an unlikely meeting

jack pov

Jack ran forward to the train he looked around but saw no one. The sound of an infested could be heard screaming in agony in a broken static-like voice. He could smell smoke. He tried to pinpoint where it was coming from but was stopped by the shaking of the earth around him.

"what's going on!" he shouted at ron "it seems like we have a problem that the explosive stuff that the had woman had has been lit it seems and is now exploding causing the cavern to shake to a frequency that it's moving"

"what do you mean" this whole place is being sent up! as we speak from the explosives below," you gotta be kidding me" yeah that's why you feel that shaking".

"Damn it can you pinpoint where survivors are "yes I can scanning area confirmed it seems there that way" he pointed to the tunnel that's collapsed with his tail he sighs where are we heading he said with an annoyed tone.

" where we're heading is to the domayashi machine factory" we might find some part for Ronny "there" when we reach there" yeah might," ron said with uncertainty "well if we don't die from the collision human".

"What!" well there is 40 percent that when we crash above the dirt we will be hit into machinery with a big impact killing you on the spot and crushing me and Ronny over here to pieces" your not making the situation better!" I may not be able to make it better but I can say this once we breach the surface we should run".

"you got to fucking kidding me!" he punched the side of the train in ager denting it he looked down breath in and out, "yeah you should calm down because once we get up there the ground will shake and let that huge infested no doubt "how do you know the hive mind their information it there".

"there also some other type of infested that will be up there as well" like what he whispered a parasite type and something like a deer of some sorts and some strange liquid im not sure it isn't giving me much isn't that great he mumbled angrily "anything else "yeah it good news the people were tracking there near " finally"

He heard a sound of metal tearing and something scratching he looked over at the wall. It burst open with a tree branch stretching out and widening the gap it tilted up and down, put its roots on the stone floor and metal wall stretching out and pouring itself into it forcing a bigger hole to open up.

He looked on and saw a 5.4 male with a female looking infested with tail wrapped around his waist a kid with cybernetics with a robotic dog and women wearing goggles with 2 men holding a shotgun and a blade and chain "that's them "ron said in a bored tone " I thought the leader would be more muscular not cute seems like your type huh human "

"shut up!" Jack blushed while repeatedly hitting Ron "ow stop it human that hurts" then shut up !" "Ron has the right of speech " as the group watched from afar the women laughed ron and Jack looked over at them, "grown men acting like children" she chuckled "well one " the women walked closer "you must be the person Ilana talked about".

"who" he looked at her confused she pointed to the infested girl hanging onto the short male like her life depends on it, "oh you mean her" Miranda tilted her head at him, "I thought you would be surprised" I ran into another infested that similar to her much bigger it's the only reason why I was able to destroy the heart here" you destroyed the heart of the hive" the short male screeched out surprised.

"Yeah, I did" the ground shook once more cracks started to form" this is bad "yeah you think we're about to hit the factory in 10 minutes tops going down by 20 seconds as well

"What's happening," the woman said worriedly, "short story we're gonna crash into the factory above because whatever went off triggered an explosion below us causing us to go flying up".

"This can't be this must be that liquid flowing below from the pipes I didn't think it would expand that much pressure I guess I was wrong" she whispered to herself "ok follow me quickly into the train" what good would that do it's gonna crushed by impact anyways it kill us on the spot oh don't worry about that I have a plan he sighs if you say so".

as she walked past him into the train the others followed as he joined them he sat in the corner he could feel someone glaring at him with hate he shook the feeling away he ordered Ronny to change into a chain he wrapped it around his arm and pressed it to the wall making it fuse.

"ok now everyone pleases hold on to something I'm about to release the anti-gravity field "jack the others started to float, They held onto something a barrier started to form around the train boosters started to shift they upwards while wings formed "what a strange train reminds me of one of doctor norequim tech" he suddenly felt something on him he looked to see who it was.

he saw infested girl she looked up at him and ron yo- bot- smel- lik- dea- infecte- an- brothe- as jack kept quiet he looked another way away from her "ron how many more minutes till we reach the factory" oh 20 seconds "as he said it they breached the factory the barrier hitting some the tracks from below breaking it a few of them.

the booster activated from the back of the train sending them forward above the tracks then they deactivated hitting the tracks they started to slow down as the wings started to fold back up as they stopped the anti-gravity field deactivated then they hit the ground jack ordered Ronny to turn back to normal as he did he fused again with jacks tech.

The door opened down the hallway the women walked up to him and helped him up "now that we're in a safe place you can tell us what you know right" he sighed he knew this would happen "yeah I will but in a safer place than we can give names and info "what do you mean the ground shook as something huge stepped close to the factory " it's here!" ron screeched "that's what I mean"