unexpected guests

ray pov

He felt something huge touch the floor he shivered in fear as he heard the robot said it's here! in a scared tone, Ilana rushed back to ray and said "orgo-maki-skyo- ma- it- nam- colllecte- typ- o- infeste-" how can that thing be a collector it's so big it can easily crush with ease" he then looked over to Miranda what "we gonna do".

"We have open the gate and get out of here but on our arrival, it seems the power for this factory was turned off so I'm gonna need you by me some time until I can get working again" I understand just leave it to me" he walked out the train with Florence flying next to him he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see who the man "I'll go with you".

He nodded" hey ron go help her out" ok human! don't come back alive now" he sighed ray chuckled at that "what an interesting companion" "not at all but we can talk later" let's just keep it" busy ray nodded" yeah I understand but what's your name" jack yours," he asked "ray he responded" shyly as he says this he pets ray on the head and goes outside to face the beast.

Ray blushes and runs after him Florence flys behind him as he reaches outside he sees jack cutting through the giant infested like its nothing ray looks to his side and sees multiple dead robots with different types of guns he grabs them all and starts to quickly build a weapon out of them.

As he finishes he calls on Florence to scan its weak points he pulls out his phone. He sees the many flowers on his body and one big one inside of it glowing red "found it ".

He points his gun at it he looks through the scope then he fires a bullet made of electric energy at the center of it, blasts a hole right through it burning it from the inside causing it to stumble and hit the floor the electricity bounces off its skin moving rapidly around making a cage stopping its movement.

jack looks at him shocked" what did you do" he said astonished."All I did was use electric pulse from an old weapon and fused into a new gun with all their firepower and unique skills with them and fired that's all" you say that all but you put that gun together pretty quickly in about 5 minutes that's pretty amazing".

"what I can say im a good engineer" I see shortcake ray blushes looking like a tomato "don't call me that," ray says embarrassed as jack keeps calling ray names the monster called orgomakiskyoma started to get up.

They looked over to him and sees new flower flowers growing on its skin and in the center of it lets out a wailing sound calling other infested to its location "shit you have be kidding me" I can deal with the big guy for a while he nods I just keep the little ones busy.

Ray orders Florence to change into his eagle form Florence's size increased bigger than a car his frame changed claws widened his wingspan grew he lets out a sonic roar As he landed his claws crushed an old robot by touching it orgomakiskyoma turned and looked at them.

it lifted its arm and slammed down ready to crush them suddenly arm stopped the flower start shatter one by one the plant life on the arm started covering its face it tried to remove it but its arm was bounded to the floor by trees roots growing his arm.

He looked behind him and saw Ilana "hurr- can- hol- hi- fo- lon- he nodded and ordered Florence to destroy its core once more he pointed his gun at it charging up a blast as he shot at its head it disintegrated on the impact as Florence dived down and was about to hit its core he was shot by something being sent flying past ray.

Ray looked up to see the person who shot down Florence a young girl wearing a dog mask with her skin on fire wearing a cloak and mockingbird hairpin in her hair glowing bright blue looking down at him she pointed her gun at him he quickly change to autofire and started shooting as the bullets hit her skin they melted.

He looked at her stunned she fired at him but jack quickly pushed him out of the way and quickly turned and fired at her head as his bullet hit her head it got sent her shoulder the flames started to grow uncontrollable from her body then she exploded as more of the masked wolf girls appeared on the roofs orgomakiskyoma was almost fully healed it's used its full healed arm to stand.

"We need to go now!" Ray nodded and quickly grabbed his little sister she held onto him; he ordered Florence to turn back into an owl and he did. He picked the injured Florence and ran inside.

So did jack he tuned shot the wall above the entrance causing the entrance to fall and a barrier of energy to form "we can't hold them off for long you know" jack shouted "it's done! quickly into the train" they nodded they ran back into the train.

"Everyone ready," Miranda said through the speaker everyone said yes the gate opened the train started the booster started to unfold and reactivate the entrance suddenly burned open the barrier fell the others on the train turned and looked at them from the window Miranda quickly activated the shield as they raised their guns and fired at them.

The train started to go the booster activated causing its speed to increase ron and jack looked out the window and see the girls running fast enough to keep up with the train and orgomakiskyoma on their tail" oh god we won't be able to escape with them after us Miranda can you go faster!" ray said with fear in his voice" I can but it will blast us off the train tracks".

"I'm trying to get the jet drive online as we speak just keep them busy" as Florence hears this he tries to get up but ray pushes him back down "stay you injured you can't do much your transformation core is damaged plus some of your certs that allow you to move won't work as well so you need be repaired".

"Leave it to me little one he blushes once again he calls over his drone named Ron he floats over to Florence and starts to repair him."What type of bullet did you use to kill one of them? None of mine can damage them ``''I used the energy from my other helper of mine ronny. "

"he just fused with my gun and suit so it enhances the power of it" his name is the same as torys guard dog, "oh you mean he named that enhanced machine military dog that it is also known as emmd "can you tell me more after we're done" ray eyes sparked he nodded "sure shortcake "stop calling me that "jack chuckled.

"Hey, love birds if you're done flirting shoot them down" tanner yelled ray focused and changed his bullet type to plasma he pointed his gun out the window so did jack Miranda disable there side of the shield and they fired destroying them.

As they shot them down, their shot destroyed their limbs in the process, the wolf girls' hairpins started to glow and explode leaving a trail of blue fire that spread across the green grass and buildings.

As the fire spread to the tracks it started to go after the train like it was alive suddenly the flame revel there bodys before they reformed to a more wolf-like form their eyes light blue and glowing there ears and tail made were made from blue fire, they started to replicate.

Their numbers growing each minute "you have to be kidding me" Jack said annoyed "why won't they stay dead!" this gonna long day ray thought before he began shooting once more.