabbed all the guns he could to stash them in his bag. He packed a super shotgun and a rifle sharp shot over his shoulder with a katana in case of close range. He could have brought more but he would find more he was sure of it. As long as there is still 2 people in the world there will always be 1 with more supplies so he grabbed small stuff like pistols, revolvers, knives and a claw hand as well as explosives and drinks and food. His backpack was stuffed full so he'd have to be careful not to lose any of it.

Kruger looked out the window to see the water was flooding into the streets so he'd have a few hours before it reaches his house. He grabbed his homemade grapple to use to travel across buildings if the water ever got to high. He walked up the stairs with the aching suspicion he forgot something but he knew he'd he had packed everything and when he got to the roof he double checked just to be sure when he saw someone walk onto the roof "hey you chill?" The man asked and Kruger nodded as he put his bag on "look we can just get by without having to harm each other right?" The guy nodded. He looked skinny and scared. He didn't want to fight clearly. The man jumped to the other building and through the window of it as Kruger threw a C4 into the same room as him "sorry kid...but you should be careful who to trust" Kruger presses the button as a deadly scream came from the room and the explosion took off nearly half the building.

Kruger grappled from building to building until the grapple slipped off the chain causing Kruger to fall but he began to twitch and spass "G...guuuuhhhhhAGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!" As Kruger grew his body ripped out his shirt with his arms and hands growing to massive size as did his feet and legs but his body remained small. This was his apocalyptic form which allowed him to swing his arms around with massive force though his body was small and skinny. He grabbed his bag and put it on his back as he crawled up the building again as he jumped from each building to building until he had reached what seemed to be a station. Kruger entered but quickly backed away as a shoot off seemed to be happening. Kruger crawled onto the wall to try sneak past when suddenly "UP THERE!" He was shot at and he landed down but he quickly grabbed someone and threw them at another guy to knock them both down! Kruger hardened his hands and feet with a purple crystal as he charged through to the train and broke through the door "HE'S ESCAPING WITH OUR TRANSPORTATION!" As they shot at Kruger. Kruger grabbed what was left of the door and smashed them close. Kruger ran to the front of the train and started it up but his big hands broke the console so it was stuck on the fastest setting. He knew he'd have to get out on a random drop off point if the train was stuck on a fast setting.

5 guys broke in as Kruger turned to his human form again he pulled off his bag to grab a revolver and a grenade vest to throw at them then he shot at it but missed most of them until the vest hit the floor and he was able to hit it causing the back parts of the train to blow off and giving the control area where Kruger was at a massive boost forward with the train finally launching off. Kruger lost a lot of possible supplies but there were plenty in the control room such as pot noodles, some sodas and Medicine packets. Also a phone but no way to log into it. He took it with him of course in case the tech inside the phone could be used

Kruger was finally on his way to a new location and hopefully he'd find an airport he'd be able to actually use so the dream of reaching Adise couldn't be so much of a dream after all