infested trail

jack pov

As jack looked around he saw two pathways one leading up and one leading down he walked the down path as he did he saw a new strange infested monster with multiple human corpses melted together with huge glowing tumors all over there skin as their heads turned to jack looking at him as they did jack point his gun to them then they flayed around using every limb to get to jack the infested ran at jack and splits in 4 different infected as jack shot them jack dodged their attacks and shot each one of them of their tumors as he did they dropped to the floor dead the tumors pops releasing a disgusting rotting scent.

"you have to be kidding me jack said disgustedly" as he covered his nose and pulled out his mask quickly and put it on as he did he clicked the side of his mask and saw multiple heat signatures coming closer making there way to him a horde of the bloated bloticks flailed and split into more as they started to run to his location he saw them then he pulled his blade sliced through each one as their numbers depleted he inspected there multiple bodies he looked at all their corpses thoroughly " "ron scan them for me" why me why not the dragon doggy over there" don't start with me here rob before I feed you to the" try it human try it I fry them then you no one threatens ron! no one!".

As the nanobot dragon looked at them confused he tilts his head at them don't" look at me like that your bucket of bolts" leave Ronny alone he didn't nothing to you Ron" I can't believe im related to that I have more class than to be this things twin brother we don't even look alike!" You don't but you were made together and be quiet he was made first and more useful for me and you were as well your kinda useful if you take out the voice box as Ronny here this his tail wags and slapped one of the blighted corpses into the wall " he's more like a pet then family ron mumbled under his circuit cords" just scan them" "fine dad" as ron scanned them he let out a shriek "oh god" "what is it" it seems the metal in there blood all of it mutated somehow made these tumors there none left and the metal is still expanding in there body's their spines are metals well yet they function with a flower right on the tongue how frighting I can only imagine doing with a droid" jack looked at ron I see let's get moving then if we don't want to see more of these as they started to continue the path downward Ronny and rob Followed as they got deeper the sounds of a train.

And darkness grew the sound of feet was heard moving quickly and loud as Jack stopped and looked at ron "be quiet" he said silently as he looked around to find any heat signatures as he found nothing he sighed then turned to ron and Ronny "it seems whatever that was it's gone let's get moving "really jack we waited for nothing" ron shouted "come on man have better things to do than be on this infested piece of junk I have wife and kids waiting at home!" as jack looked at ron with an uncaring look" you're talking about the vending machine and coffee makers aren't you?".

"yes! There my family there the only ones who understand me" let me get this right you are talking the coffee maker and vending machine you don't get I don't know if you see or heard or not but shes going around been used by every military drone support even medical when your under maintenance and stuff or your just oblivious plus drone marriage is not legal in our port yet" gay marriage for humans is!" Ron shouted angrily at jack "I don't make the rules the commander those let's just keep going after all if there is a train moving that must mean there people here" right" ron mumbled.

As they continued to walk the room lit up as they looked around they saw fleshy vines covering human body's tracks with flesh a train made flowers a ruby gem in the middle with body keeping together "what the hell you got to be kidding me what would do this why would they do this "jack said frightened as he saw the conductor about the train with his vine hands his eyes the ruby jewels on the flowers his body nothing but grass and dirt as he started the train the sound of the dead screaming agony could be heard as the train started to move.

Jack could only look on in horror what he saw wow that's a real buzzkill this is no time for puns you failed disco ball at least I lighten the party Mr cant get laid shut it trash can oh im the trash can if am how can shock and hack huh just shut ron that's what I thought human this mission is gonna harder then I thought yup human hopefully we make out with or a 2 maybe a lover who knows yeah sure like that happen ron scan the area alright sir it seems to be life signatures way far up ahead another train well they look human I guess that's where we go next.