the ticker man

Miranda looked at Ilana thoroughly once more "how strange your Ilana right" "ye- tha i- m- nam-" are there more like you that have a similar body structure and has remaining humanity left," som- d- bu- no- al- norma- peopl- los- i- onl- screamin- lef-" what do you mean" hiv- min- the- hiv- hea- i- alon- her- ther- hunge- ther- crav- the- evolv- fro- the bloo- o- othe- .

"I see you said there are others right who are they and where are they now before your answer that what is wrong with your speech pattern it cuts every time you say something at the end," unstabl- voic- hur- whe- tal- t- muc- expermen ruine- bod- functio- chang- i- d- no- kno- wh-".

"Oh no wonder she looks like that" rob said quietly "yeah" tanner said "othe- lik- m-brothe- voic- simle- bu- bod- differen- talle- sam- skul- bu- bigge- hi- ey- pur- whit- blac- vin- aroun- wais- tha- stretc- aroun- hi- uppe- bod- throug- hi- skul- an- aroun- hi- hor-h-i- friendl- lik- m- othe- mothe- fathe-".

As she said her and rays parents' names she shook in fear" dangerous dangerous" she yelled out clearly she hid behind ray "i see I won't press do you and him any special abilities? anything could help us" "ye- I d-" as she moved away from ray she holds out her hand her wooden flesh grew and then piece broke off and created a staff she hit the metal wall and flowers grew on it.

"i- abl- t- creat- lif- brothe- is abl- t contro- othe- wit- hi- vin paracit-" i see very useful now it seems your scared about your parents and if you and your brother are related to ray over here then doesn't he has a close gene pattern to yours if thats right he can take a form simler like yours yes?" i don- kno- the- alway- sai- tha- ou- bloo- lin- is uniqu- no- sur- If- h- ca-".

"ok then we're done here ray comes over here so I can give you the shot" Ilana walked forward she shook her head n- neede- i- ca- protec- hi- fro- poiso- ai-" "you can" she looked at her interested "how?" lik- thi-" Ilana ripped a fragment off her arm as she did it regrown she walked over to ray and pulled his sleeve up and placed it on his arm it fused with his flesh.

A barrier of life formed around him causing the air to be clean wow this is cool "I want to test you!"Miranda starts to sprint to Ilana but tanner holds her back "calm down now we have a mission to complete oh right were almost to our destination anyways just 6 minutes left until we are there" as the minutes passed she flips the switch an stopped the train at the station.

The door opened and they walked out as they did Ilana hanged onto ray shoulder with her tail circled his chest as she did this he petted her, he looked forward once more, the sound of machines ticking off and on is heard "so machines are still working" it seems so" Miranda says then she looks over to Ilana hanging from ray shoulder.

"do you know anything" no- muc- no- allow-- insid- onl- hear- hiv- min- talkin- bu- on- talke- ver- differen- the- th- res-" like what" stati- lik- i- talke- ver- emotionles- remembe- i- sayin- somethin- abou- hel- wit- a- expermen- no- sur- wha- kin- tho- al- kno- tha- mothe- wa- ther- t- tes- i- ou- o- someon- wa- wondere- int- somewher- nea- th- gat- no- sur- o- locatio-,".

"bu- tha- wa- befor- i- jumpe- ont- trai- no- onl- hea- abou- hi- bein- clos- th-" "so there another person who is alive here you say he's close to the core you heard" ye- maybe he will destroy this infected before we do if so let's stick togther we don't know what this infected can do Miranda says" as everyone nodded robin and tanner went to the front.

while Miranda ray and tory and Ronny stood in the middle and Ilana as they walked into the core door the group looked around Ilana started to let out a whimper "clos- ticke- ma- clos-" what do you mean ticker man is close is that what it goes by" ye-" is there anything else you know about him" miranda questioned.

"n- don- kno- anythin- jus- hi- voic- is getin- cleare- and scar-" as miranda they continued forward the smell of decay blood and smoke could be smelled as kept going forward "what is this robin whispered under his breath the smell got worse as they stop a door in front of them h- her- b- carefu."-

As they opened the doors they saw an infested with a serpent-like body with wires stuck across his body with 5 scientists merged with his upper body looking at them with soulless eyes "it seems we have company" said the scientist with glasses "yes we do" nodded the scientist who has his eyes closed "shall we clean up this mess" said the stern-looking scientist.

"We can talk to them we don't have to fight," said the female scientist "we can not!" yelled the happy scientist "oh god what disgusting creature disgusting" tanner said "we are the apex the alpha and omega and you are just flesh on sticks you are the one who is truly disgusting" "keep telling yourself that creep," rob said pulling his blade and chain out.

He got into a fighting position the creature let out a laugh "you think you could take me down" as all the scientist laugh at the same time in different tones "let us see" as the scientist's arms started to turn long blades and turn in a circle there flesh morphed and changed and they fused with the metal around them.

It makes its upper body into a spiral of teeth with eyes at the center and its lower body changed into long flesh tentacles with electricity moving off them "you will die here, mortals!" it said in a static-like voice as it lunged at them with its jaw open tanner pulled out his shotgun shot at the center of its mouth multiple time hitting the eyes causing it to scream in pain and trash around.

"ha, I thought it be much stronger as rob swings his blade he made slammed down cutting its tentacles clean off the wounds try to repair themselves but it burns when it tries it lets out another screech of pain you "how dare you!" it screamed out "ill show you!'its gaping mouth closed it dove down as it did the room started to shake

"mov- quic-!" ,as Ilana slammed the floor with the bottom of her staff plant life grew and moved them away it leaped up out of the ground with its mouth open ready to eat them Ilana points her hand at him making the plants form a hand grabbing him and slamming him down to the ground causing the floor to break.

the plants quickly grab on to them as it did they look down seeing the creature cutting through the plant life trying to escape the room shook once more causing the ceiling to crack "we have to finish him here" before he escapes "but the rooms collapsing" rob shouted "we have no choice" its either we leave and he escapes and gets more help and comes back for us later or we finish him now and find our way back to the train".

As he said this the walls shook as the tech broke revealing corpses that are burning by blue fire "we use that" he pointed to the corpses on fire "we make him eat them" causing the damage to scorch him from the inside as they nodded.

Blue liquid leaks from the walls it ignites causing it to explode as it those Ilana makes the branch grow more touching the ceiling changing it into a big tree its starts breaking through the ceiling cause it to stay in place branches start to grow downward continuing to the walls making a way to the ticker man.

But ray could only think what could make this place shake so much that it would cause this much damage.