Characters & Portrayers

So these are pictures from the internet that match my OC characters in my head

I don't own these pictures the rights go to their creators

Elise Eliza Devorn

Elise age 18

Played by Natalie Portman

Daphne Devorn Daphne age 21

Played by Selena Gomez

Dr. Miranda Devorn 553 years old

Played by Emma Watson

Elise's Daughter Miranda Baby Miranda age 3 years old

Miranda Cosgrove

Elise's Daughter Katniss Baby Katniss age 3 years old

Played by Elizabeth Gilles

Katniss Devorn age 467

Madeline Devorn Daughter of Katniss Age 13

Dante Devorn Son of Katniss Age 6

Samantha Wolfen 240 years old

Samantha's Form

Candance Wolfen

180 years old

Raven Wolfen

100 years old

Raven's Form

Arya Devorn age 333 Arya's Form

Ser Donald of Blackmoor Ser Donald in armor

Age 24 played by Keanu Reeves

Violet Abreu

1000 years old played by Jennifer Lawrence