expanding horizon

ray pov

Rays writing could be heard throughout the room, as he hears doors open, he looks and sees everyone is here he closes his diary and gets up walking over to the "today we will know whats in gate A and why the borders are being harder to control if you have anything of value and don't want to risk your lives then step out of this room if you wish to continue then step aboard the train".

As no one said anything they stepped on the train "hey boss" ray looked at rob" what is it" don't worry we will survive all of us will return here"As he said this he patted rays head as I nodded he turned around walked to the back of the train as I stepped on it and whistled for my owl as I did it flew to me and landed on my shoulder then I walk to engine room when I reached it I saw tanner holding a radio looking at it with fear and regret and Miranda starting up the engine with happiness.

I walk up to him "tanner what's wrong he looked at me with fear and sadness in his eyes "the radio I turned it to channel 13 and heard something former humans" I look at him confused "what do you mean I heard my wife and many others screaming in agony at the same time i.." put my hand on his shoulder "tanner shes gone you know that she didn't survive the fall of the city I know but please if we do find her and she's one of them let me put the bullet into her head.

I nod "of course" as he looks away from me and looks at the floor he walks out of the room as I hear the door close all I can think of how much has he lost to be here "sir was ready to go" I nod "yes now let's go gate A and see what hiding there", as Miranda starts the engine she pulls leaver and we start moving a constant beeping is heard throughout the train I look at Miranda with a confused look.

"oh that is the navigation map it those that when it picks up scrapers and the others variants" as she pulls another leaver part of the floor molds into a table with a map at the center and I see 50 dots glowing on the map "you have to be kidding me" as Miranda looks she gasps "wow that many!" I hope whatever in gate A is worth getting through 50 of those creatures yeah me to.. as I hear a knock I turn to the door come in the door opens rob walks in.

"boss we have a problem" what type of problem well there's a lot of those strange flowers you know the ones that those monsters have" yes I know about it" there clinging to the wheels and there spreading" so they are sentient", as Miranda hears this rob if you can try to give a sample of them it would be great" ill try he says avoiding her eyes and walks out as the door closes Miranda clicks a button and the holes on the train below and above open releasing all the heat is has built up from the engine burning most of the flowers to ash.

They close after releasing the heat "what was that" oh that was releasing the heat from the engine so it cools down she says happily "you can't be serious" I am serious" you're a miracle worker" I know" as 20 minutes passed the dots got closer as we stopped in front of gate A I walked over to the coms and clicked the button "everyone is on guard we might not return from this place and whatever we find will change everything. as I took my finger off the button I nod to Miranda and the gate open I cliched my gun to my side and ready myself as I breathe in and out I walked out of the room.