the hunt

jack pov

The red thunder rumbled in the sky machines starting going haywire the sound of a jet starting up slowly was heard in the hanger I look to the side window to see my commander he gives a thumbs up I turn back around it put my hands on the controls and starts the jet as I start to move I speed up I leave the ground floor and start to pick up speed up more speed the gears could be heard the cybernetics tuned with a hum each time it got faster.

jack smith a captain of trident adelties

acilies trident class alpha scouter a jet made of nanotech created by professor Eden able shapeshift and has its own will

Everything seemed to go slow motion the city covered with plant life and technology it could be seen been miles away as he flys closer he sees something gigantic leaving tunnel from torn building plants covering body like moss ruby-red flowers littering its back, corpses eyes limbs and organs littering its body made from arms and legs, as it moves vines sway around wrapping around its body like its the only thing keeping it stable.

I circle the city keeping my eyes on the beast as it crawls moving through the empty city of undead "Sargent Jackson report in what do you see" as I think how can describe such a monster "I see a massive undead body of corpses and plant life unseen before similar to a parasite, the vines that look like crystal but red likes it's the only keeping all togther from collapsing on its self it's moving through the city in a wired pattern its likes it's looking for something and it rivals the hight of skyscrapers it looks like it weighs like one as well.

But it seems unable to walk 2 hind feet only crawl as the speaker goes silent for a few minutes "understood then keeps eyes on this creature if you find more information let us know." yes commander griffin " your mission is to eliminate survivers if they are any and destroy this city as well with these monsters no one must survive and no one must know about this ever happened or existed that is your mission".

Ron the drone technician type

As it got quiet I flew under the city as I did I found a ship torn and ruined hanging from roots it looked like some people survived the crash survived as I clicked a button on my jet to keep still I sent my drone Ron to scan it, the map beeped as he was scanning I click my map on my jet to see the pathways of the place as a marker flashed somewhere in the deeper levels of the city I knew I was going the right way as Ron flew back to the ship he got back on his spot and looked down at me.

As I look back at him with a glare" don't you dare say it" he lets out a robotic laugh "oh I will say it lover boy you look like a white knight trying to find his princess" Ron!! shut it !", as he looks another way nope he shakes side to side I glare at him" I will turn you off" his eyes look at me uncaring "really now you are turn off anyways you suck at flirting you suck at any romantic while with my fabulous body can get any bot I want".

As I look at him with a scowl "you only get repair droids and there highly easily get flustered and don't talk back so don't think highly you stupid bot as I say this his eyes turn red with anger "I will rip you limb from limb human!" I ignore his rant I pick up a couple of life signatures ahead in the tunnel as I see bloated human corpses getting nearer with flowers with ruby crystal in the middle on their stomach Metalic arms hanging from its mouth as their number increased by 5 each time I activated my weapons and fire a missile at them destroying them on impact.

Leaving nothing behind as I look at the tunnel it seemed small I sigh "it seems we have to go on foot then" as Ron lets out annoyed squeal "I don't have feet for the tIme, you dumb human!" I roll my eyes as the glass unfolded I grab my weapon and map and got out Ron flew out of his port then flew next to me I pull out a button and click it my jet dispersed into nanobots creating a dragon-like creature similar to a dog in size I started to walk to the tunnel as I entered it I wonder if I was truly doing the right thing.