Kruger was slowing being able to jam the wheels with his random apocalyptic transformations but he came out with bloodied hands. Once the train stopped he got off wherever he was which was an underground train tunnel but he climbed up the side with his backpack strapped on again. Kruger nearly slipped but he remained on as he kept clinging onto the wall until he could rip off a vent in the roof of the tunnel when suddenly a man jumped out attacking Kruger! Kruger fell to the floor as he quickly got up ready to fight to see the man was just a dead body. Kruger sighed and decided to just walk forward instead of risking it by climbing.
He came to the end of a tunnel which was meant to have a view of a forest but it was now a wasteland. All the trees cut down by people thirsty for supplies and all the food gone from people who wanted it. Kruger kept walking but he got down to hide since he didn't wanna be seen by people with bigger and scarier guns "shit!-" he whispered as he heard someone shout "hey I see you up there boy!" Kruger was about to run when someone behind him was shot "nice shot Yorkie!" The group of people cheered as they kept walking. Kruger strapped the last bits of his explosions on the train bridge and grappled the chain of his old grapple hook onto a railing of the train as he shot the explosives with his rifle and the whole bridge tumbled onto the people down below while Kruger climbed up to safety on the other side to see a guy with bigger guns "looks like I can't go this way..." he climbed up "sorry...just looking out for myself" the man sighed "It's okay. I can hook down and climb up the other side. Now you're not an apocalyptic are ya? I can't test it but I really hope you're not...I don't know who to trust" Kruger kept walking "I'm all good man. Don't worry about me" a short sigh escaped the mans mouth while he kept a keen eye on Kruger.
Once Kruger turned a corner he saw a new city at the end do the tunnel so he walked over to it to see it was not a city but a campsite but it seemed weak. Maybe if Kruger played his cards right he could get in when suddenly he began to transform! He looks around for some place to hide but there was nowhere! He transformed causing a massive scene and letting everyone know where he was to end him up captured
The man arrived at Tokyo to see it was completely drowned as water was slipping through into the underground subway. Connor headed back the way he came and ended up to the camp but saw a lot of commotion going on. As Connor arrived at the hall to drop his find off a kid behind the desk greeted him "Hey D where's Stan?" "Brother!" The kid shouted. A towering man crouched through the door but turns out he was only a teenager of some kind due to his spotty face and bland expressions "Hey Connor did you find anything from Tokyo" Connor handed them a bag of bottles filled with water "So the city became Atlantis?" Connor sat down with a slow nod "can I offer you a drink? I won't cut your payments" Connor rubbed his clean head with the small strands of hair tickling his palm "sure Stan...thanks" Stan gave Connor a chip packet but it had clean water inside. Connor opened it and sipped all of it down while Stan took the bottles to the back with the help of D. Once Stan came back he gave Connor some supplies to sell as Connor nodded to pack them up and walked off "oh by the way they want you in the hall!" Connor turned and walked back "sorry I didn't hear you what?" "In the Room they need you" Connor looked at a massive wooden tower and gave a nervous sigh "alright...if I die don't mourn just survive" Stan walked off as he hunched over to exit the desk while D sat at it
Connor entered the Room to see it was basically empty with one person tied up by chains in the centre. But it was no person it was an apocalyptic! Connor walked over "my lords...what is the problem?" Above the tall chairs stood people in stone "we gazed through your mind" "you know this man" "do you have anything to say to the council before we call a camp meeting?" Each of the different statues spoke with glowing eyes. Connor noticed how the Apocalyptic was completely in control. If anything it looked as if he was thinking "my lords. Don't take this wrong but I feel as if he is thinking" "yes. We know. We have a signal from him. This one is different from the others." Connor got onto his knee "my lords...maybe if we offer him sanctuary here he could be of use. I saw he came from Tokyo the city now underwater. Maybe if we offer him a home he could join us" the lords were silent "We May communicate with him once he has been turned back to normal. Meanwhile we gather the town to have a discussion. Though you raise a good point Connor we must bring the others in here. But please know your point shall be brought up in court" Connor stood to bow as he sat at the sides of the Room as the lords called the others into start a discussion
"My Lords Connor is clearly sick from today! He must've inhaled something or been paid by the apocalyptic to say that!" The Lord to the right's eyes began to glow yellow "I'm getting impatient with you Cantar! Even if Connor is sick we know that we can help this man whoever he may be" Kruger turned back to his human form with him being nearly naked due to his transformations affect "Well has everyone decided? Please speak now if you Have" 53 people seemed to agree. 29 disagreed but the rest were unsure. Automatically Kruger was released as the 2 men held him up "Hey can I say something?" Kruger asked as the lords replied "yes. Speak your words" "I won't let you down. And thank you!" A few people cheered but it quickly distanced off while the others clapped quietly.
Kruger was sent to a room of his which was locked. He had a maiden in there who helped him with all his needs "hello I'm Steph and I am your maiden!" She had short red hair with a ear to ear fake smile. Kruger began to get dressed "Stop acting. I know you smoke to" Steph kept her smile until it broke and she sighed "okay...gonna be honest I don't like how I was stuck with the job as a maiden" she got out a lighter and soggy looking cigarette as she began to smoke "I don't like being watched either so in general I don't like you" Kruger dressed himself in rags as he laid in bed "now do your job and get me something to eat I'm starving" Steph threw her cigarette away as she stepped on it to put it out "fine." She left to grab food with Kruger seeing the key attached to a box that kept it locked up.
A few hours later Connor and Steph entered "hey I couldn't stop this weirdo from entering so yeah" she handed Kruger a meal of some kind which was just scraps and bread. Kruger ate as Connor sat next to him "how do you control it?" Connor asked as Steph locked the door and put on her fake smile "I don't think that I'm god when I turn. It's easier to focus your mind on dying because even in some kind of monster form your body still doesn't want to die" Connor nodded and stood up. Kruger noticing a gun in his back pocket "interesting. Well thank you" he walked over to thank Steph when he pulled out his gun and shot her in the head. He took off his gloves and burnt them with her lighter then threw the ashes into the trash. He quickly put the gun in her hand as he backed up with Kruger.
A group of people charged in "SIR! S-she just shot herself!!" Connor quickly ran over as one of the guards held him "I came here to get Kruger as asked and all of a sudden she began to shake madly! Then she just shot herself!" A few people held onto Kruger "you okay?!" They asked as Kruger shook them off "yeah just back up..." he pointed at Connor "he's lying" Connor perked up "what?" Kruger stood up "he is lying! Kruger dumped the ashes out the bin "he used gloves to cover his tracks and shot the girl then framed it! I don't know what his plan was but my guess is..." Kruger lifted up Connor's trouser sleeve to see something wrapped around it. Kruger ripped it off as Connor turned into a massive beast like apocalyptic with large teeth and hands "AN APOCALYPTIC!" The guards began to unload their weapons into Connor as he quickly perished "He used that device to control his apocalyptic've probably been losing a lot of apocalyptic's right?" A guard nodded "so he was doing it?" Kruger nodded "Correct...he's a traitor..."
The people cheered! Kruger was taken to the Room "what's the meaning of this?" The lords demanded "Kruger just revealed the traitor! It was Connor!" One if the people spoke as the lords were silent "well one day you've singlehandedly brought down the traitor even we struggled with...we must ask- no. I beg for you to consider staying with us" Kruger nodded "I'll stay. May we celebrate our victory?" The lords all spoke at once "yes!"
During the set up for the celebration a woman walked over to Kruger "hello Kruger. Great job on the work with that Traitor...But you know this camp is for people with goals. There used to be tons of us but now there are only little since people have probably died or found their goal" Kruger filled a glass for himself as he drank a bit "well I see where this is going...I want to go to an abandoned island. Before I became an apocalyptic I was a flight captain. If I find an airport I can go over to the one I had in mind...Adise." The woman held her hand out "I'm Rachelle. I have the most authority here. And the most supplies. So how about you join me in my...secret room sometime?" "I'm interested. Unless this is a cat call for some sex then no thanks" Rachelle stomped her foot "Well...fine! I don't need you!" She stomped off. Kruger moves to his new room. Top floor of the Room court with all the luxury you could possibly get. Which wasn't much in an apocalypse.