the beast awakens

jack pov

He kept shooting but they kept reforming "uh jack" yeah ray the big guy is catching up!" jack turned and saw it almost about to hit the train he pointed his gun at it he made ron change it into a sniper rifle a blue glow emitted from it he looked through the scope and looked at its core, he fired it the bullet pierced the core it created giant gravity field inside of of the monster.

It started to float and it tried to hold onto the ground but it failed as the flame wolves got closer they got shot down 2 of them reached the train and bit down on the barrier they exploded causing it to crack, "that's not good" Miranda! are you almost done" ray yelled" yeah Im almost done starting it give me about 10 more minutes!" ray sighed and looked and looked at jack.

"We have to hold them off for a bit more" yeah it seems so," jack said they both started to shoot them down again "hey tanner do you see what I see" ray pointed over to the roads "yeah" he nodded jack looked over to where they're looking at he sees hordes of infected but on fire going there way at devasting speed leaving a trail behind them.

"I'll deal with them and you deal with the big guy just keep shooting" ok," he says and continues to fire at it but keeps healing jack commands ron to change his gun into a heat signature type the nanobots quickly absorb the gun and changed it once he finishes transforming he looks through the scope locks it in on horde and starts firing tearing through them.

Ten minutes passed "it's done!" she shouted as the booster start go into overdrive the wings come out picking up air they lifted off the ground into the air jack and ray look down to see the infested flame dogs still chasing and the big infested changing "what is it doing" jack questioned "I don't know," ray said they watched it its flowers on its body grew to create ruby armor on its skin its weight making it hit the ground once more.

The plant life on arms started become spikey and harden its fingers became sharp it stood on 2 feet then raised its arms it slammed down causing a huge shockwave causing the ground to go flying up at them "oh god "as some buildings hit the side of the train not protected by the barrier it tilted to the side being dented by the force of the attack everyone fell to the floor from the impact.

It started to go down spiraling. I never thought I would die like this! ron yelled, " shut up!"Ilana quickly got up and jumped out the window when she landed she tapped the floor with her staff causing roots with machinery to grow out they quickly grew close to the spiraling train as the train hit the roots of cogs and plants it landed on it "were alive!" ron yelled.

"You won't be if you don't stop yelling," tanner said angrily "I wanna see you try it!" as they both bicker back and forth Ilana slowly put the train back on the tracks then jumped on top of it ray looked at his sister from the window "sis what are you doing up there" she pointed above the others looked and saw buildings coming at them

"its assault it's not done yet you have to be joking with me jack said tiredly " it seems so, "ray said annoyed jack sighs and pets him he makes a purring noise when he those" maybe you and her are related after all," he says then chuckles "uh I can explain "sure you can "ray became flustered jack could feel the infested girl glare on him she but he shook it off the feeling then turned around and chanted.

"lif- reawake- fro- th- slumbe- o- co- i- machin- chang- thi- devastatio-" a green aura started to surround her aura changed to yellow electricity started to flicker off her staff the ground shook, branches of machinery and giant hands started to form one picked up the train, a body started to be created its face a single eye in the middle that's green its legs to form with trees its chest open revealing a cannon.

They looked out the window and they could see the huge infested rolling fast like a ball to them the hand holding the train pointed to an area filled with water and trees that you can't see over its fist fired sending them away.

The robot fired his cannon hitting the infested and building the blast reflected off the infested hitting the robot disintegrating it on impact Ilana held on to the top of the train with her tail and claws.

So did others inside the train as they hit into the forest their impact was stopped by the vines they hit the floor silently the others got up Miranda walks out of the engine room and checks on everyone.

Ilana jumps into the train by the window she walks over to ray she glares at jack jealousy he cracks a smile at her Miranda watches this exchange she smirks then turns back to the others.

" ok everyone it seems the train engine system needs to be repaired after that attack of its im gonna need you guys go look for parts the shockwave from that building crushed some of the gears and oil spilled and a special device I made was damaged I don't have any of the materials on me its all back at the base so if you can do that would be good," she said everyone nodded.

Jack looked over at Ron and told him to follow him. He walked out of the train and stood behind a tree. "What did you call me over here for lover boy " he started to blush.

"uh, I need you to scan the area for any factory or storage house in this forest" I see ok but before I do that you have a thing for ray don't you" I don't know what you're talking about" sure" his scanner starts to blink "scanning 3 locations found".

"There is one place 200 miles away behind us a water factory that's not active and one to our left that seems still active a smithery of some sorts that's close it's to your right you can easily walk there and an underground facility that seems to be active as well".

"I'm also getting major infested signatures like 500 I can verify a few types but there's a lot but 2 stands out of all of them one is pulsing every 5 seconds while the other seems to be 10 in their hive mind I get a dangerous feeling when I view that place."

"That doesn't sound very strange you should go tell the others I will," as Ron floated off back to the train, Jack started to walk off to the smithery until he heard someone he stopped and looked to see who called him and saw ray.

"hey jack wait for me " he saw ray running up to him with his bird Florence "you're going scouting right" yeah I wanna go with you," jack thought of something "only if you give me a kiss" ray blush "um why ray questioned" do you wanna go or not?" jack smirked "ok..".